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I woke up before Colby so I could make him breakfast. I snuck into the nursery and grabbed Mia so she could help me, "it's daddy's birthdayyy!" I sang to her and danced around the room as I changed her diaper. 

She looked at me like I was crazy as I put a big bow on her head. "Let's go make some breakfast." I said and carried her downstairs.

"Sam!" I whisper yelled as he stood in the middle of the kitchen, "Cora!" He whisper yelled back. "What are you doing?" I asked and put Mia in her highchair. "Making breakfast for everyone." He said and cracked some eggs into a bowl.

"That's what I was gonna do!" I said and and started washing the potatoes to make hashbrowns. "Great minds think alike...speaking of, how's your head feeling?" He asked as we focused on making breakfast, "it feels fine. I'm gonna tell Colby tonight about it I think." I said and sighed, "that's probably a good idea. You nervous?" He asked and I nodded, "terrified." I said with a frown. "Don't worry about it kiddo. We are going to get you through it." He said and rubbed my back as my phone rang.

"Oh shit...I have to take this, watch Mia please?" I asked and left the room as Sam held up a thumbs up.

"Hey Dr. Robinson." I said as I answered the phone, "hey Cora, how you feeling?" She asked as I opened the front door to sit on the porch. "I'm alright, nervous for tomorrow." I admitted and took a deep breath, "it will be okay, you know how strong you are. I'm just calling to tell you how to prepare." She said as I played with my ring nervously.

"I want you to try and fast starting at 10am today, if you need to eat something eat something small, but make sure you don't eat or drink ANYTHING past 10pm. You're going to be here for a couple days so make sure you pack a bag with anything you'll want. You have to get here by 9am so we can do the pre op, surgery starts at 10. Any questions?" She asked and I bit my lip, fighting the tears that were forming.

"Nope." I whispered and brought my shaking hand to my mouth. "I know you're scared but we are going to keep you safe. How's Colby handling the news?" She asked which made the tears finally pour over, "I haven't told him." I wimpered out, "Cora..why not?" She asked and I shook my head, "it's his birthday....he should enjoy it." I said and wiped my face.

"I understand, but he has to prepare for this too..I strongly encourage that you tell him sooner rather than later." She said and I nodded, "I'm telling him tonight. I promise. I have to go though, we have a lot planned today." I said and she sighed, "Cora please be careful." She said and I sniffled, "I am, we are just going to the park. Then to dinner. I'll eat something small I promise." I said and stood up again, "alright, I'll see you tomorrow then. Tell Colby happy birthday for me." She said and I smiled, "will do."

When I got back to the kitchen mostly everyone was up, but Colby was still sleeping. "I'm gonna go get him." I said and walked back upstairs.

I stopped and just admired his sleeping figure for a second, before walking to him and pressing my lips onto his cheek. "Hmmmm" he groaned but smiled as I held my lips there for a second, "good morning birthday boy." I said and brushed his hair from his forehead. "Come here." He growled and pulled me into the bed with him causing me to giggle, as he peppered my face with kisses. "Cole stop it!" I shrieked as he pulled me into him more. "Everyone is waiting for you downstairs!" I said and pushed off of him slightly then slid out of the bed. "They can wait, I want you for breakfast." He said and I laughed, "relax Brock!" I exclaimed and pulled his arm so he would sit up.

"You're saying no to me on my birthday?" He pouted and I laughed, "yes right now I am. Get up!" I said then skipped out of the room.

I rolled my eyes playfully as I heard him get out of bed. I stopped and waited for him so we could walk down together. As soon as his hand laced through mine we walked down the stairs and to the kitchen.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY COLBY!" Everyone yelled as Mia giggled. I swear she was a genius and knew what was going on today.

Colby went around the room and hugged everyone as they gave him their birthday wishes as I put together a plate of food for him. "Thank you baby." He said and grabbed the plate from some before planting a kiss on my temple and sitting down.

This was my last real meal before the surgery so I piled up on everything, "woah Cor, you hungry?" Colby said with a laugh as I smiled sheepishly, "yeah, we have a big day planned I have to be energized!" I said and took a big bite of eggs.

We finished breakfast and we hung around for a few hours just goofing off with everyone before I told him to get ready to go out. I got myself and Mia ready in record time and waited for him downstairs. I was really excited to spend the day with him, even though I knew how the day would end. I tried to not think about it.

Right now it was all about Colby.

"Where are we going?" Colby asked as I drove us to the park, "on a little adventure." I said and held my hand out for him to grab, "Are you going to murder me?" He asked and I chuckled, "if I were going to murder you don't you think I would have done it by now?" I asked and he shrugged, "don't know." He said which made me laugh, "you're goofy." I said and Mia giggled in the back seat, "isn't daddy goofy!?" I cooed which made her giggle more. God, I loved her.

We got to the park and I got out, then went to the trunk and got the stroller out and Colby pulled Mia out of the car, "I thought we could take a little walk in the park with Mia." I said and set the stroller up, "aww you're the cutest." He said and came up to kiss my head. "Sorry it's not the most adventurous thing in the world, I'm accident prone as you say." I said as he strapped Mia into the stroller.

"You are accident prone, Cor." He said with a laugh as I took his hand in mine, and pushed the stroller with my other hand.

We walked around the trails for hours and just enjoyed eachothers company. Colby looked so happy that it made me not regret my decision of hiding the surgery from him. The smile on his face was worth it to me.

"Are you happy?" I asked him quietly as we made our way back to the car, "Extremely. Are you?" He asked and I turned to kiss his cheek, "I am." I said as we got to the car.

I was happy.

I was happy that I was spending my last day of freedom with my little family. I felt good too, my head wasn't really hurting and I was pretty calm. I was happy.

I drove us to the restaurant with his hand in mine. He traced his thumb along the back of my hand, giving me instant comfort.

We got to the sushi place and went inside, it was a cute little place that was never really busy but they had the best sushi in town. It was like our own little secret.

I ended up just getting a small roll because I wasn't supposed to really be eating, "is that all you're getting?" Colby asked and looked at me with concern, "yeah, I might have went a little overboard with breakfast this morning. I'm still not very hungry." I said with a laugh and looked down at the roll. Even looking at it made me think of the surgery.

Don't think about it right now.

I checked my phone real quick to see that I had a text from Sam saying they were ready whenever we were.

I smiled and looked up at Colby, who was feeding Mia some peas, "you almost ready to go?" I asked as he smiled at me, "yeah, Mia is almost done. Thanks for dinner." He said and reached over to grab my hand and bring it to his lips. "You're welcome baby, happy birthday." I said again and smiled.

It was a good day so far.

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