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When I opened my eyes I was alone in Colby and I's bedroom. My head was still pounding as I sat up to look around. I noticed that Colby left a note next to my phone that was on the nightstand.

We are all downstairs, text me when you're up and I'll bring you food.

I smirked and grabbed my phone, then texted Colby that I was up. I got up only to stumble due to my legs being jello, how long was I out?

I shook my head and stretched my legs out for a minute so I could walk around the room. I noticed there were double doors on the far wall of the room, probably leading to some sort of balcony.

I went straight towards it and opened the door. Sure enough outside the door was a large balcony with two chairs on it. I breathed in the cold air and went over to one of the chairs and sat down. I looked up at the stars and started naming the constellations above me. I took a deep breath as I shivered against the night air.

"You always loved coming out here." Colby's voice sounded from the doorway causing me to flinch. "You scared me!" I gasped out and clutched my chest, "I'm sorry." He said and came to sit next to me, "I guess I can forgive you considering how much I have probably scared you in the past few days." I said and he chuckled, "you have no idea." He said and looked up at the stars with me. We sat in silence for a couple minutes until something came to me,

"I just realized something." I said quietly as we looked up at the sky, "what's that?" He asked just as quiet. "I don't know your last name. I'm supposed to be getting it soon but I don't even know it." I said and looked over at him. "Brock. My last name is Brock." He said and then smirked, "I probably shouldn't have told you though because when you get mad you call me by my last name." He said and I chuckled, "only when I'm mad?" I asked and he smiled widely, "actually it's only when you're fake mad. You use my real name when you're really mad." He said and I scrunch my brow with confusion.

"Your real name?" I asked and shivered again, "Cole. That's the name on my birth certificate." He said and I smiled, "I like that. Cole Brock." I said as he smiled and stood up, "come on, it's freezing. Let's go in and watch a movie or something." He said and held his hand out for me. I smiled and took it and got out of the chair.

When I got back inside I noticed a tray of food on the bed. There was a plate of pancakes and a cup of fruit with some hot chocolate.

"Am I not allowed to go eat in the kitchen?" I asked with a smirk as he ruffled the back of his hair. "I just.." he said and trailed off, "are you putting me on room arrest, Brock?" I asked and winked, trying to make things feel a little more normal for him.

He looked down, "can you please just stay in here..stay safe in our room for a little bit?" He begged which made me frown. I knew this was probably so hard for him to deal with, and I wasn't making it any easier by begging for information. I was only making this harder on him. "Okay." I whispered and nodded at him with a small smile.

"Do you maybe want to try and hang out with Mia...she really misses you." He said and I frowned, "I'm such a shitty mom." I said and sat on the bed, "no, you're the best mom I have ever seen, it's just hard to be a mom when you don't even remember having the baby in the first place." He said and I nodded, "go get her." I whispered and took a bite of fruit.

"I'll let you eat first, because shes going to want to be in your arms." He said and I nodded, "okay...so how long was I out?" I asked and started to eat my food. "Three days." He said causing me to choke on my food a little bit, "three days?!" I asked as he rubbed my back. "You overwhelmed your brain too much, now I'm not saying I told you so, but I told you so." He said and I shook my head.

"I just hate being in the dark. I hate not knowing what I'm missing..I just want to know who I was." I said and he shook his head, "I know...I know it's gotta be so hard for you right now but please take it slow. I know it's hard to believe right now but I love you so much, I need you to be safe right now, I can't lose you more than I already have...please understand that I need you." He said as I closed my eyes, trying to keep my tears at bay.

"I'm so sorry." I said and bit my lip. "It's okay baby girl. Just..take it easy...for me." He said and I nodded, "I'll try." I said and held up my pinky. He locked his pinky with mine and smiled. "Eat your food before Mia wakes up." He said with a chuckle and I saluted him, "sir yes sir."

I finished my food and put the tray on the nightstand next to me, "okay you pick out a movie and I'll go get Mia." Colby said and got out of bed.

It felt super weird to be in the same bed as him and just hanging out but at the same time it felt so normal.

I eventually chose The Corpse Bride and waited until Colby came in with Mia.

As soon as she saw me she started cooing and reaching for me. "Hi!" I said and grabbed her from Colby. I was still so petrified at the idea of me having a baby but it was easier to cope with now than it was a few days ago.

She looked up at me with so much love that it melted my heart. "What did you say I call her?" I asked Colby as he admired us, "sweet girl." He said and I looked back down at her, "hi sweet girl." I said and she cooed loudly.

I loved her.

"Should I try feeding her? How has she been eating if I have been asleep in here?" I asked with concern lacing my voice. "We have frozen milk stocked up, and she also eats some solid foods too, she was okay. You should try feeding her though." He said and I nodded.

"Will you help me? I don't know what I'm doing.." I said and frowned down at her, "of course, it's really easy, since she knows how to do it." He said and helped position her correctly.

As soon as she latched on I had a weird feeling of deja vu, as my mind played an image of me in the hospital, Colby was next to me as the doctor put Mia on my chest for the first time. I just remember falling in love instantly.

I gasped and looked at Colby with wide eyes, "what? what is it? Are you hurt?" He asked as I started to tear up.

"I remembered something."

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