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I was so satisfied waking up on Colby's chest the next morning, in our bed, in our room. It had been too long.

I focused on his breathing as we laid together. I honestly never wanted to get up, "you awake baby girl?" Colby mumbled against my hair, "no." I said and nuzzled into him more. "I'm not going anywhere, you can be awake." He said with a chuckle, "good." I said as Mia started crying.

"She wants you." I said and leaned off his chest so he could get up, "but you better come back." I said and crossed my arms, pouted. "I'll be right back." He said with a grin and kissed my head.

He left the room as he flexed his arms above his head, I found myself drooling over how toned his body was. He was just really fucking hot.

I started combing through my hair with my fingers as I sat up in the bed. I gasped when I rememebered that I had to give Colby the painting I made him almost a month ago.

I hopped out of bed and went into the closet to grab it from the top shelf where I had hid it.

When I came back out Colby was walking in the room with Mia in his arms. "Look Mia, it's mommy!" He cooed and pointed to me, she just kept her eyes on him with a huge smile on her face,

"I'm old news, Brock. I'm serious when I tell you she missed you." I said with a laugh. "I missed her, too." He said and pinched her cheek as she giggled.

"Ugh I love you guys." I said and with a smile as I went to lay back in bed, "we love you too, even when Mia decides she wants to ignore you." He said with a laugh and laid in bed next to me, "what's that?" He asked and pointed to the painting I was holding.

"Remember when you first left and you told me to paint?" I asked and bit my lip. "Yeah." He said with a small smile forming on his lips. "I painted you this." I said softly and handed it to him.

As soon as he flipped over I could see his eyes glow with happiness, "Cor, this is beautiful." He said and smiled down at it, "you like it?" I asked and sat up a little more, "I love it! You're so talented." He said and grabbed my face, pulling my face towards his so he could kiss me. As soon as his lips were against mine I could feel the happiness inside of me swelling.

He really had that power over me.

"I know exactly where I want to put it." He said and got up, before he held his free arm out to me, "right now?" I asked with a laugh as he took my hand, "yes!" He said and yanked me out of bed as I giggled.

He held my hand firmly as he ran down the stairs, "Colby!! slow down!" I laughed as he held the canvas right above the fireplace. "It's perfect." He said quietly as I just stared at him.

"You could have just said 'above the fireplace' and I would have been able to picture it." I said with a laugh as he set the painting down on the fireplace ledge. "Yeah, but it's more fun running around the house with you." He said then took my hand again, "plus, I think there's a stack of pancakes in the kitchen with your name on it." He said and led me to the kitchen.

I sat at the island as he strapped Mia into her highchair. He then turned and started grabbing the ingredients to make pancakes,

"wow, you're making them from scratch?" I asked with an impressed look on my face, "only the best for my beautiful wife." He said and smirked as I chuckled, "that was so sweet even I feel like gagging." I said with a laugh.

The others eventually came down do enjoy some pancakes with us as we discussed what we wanted to do today. "I know I don't want to leave the house." Sam said as he wrapped his arm around Katrina's shoulders,

"I totally agree." Colby said as he fed Mia a spoonful of yogurt. "We could have a chill day and play games or something if you guys want?" I suggested and took a bite of the pancakes Colby made.

"That sounds like a lot of fun." Devyn said and bounced in her seat, "yeah! Couple vs couple. We are totally gonna win Jakey!" Tara said and pinched his cheek. "Oh it's on." I said and looked at Colby with a smirk.

We quickly finished up our breakfast and cleaned up so we could start playing the games. Each couple was a team and we were going to play four games. The first game was the floor is lava.

"I have short legs, Cole!" I yelled as he held his arms out, "it's fine, just jump! I'll catch you!" He said as the time ticked on, "I'm trusting you!" I yelled then took a small step back before hurling myself to the next couch and into Colby's arms, "TIME." Sam said and pointed to Corey who was timing, "they won by like 20 seconds." He declared as Colby and I cheered. "That's my baby girl!" Colby said and kissed me fiercely as everyone gagged dramatically.

We played a couple more games of similar qualities, one of them was minute to win it, and the other was charades. Sam and Kat won minute to win it, and Colby and I won charades. It was honestly such a fun day already.

"Alright, intermission! I need water." I said with a laugh and made my way to the kitchen.

When I got there I grabbed a glass and filled it with water, noticing my hand was shaking a little bit. I shook my head and drank the water quickly as another sharp pain radiated from my spine.

"Oof." I said and doubled over as Jake walked into the room, "hey, you good?" He asked as I nodded, "yeah I just keep getting these sharp pains. I'm alright." I said and stood up straight, no longer feeling any pain.

I should probably schedule a doctors appointment just to make sure I'm alright. I haven't had pain like that since I recovered, so maybe something went wrong with the recovery process.

I shook my head not wanting to think about it as I went back over to Colby. He was bouncing Mia as she giggled.

"Hold on." He said and stopped me from walking further as he set Mia onto her feet, "go walk to momma, princess." He said and pushed her slightly so she would stumble forwards a little bit, "good job sweetie! Come on, all the way!" I encouraged and held my arms out to her.

She ended up taking a couple big steps and wobbling before coming all the way over to me, "oh my god! Colby did you see that!?" I asked as I scooped her up and smiled at him widely, "yeah! Good job princess I'm so proud of you!" He said and peppered kisses all around her face making her giggle loudly.

"I am literally obsessed with you guys." Tara said as she watched us and ate a handful of popcorn, "so you admit we are the superior couple?" I asked with a smirk.

"Never said that." She said and laughed, "but we are." I said and shrugged, "put your money where your mouth is, Brocks." She said and held up a spoon and egg as Sam set up the obstacle course we were about to do.

Today was honestly the most fun I have had in a long time, it felt so good having everyone home.

I wish I could just freeze time on the good times like this.

Because nothing good ever seems to last.

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