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My heart fell to my ass as I made eye contact with Kat, we both smiled widely at eachother then ran out of the room.

We ran until we got to the foyer where they were all setting their stuff down,

"COLBY!" I yelled and ran into his arms, jumping so my legs were wrapped around his waist, "hey baby girl." He said quietly and held me up as he rubbed my back. "What are you doing here!?" I yelled and hugged him tighter, "we wanted to surprise you guys." He mumbled into my shoulder, "and you had to break my heart to do it?!" I asked and pulled away smacking his chest with my hand.

"You cut your hair!" He exclaimed, ignoring my question. "Do you like it?" I asked and bit my lip as he lowered me to the ground. "I didn't think you could get any more beautiful." He said quietly and laced his fingers through my short hair. He admired it for a minute before he gasped.

"Wait!!" He said with wide eyes, "how the fuck am I supposed to braid this?" He asked as I giggled, "consider it like expert mode..." I said then grabbed both sides of his face, pulling him in for a kiss.

He held my waist tightly as he pulled me into him. I melted against his touch as I laced my fingers into his hair.

I really fucking missed him.

I gasped a pulled away, "what?" He asked with confusion in his face. "Mia! Let's go see Mia." I said and took his hand, leading him to the movie room, where she was sleeping on one of the couches. "There's my princess." He cooed as he pulled her up, into his arms.

She fussed a little then opened her eyes and stared at Colby for a second. As soon as she realized who it was threw her arms out with excitement, "hey sweetheart!" Colby said with a laugh and held her tighter, kissing her head.

"I missed you, princess." He mumbled as he rocked her back and forth. "She missed you too...more than you know." I said with a sigh as he reached over and cupped my cheek, "I missed this." He said then pulled my face to his for a kiss. I smiled into it then pulled away before smacking his arm.

"Ow! What was that for?" He asked with a laugh, "that's what you get for breaking my heart, Cole!" I said as he smiled sheepishly, "you got to surprise me, I wanted to surprise you..." he said as I rolled my eyes playfully, "I knew you were coming home though!" I said and crossed my arms, pretending like I was really mad. "I'm sorry baby, will you forgive me?" He asked and cupped my face gently again, "maybe later." I said then scrunched my nose at him before leaving the room, making sure to sway my hips a little more than usual.

"Cora!!!" Sam yelled and ran towards me with open arms, "SAMMY!!!" I yelled hugged him, "welcome home!" I yelled as he rocked me back and forth, "glad to see you're in one piece and with a haircut!" He said as he pulled away and took a piece of my hair, "yeah, Tara did it!" I said as Jake laughed, "WAIT! Tara did that?" He asked and pointed to my hair.

"Yeah she cut about 4 extra inches off but I love it!" I said and pulled down the little half bun that I had up. "My girl is so talented." Jake said and kissed Tara, "EW GET A ROOM." I mocked and stuck my tongue out at them as I walked up to Corey to give him a hug, "good job bro." I said and hugged him, "with what?" He asked with confusion, "keeping them safe." I said and pointed to his cross necklace. "What can I say?" He asked shyly and pretended he was blushing. "I missed you." I said and hugged him, "missed you too, Cor." He said and rubbed my back.

"You guys suck." Kat said and pointed to the guys as Colby wrapped his free arm around my waist. "What? Why?" Sam asked and held his hands up in surrender.

"We planned a surprise party for you idiots!" She groaned out as I rested my head on Colby's shoulder, "well invite the people over, we can still have it." Jake said with a shrug. "Okay! Come on!" Kat yelled and grabbed my wrist and Tara's wrist and pulled us up the stairs. Devyn followed behind as she laughed.

"Ow! Kat what are you doing?!" I yelled with a laugh as she bolted into my room, "we are getting hot!" She exclaimed and pulled my dress down. "Oh. Okay." I said then sat down at the vanity to put my makeup on. "No way Colby! You have to wait." Tara said at the door causing me to roll my eyes playfully, "let the man in." I said with a laugh.

"No, no sneak peaks!" She said as I shook my head. Once I had my makeup done Kat sat down to touch hers up. I put on my dress and sighed, not really liking how it looked. "What's wrong?" Devyn asked as I frowned, "I have to stop eating like shit, I think I'm gaining weight." I said and huffed out a breath.

"You look fine!" She said with a laugh, "you're probably just about to start your period, I always get like that." She said and stood up to pull my hands away from my stomach. "actually yeah I think you're right. I'm supposed to start in a couple days." I said and started messing with my hair in the mirror.

We called everyone else to show up after we got ready. The guys were all hanging out in the living room when we came downstairs. As soon as I walked in Colby's eyes went to mine, he let them roam up and down my body almost making me feel naked.

I bit my lip and looked at him as he got up to walk over, Mia still attached to his hip. "You're beautiful." He said quietly as he leaned down to kiss me. I smiled into the kiss and brought my hand to his cheek, "sorry they shunned you from our room." I said quietly once we pulled away, "it was worth it." He said and reached his free arm around so he could pull me into him and squeeze my ass.

"Relax." I said and patted his chest twice before spinning out of his arms, "go get ready." I said and scrunched my nose at him as he handed me Mia. She fussed and reached for him again though, "well, guess you gotta take her with you." I said with a laugh as she started crying, reaching for him.

"Gladly." He said and took her from me again. "See? All better, princess." He said then kissed her head before leaving the room. He made sure to smack my ass along the way causing me to roll my eyes.

I went over to the fridge and pulled the cake out along with some snacks to set out. I felt a sharp pain in my lower back which almost caused me to drop the cake, but it went away as soon as it came on.

"Woah, you okay?" Sam asked and put his hand on my back as I put the cake on the counter, "yeah, I just had a sharp pain in my back, but it's gone now. I don't know what that's really about." I said with a shrug, "it's probably your sciatica, that happens to me all the time." He said and looked down at the cake.

"That looks so good!" He said with a smile as our other friends came through the front door. "Who's ready to partyyyy!" Aryia yelled as he danced in, "welcome home brother." He said and clapped Sam on the back as I turned to put some chips in a bowl.

"Hey Cor, what's up?" Kevin asked as he clapped his hand on my back, "nothing much, is Meghan coming?" I asked and looked around, "nah, she has to work." He said and popped a chip in his mouth.

Colby eventually came down with Mia in his arms still, "get ready for the stiff arms, Brock." I said and walked over to him, handing him a white claw. "Thanks babe, and I'll take stiff arms any day of the week if it means I get to hold her. I really missed you both." He said and planted a kiss on my forehead.

"I missed you too, I'm just so glad you're home!" I said and did a little dance. "Yeah, and I'm not leaving for a long LONG time." He said and kissed my forehead.

We spent the rest of the night hanging out and having a good time. I caught myself getting a little emotional, getting to have them all back at home.

I was just so happy.

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