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"Babe! Have you seen my black boots?" I yelled from the closet. "Yeah! Next to the shoe rack in the back!" He yelled as I stood up. As soon as I stood I was hit with a wave of nausea causing me to sit down, huffing out a breath.

It's been a few weeks since the guys have gotten back, and today Colby and I were going to a doctors appointment for me. I have been getting these harsh aches through my spine every once in a while and I was just super tired all the time. I was getting really worried.

"Did y- are you okay?" Colby asked as he came in. "Yeah just got a little nauseous. I think I'm nervous for this appointment.." I said and bit my lip. "I'm sure everything is fine, love. Maybe we went too hard and you slipped a disk." He said and shrugged, "I swear on my life Cole if you broke my back you're never having sex again." I scolded as he chuckled. "Right, okay. As if you don't love it when I-" he said with a smirk before I hit his chest, interrupting him. "Enough!" I yelled and turned to look for the boots.

"You may be annoying but at least you're useful." I said and held up the boots. "You should put that on a tshirt." He said with a smirk as I pulled the boots on, "ha. On the back it can say WE'RE LATE." I said and pulled him out of the room. "We are always late." He said with a laugh as I let him go.

"It's not a good quality to have, especially when we don't even have Mia as an excuse." I said with a laugh. Sam and Kat were going to watch Mia for us while we went so we could just focus on me and my results.

"Right, but it's just who we are, an incredibly attractive, smart, witty, funny, but late couple." He said as we walked down the stairs, "and don't you forget it." I said and gave him a quick kiss as I grabbed his keys and put them in his hand.

We got in the car and sped to the doctors office so we could be on time. "Proud of me?" Colby asked as we walked through the glass doors five minutes before my appointment. "Always." I said and kissed his cheek as he laced his fingers through mine. I was starting to feel the anxiety bubbling in my chest as we got to the waiting area to check in.

I zoned out as Colby talked to the nurse at the front desk, I could feel my hands start to shake as Colby took the hand he was holding and sandwiched it between his other hand, rubbing it lightly with his thumb.

As soon as I was checked in we walked to the seats and sat down. "Don't be nervous, love." Colby said and raised my hand to my lips. "I'm trying." I whispered and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Cora?" The nurse who I recognized as Lacey said. "Hey Lace, how have you been?" I asked as we got up to walk to her, "doing pretty good, Cor. What brings you in today?" She asked as I squeezed Colby's hand, "been getting these sharp back pains and I've been really really tired." I said with a sigh as we got to the room, "I just hope everything is okay from the recovery process." I said and sat down on the little table for patients.

"Hmm, well I'm sure everything went well, we are probably gonna end up doing some blood work, have you been getting sick?" She asked and took my vitals.

"Yeah,sometimes." I said and looked down, reaching my hand back out to Colby who took it. "Okay, yeah. I'll send Dr. Robinson in to check you out." She said and smiled at me before leaving the room.

"Breathe baby." Colby said as I stifled a breath, "I just don't want to have surgery again." I whined and rubbed his wedding band nervously. "I'm sure everything's fine. Just please relax, the stress could make the situation worse." He said with a sigh, "can we get icecream after this?" I asked with a frown.

"anything you want." He said with a smile and kissed my hand again as Dr. Robinson came in, "how's my favorite patient?" She asked as she closed the door, "nervous." I said honestly which caused her to frown, "that's okay. It's okay to be nervous, let's see what's going on." She said and went to the computer to look things up,

"okay, so pain in back, fatigue, occasionally sick, any headaches?" She asked causing me to shake my head no, "okay, let's do some blood work I want to make sure your iron levels are okay." She said as I nodded slowly. "Let's get you to the lab, do you mind if Colby stays here?" She asked as I stood up, "that should be fine." I said and let go of his hand after he squeezed it.

"I'll be right here." Colby said and smiled at me as Dr. Robinson led me down to the lab, "Do you think I'll need surgery again?" I asked as we walked through the halls, "I don't think so, I think your iron levels are just low, we can get you on some pills and you'll be good to go if that's the case." She said as we reached the lab.

I got my blood drawn which always sucked, you would think I would have gotten better with needles with how many times I have been to the hospital. That's not the case though, it never gets easier.

I was led back to the room afterwards, where Colby was sitting on his phone, "hey, how'd it go?" He asked as he looked up, "I hate needles." I mumbled and sat down, reaching my hand out for him to take.

"I know, but you did it! No more needles today." He said and kissed my hand, "only icecream and good news." He said as I nodded. I could hear my heart beating really fast the longer we waited for the lab results.

Every possible situation was passing through my mind. I thought about having to start from scratch again. Having to learn how to walk. How to talk. I thought about when I forgot every one. What if for some reason I had to do that again?

"Baby, breathe it's okay." Colby soothed as he rubbed my forearm with his warm hand. "W-what if it's b-bad?" I asked as he shook his head, "then we get through it together." He said and stood up to place a loving kiss on my forehead.

A couple more minutes passed and soon Dr. Robinson came in. "Hey, I have your results."she said with a smile. "Congratulations." She said which caused me to look at her with confusion. "For what? Low iron? High iron? What does that mean?" I asked as Colby squeezed my hand. Dr. Robinson just smiled sheepishly at us.

"You're pregnant."

End of book three.

A/n: you know the drill by now!! Next book coming soon, it's gonna be called Relentless so look out for it ❤️ should be out at some point today!! thank you for all of the support on these books. Your comments make me giggle. Love you guys!

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