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I woke up still wrapped in Colby's arms, I could tell he was awake because we was tracing light circles onto my shoulder, "good morning." I said quietly and looked up, kissing his jawline. "Good morning beautiful." He said and brushed my hair from my face. "We should probably get dressed before someone tries to come in here." I said with a laugh and went to sit up, but he tightened his grip on me, causing me to giggle, "no, I want to lay here with you like this forever." He said as I relaxed into him again.

"That's the fun part about being married, we get to wake up to eachother every day for the rest of time, now come on I don't want your parents to see me naked." I said with a laugh. "Ughhhh okay." He said and kissed my head before letting me get up.

My whole body hurt worse than it has in a couple weeks, so getting out of bed was nearly impossible. "

"You okay?" Colby asked as I huffed out a breath with tears in my eyes. "I'm hurting a lot." I said and frowned at him as he helped me put my shirt on, "maybe we shouldn't ha-" he started but I shook my head, "no. It was worth it, everything from yesterday was worth it." I said and let out a deep breath.

"Maybe you could take one of these?" He asked and held up the bottle of Vicodin. "I drank a mimosa yesterday." I said and shook my head. "That was yesterday though, I'm sure it's fine." I said after feeling a sharp pain ripple through my head.

"Are you sure?" Colby asked as I reached for the pills, "yeah, I'm sure it's fine, all the alcohol is out of my system." I said and popped the bottle open, fishing out a pill.

Colby looked at me cautiously as I put it in my mouth, "what?" I asked and reached for the bottle of water that was sitting on the nightstand, "are you sure it's a good idea? I just don't want you to die.." he said causing me to laugh, "I'm not going to die, love. I am probably gonna be really sleepy though so let's get to the other cabin so we can visit with everyone." I said and stood up shakily so I could finish getting dressed.

I looked at the floor and laughed at our wedding attire that was just thrown around the room, "I'm sad I'll never get to wear this dress again." I said with a frown and turned to Colby. "You can wear it whenever you want, I won't judge you." He said as I giggled, "great I'm gonna put it on now." I said jokingly as he nodded, "alright, but I only know how to unlace it." He said lowly and looked at me with lust in his eyes.

"Let's give my body a small break, yeah?" I asked but kissed his cheek anyways. "That's probably a good idea." He said with a chuckle as I finished getting dressed.

We eventually made our way to the other cabin where all of our friends were. I knocked on the door as Colby stood behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist.

Kat opened the door groggily and just looked at us before snorting, "I have too bad of a headache to even try to make fun of you two for being so in love."she grumbled as she turned to walk back into the kitchen where everyone was, "had a rough night Katrina?" Colby asked as he helped me get to the kitchen.

"Might have drank too much, curse you guys for having an open bar." She said as Sam came over with ibuprofen and a glass of water for Kat. Colby and I looked at eachother for a second then fake gagged at the same time, causing us both to laugh.

"Shut up." Kat grumbled as we finally got to the kitchen, "good morning!" I chirped and sat at the table next to Corey, everyone mumbled their good mornings with low energy.

"You guys are like zombies." I said and took the glass of water Colby was handing me, "sorry, not all of us got laid last night." Jake said as he put a piece of toast in his mouth.

"Pfft or married. A lot of us just got drunk." Tara said as she rested her head on the table, "okayyyy...well I miss Mia so I'm going to go get her." I said then got up, "don't worry about it, they are all on their way here." Colby said and pressed my shoulders down so I would sit back down.

Not even a minute later Colby's parents, Gage, Michelle, and Dad came into the cabin. Mia cooed loudly as soon as my eyes met hers, "hi sweet girl!" I chirped and held my arms out for Mr.Brock to hand her off to me.

She wiggled happily as I pinched her cheek, "I missed you so much!" I cooed as Colby came up behind me and grabbed her hand. Mia giggled and looked up at us as we smiled down at her, "hi princess, you looked so beautiful last night." Colby cooed and waved her arm around as she laughed loudly.

"Holy shit. You guys just made me want to have a kid." Jake said as we both looked at him, "NO. Mia is cute but dude we would suck at that." Tara said as I turned to look down at Mia again, "I don't know, I thought we would suck at it, but I think we are doing a pretty good job." I said as Colby went to grab our breakfast.

We all ate and shared our nights with everyone, obviously Colby and I didn't go into detail about how our night went but it was nice hearing what everyone else did.

We eventually had to pack up and get back home which was very bittersweet. I was so happy to be married to be my best friend, but realizing we would never get to have our wedding day again was sad. I wish I could relive it every day for the rest of my life.

Colby drove Mia and I home as he held my hand firmly in his. "What are you thinking about?" He asked as I sighed, "I'm just a little sad our wedding is over." I said as he chuckled, "yeah, it's a little sad, but we still have the honeymoon to look forward to." He said causing me to gasp, "I forgot about that! Oh wow I'm excited." I said and bounced in my seat.

We were going to go to Fiji in a couple weeks. We wanted to be able to spend time with family and friends after the wedding, but also we had to reschedule the trip due to the brain surgery and the only flights we could find were for the second week of March.

I was so excited though, because they meant I would be even more healed and could actually enjoy the trip.

When we got back to the house we brought all of our stuff upstairs. "You tired?" Colby asked as I yawned and sat on the bed with Mia in my arms. "Yeah, I think the Vicodin is kicking in." I said and laid down with Mia sprawled out on my chest. "Why don't you take a little nap?" He asked and sat next to me on the bed, "I will. If you don't mind." I said sleepily as I felt myself starting to dose off. "I don't mind at all, get some rest. We will hang out later." He said and pulled Mia off of my chest.

He laid my blanket over me and bent down to kiss my head. "Luh you." I mumbled as I closed my eyes. "Love you too, goodnight." He said then took Mia out of the room.

I laid there in a half asleep state for a couple minutes before I heard the door open again. I was so drowsy I didn't really even understand what was going on when someone came up to the bed, "s-stephanie?" I mumbled incoherently as she picked up a pillow from next to me,

"shhh." She said and covered my face with it and pressed down as I struggled to move.

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