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Colby's POV

"So I take it you guys made up?" Sam asked as I washed the dishes. "She told me she loves me." I said as I couldn't control the smile that was plastered on my face. Her saying those words to me meant so much more now. "Before or after she gave you the ring back?" He asked and took a sip of his water, "actually it was after I gave it back to her. I think she had a memory." I said and turned the sink off, then turned to dry my hands off. "So they really are coming back?" He asked and sat down at the table as I pulled Mia out of her high chair.

"Yeah, I'm just worried for when the bad memories come through. She gets so scared." I said with a sigh as Mia giggled in my arms. "She's gotta see the bad memories too though, those shaped her just as much as the good ones did." Sam said and reached over to grab Mia's hand.

"Yeah, I guess I just hate that she has to reopen those wounds that she worked so hard to close." I admitted and reached over to grab a teething toy for Mia. "This is just gonna make her tougher. We will get her through this. Im happy she's starting to remember stuff though." Sam said and I smiled, "me too, I can't wait until it all comes back and she can just live normally again," I said as my phone rang,

"Hey Kat, what's up?" I asked and heard her breathing heavily, "Kat what's going on?" I asked as I heard commotion and crying in the background. "It's Cora." She said which caused my heart to stop. "What's going on? Is she okay?" I asked and stood up already on my way to grab my keys. "Dude?! What's going on?" Sam asked as I struggled to open the door with Mia in my arms.

"I think she's having a memory but it's really bad." Kat said and gasped, "she just collapsed." Kat choked out. "Did she hit her head?" I asked as Sam opened the door for me and we both ran out of the house and to my car. "No. No she's fine, she's just holding her head, what do I do?" She asked as I quickly strapped Mia into the car seat. "Just comfort her, tell her it's gonna be okay. Is she conscious?" I asked and got into the drivers seat. "Yeah, shes looking around now, I think she's okay." Kat breathed out a small sigh of relief. "Can you put her on the phone for me?" I asked and started the car.

"Hey," Cora's quiet voice came through which sounded like music to my ears. "Hey baby girl, are you feeling okay?" I asked and she was quiet for a second as I started driving to the store, "I'm okay, I remembered the car accident." She said which caused my heart to fall to my ass, "Okay. I'm on my way, just hang in there." I said as she let out a deep breath. It must have taken a lot out of her by how quiet she was, "no, you can't come." She said as my eyebrows scrunched with confusion.

"Why?" I asked and glanced over at Sam who had the same expression, "we have some of your Christmas presents here..it's a surprise." She said causing me to breath out a small laugh, "you're amazing Cora Elizabeth...you know that?" I asked in disbelief, "I'm starting to learn that, yes." She said as I heard her grunt, they must have been helping her get to her feet.

"Plus you're probably not wearing shoes." She said and I laughed, looking down at my bare feet, "how did you know?" I asked as Sam chuckled, "don't know, just did." She laughed out, "go home, Brock." She said which caused a warm feeling to grow in my chest. She was really starting to come back to me.

"Yes ma'am." I said and she laughed, "and pick up icecream on the way home." She said which made me laugh, "you're literally at the store." I said but turned into the grocery store parking lot anyways, "it's cuter when you get me icecream, and plus I need to punish you for trying to come to my rescue with no shoes on." She said as I heard Devyn and Tara laugh, "you're punishing me for that?" I said with a chuckle.

"Yes, I'm a strong girl who can handle myself, I don't need you to come running out of the house with no shoes on, that's irresponsible." She fake scolded as Sam stifled a laugh. "You're right. You're pretty strong. What kind of icecream do you want? Cookie dough?" I asked and she giggled, "yes. Okay I have to go but we will be home soon, my head is hurting." She said and I nodded, "okay, be safe baby girl." I said and parked the car. "I will..oh! And Colby?" She asked quietly, "yes?" I asked in return. "I love you." She said which sent warmth through my whole body.

"I love you, too. I'll see you at home later." I said and then hung up.

"Wow, she's starting to act more like herself again." Sam said as we got out of the car. We were about to look ridiculous walking in the store with no shoes on.

"She is. I'm so happy brother." I said and pulled Mia out of her car seat, she giggled at me as I scrunched my nose at her.

We walked into the store and got a couple weird looks by old ladies, which wasn't surprising.

As we made our way to the icecream section we got stopped by a couple girls, "Sam and Colby! Oh my god!" One of them screamed as Mia looked at them with suspicion, "oh my god and Mia! Hi Mia!" The other one cooed at her as she just stared cautiously.

"Hey guys. How are you?" I asked and hugged one of them, being careful not to squish Mia. "Good. Why aren't you guys wearing shoes?" One of the girls asked causing Sam to laugh, "long story, did you guys want a picture?" He asked as Mia rested her head on my shoulder,

"yes, oh my god she's so cute." The girl said and pointed to Mia. I smiled at them then grabbed one of their phones to take the picture for them. Sam posed with the girl's and then grabbed Mia from me so I could pose with them.

Once we were done with pictures I took Mia back from Sam. The conversation Cora and I had last night struck up in my mind as we talked to the girls, "hey, can I ask you guys something?" I asked the girls as Mia fussed a little in my arms, "yeah, what's up?" They asked and I took a deep breath, "are there rumors going around twitter right now about me and Cora?" I asked as the girls immediately looked a little uncomfortable, "um....yeah there's a lot of drama right now." One of them said and looked down as Mia fussed in my arms.

"Is it bad?" I asked and one of the girls nodded, "a little bit. Some girl is claiming that she hooked up with you a couple weeks ago, so half the fandom thinks you broke up and cheated on her and the other half just keeps yelling at everyone telling them to shut up, it's a mess." She said and shuffled awkwardly, "okay...well Cora and I did not break up, and I did not cheat on her. Just to set the record straight." I said and Sam cleared his throat, "do you know who said she hooked up with Colby?" Sam asked and the girl nodded,

"yeah some girl named Steph, she's been so problematic for years you might know who we are talking about." She said and I nodded "yeah. We know who she is. Thank you, it was really nice to meet you guys by the way!" I said and plastered a smile on my face as anger boiled inside of me.

"Yeah! Thanks for stopping and talking to us." One of the girls said with a smile. "No problem, we should probably go though before we get kicked out for not having shoes on." I said and they laughed as Mia started to fuss a little. "Okay! Thanks again!" They said then scurried off.

We grabbed the icecream and few other groceries so that we could cook dinner for the girls and then headed to the checkout line. "What are you thinking about?" Sam asked as we stood in line. "I just don't know how to navigate this Stephanie thing. I want her to get Cora's name out of her mouth." I said feeling the anger growing as I bounced Mia.

"I don't know man, but we have to think of something before she starts saying things about Cora hitting her. I don't think the fans would react well to that." He said causing me to clench my jaw. They would attack her, "we can brainstorm with the guys when we get home." I decided and bought the groceries.

I didn't know how we would solve this problem but all I knew is that I needed to protect my girls from the abomination that was Stephanie.

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