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It's been another 4 days and Mia still isn't feeling well. I was on my way to the doctors with her when Colby called,

"hey baby girl, you on your way to the doctors?" He asked as soon as I answered, "yeah, on the way now." I breathed out, exhaustion in my tone. I hadn't been sleeping since Mia has been sick. She doesn't really let me put her down, even when she's asleep. I don't mind though, I would do anything for that little girl.

"Are you going alone?" He asked with concern in his voice, "yeah, everyone was busy." I said quietly, "okay, just keep talking to me so you don't fall asleep behind the wheel, okay?" He asked causing me to breath a laugh, "you got it." I said with a yawn. "Tell me about last night." I said as I patted my hands on the steering wheel.

"We went to Moon River Brewing Company in Savannah and babe, it was so intense. We went into this creepy ass cellar and Sam said he legit saw a shadow figure, it was so cool." Colby gushed causing me to smile, "then we went and did a session along the river there and we got some cool recordings, I wish I could show you them." He said with so much enthusiasm it warmed my heart.

"That sounds like a lot of fun, babe. I can't wait to see the show." I said with a small smile. "As soon as I get the footage you're gonna be the first person I show it to." he said causing me to smirk, "deal." I said quietly.

"How's little one doing?" He asked as I glanced back at the mirror to look at Mia, she was drowsily chewing on her pacifier, "she's okay, I wish I knew how to help her." I said and bit my lip. "I know you're feeling helpless right now, but you're doing so much for her. It's just hard when she can't exactly tell you what's wrong..I wish I was there with you." He said and pulled into the parking lot of the doctors office.

I was so tired that I was getting weepy as I bit my lip, "baby?" Colby asked as I sniffled, "I'm sorry...I just...I'm so tired." I whimpered and sobbed into my hands. "Oh baby girl..." he breathed out as I brought my head to the steering wheel and I tried to silently sob so I wouldn't stress Mia out.

"Just breathe, I'm so sorry you have to handle this alone." He said with a thick voice, "It's okay Colby.." I sniffled, "it's just part of being a mom." I said and wiped my eyes, "you shouldn't have to handle it all alone though Cor, it's not right." He said with a sigh, "sometimes it happens, you basically had to be a single parent when I forgot who she was, it's okay. I have to go though, I'm at the doctors." I said and finished wiping my tears.

"Okay, call me on the way home, I'm worried about you, Cor." He said quietly. "Don't be, I'm alright Colby, just a little tired. I'll call you when I'm done." I said and got out of the car. "Okay, I love you both." He said as I went around to grab Mia, "we love you too." I said then hung up and shoved the phone in my pocket as I pulled Mia's stroller out and put her in it.

"We are gonna get you to feel better okay sweet girl?" I asked and caressed her cheek with the back of my fingers.

I had to fill out some paper work for her in the waiting room as she watched me sleepily, I would occasionally make a goofy face at her so she could smile. "Mia Brock?" A nurse said when they entered the waiting area, "that's you, little one." I said and stood up to wheel her back.

When I stood up my vision blurred slightly, probably from the exhaustion. I just shook my head and started pushing Mia towards the door, "you doing okay Cora?" The nurse asked when I walked up to him, "yeah, just tired." I said with a sigh as we walked, "don't tell anyone but I'm gonna get you a coffee." He said as he opened the door for me to wheel Mia in.

"Thank you, Brandon." I said as he winked at me goofily. He took Mia's vitals before leaving the room. I held Mia on my lap as I bounced her. She was holding onto my fingers weakly which made my heart break. I hated seeing her so miserable. Brandon came back in and gave me a coffee, which I sipped on slowly while we waited for the doctor.

"Hellloooo." Dr. May said as she popped her head into the room. "Hey." I said and waved Mia's hand at her. "What's going on buttercup? Are you not feeling well?" She asked and pinched Mia's cheek as she pouted.

"What's going on?" She asked me as she sat down, "well we took a trip to Boston and when we got back she was fine for a couple days but has been sick ever since. She won't open up for medicine, and she won't let me put her down, even when she's sleeping. I said with a sigh as I massaged Mia's tiny hands. "And I understand your husband is away?" She asked and I nodded.

"He's actually who we were visiting in Boston." I said as Mia leaned her head onto my chest. "Okay, she may be just missing him, which can send a chemical distress signal in her brain which is making her feel sick. That would explain why she won't let you put her down, she doesn't want you to leave her, too." She said which shattered my heart.

I wouldn't tell Colby. He would be so heartbroken.

"We should do some tests though, also I'm gonna show you some tricks on how to get the medicine in her when she won't open up. I'm gonna have to do some bloodwork though, so Mia won't be a happy camper after this..." she said with a sigh, making my heart break even more.

Dr. May showed me how to get her to take the medicine, which in theory sounded easy but Mia was a tough girl and wouldn't just let me do these techniques without a fight.

We went down to the lab to get her bloodwork done. I was seriously not looking forward to this. She's been pretty good when getting shots though, so she might be okay with this too.

I held her in my lap as the technician started prepping her. I sang her a lullaby as I rubbed her other arm comfortingly. She cried a little bit from the pinch of the needle, but recovered quickly,  "that's my strong girl." I cooed and kissed her head.

As soon as she was cleaned up we were all ready to go home. It hurt my heart that she was sick because Colby was gone but it made sense. He was gone for almost a week from the honeymoon, was back for a day, then went away again for two weeks. We saw him for 2 days, then he was gone again. The poor girl was probably just confused and misses her daddy.

I called Colby as soon as I got in the car, "Hey beautiful." He answered causing me to chuckle, "hi babe." I said and started the car to drive. The coffee helped a little bit but I was still pretty tired, so talking to Colby was probably a good idea.

"How did it go?" He asked as I sighed, "it went. The poor girl had to get bloodwork done." I said and looked back into the mirror to see Mia sleeping. "Oh no, do they know what's wrong with her?" He asked as I bit my lip. "No, but she said she was going to be fine. We should probably FaceTime tonight though." I said and bit my lip as I drove.

"Okay, yeah I miss seeing your face. It's been a while." He said causing me to laugh. I had been strictly voice calling him because I wanted to show him my haircut in person, so I would just have to wear a hat tonight or something.

We talked the whole way home and I made it safely, which was a relief considering I was five seconds away from passing out. "I'll call you later. I love you." Colby said when I pulled into the driveway. "Love you too." I said then hung up.

When I got inside Kevin and Meghan were in the kitchen, "Cor! Come here." Kevin yelled as I slowly walked to the kitchen with Mia in my arms. "What's up Kev?" I asked as he came over to take Mia from me, "we are on Mia duty. Go to sleep." He said as Mia fussed a little. "I don't know if that's a good idea.." I said with a frown. "Trust me Cor, I can take care of a fussy baby in my sleep." Meghan said with a smile. It's true, she basically helped raise Mia in the first few weeks of her life.

"Colby called you didn't he?" I mumbled as Kevin smiled sheepishly, "he might have. He also might have not." He said causing me to chuckle. I knew Colby called him.

"It doesn't matter though, go to bed." He said and turned me around so I could go upstairs. "Okay." I mumbled, "but if she gets to be too much just wake me up." I said as I walked up the stairs. "Will do. Goodnight Cor!" He yelled as I got to the bedroom door.

I didn't even bother changing into comfortable clothes and just climbed into bed wearing my jeans and tshirt.

I couldn't have been laying there for more than 3 minutes before I drifted off, letting my body have the rest it needed.

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