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The next couple weeks were really hard but everyone stuck by me and helped me with anything I needed. I was just so damn lucky even if everyone had their own unique way of helping.

I spent so much time taking hot baths that Jake and Corey went out and bought me a bunch of pool toys. I use them every time, but usually I would just shoot Colby with water.

Sam and Colby were the ones who constantly hovered over me to make sure I didn't fall again. They helped me the most with physical therapy, even though I never wanted to do it because it hurt like a bitch.

Kat, Tara, and Devyn have been working with me on rescheduling the wedding which was pretty stressful but at the same time everyone involved was super understanding. I guess brain surgery is a good excuse for rescheduling an entire wedding one month before the date.

We decided our new date was going to be February 20th and I couldn't be more excited about it. It was only 3 weeks away at this point, which was bittersweet because we were supposed to be getting married this Saturday.

Today Colby was going to go film a video with the guys, which meant it was just me and the girls at home. I think we were going to try and venture out to go to a dress fitting, just to make sure everything was still fitting since I haven't really been able to be super active since the surgery.

"You're sure you'll be okay?" Colby asked as he grabbed his camera. "I'm sure! Look at me, I'm Superman." I said and took my hands off the walker and held them up for a second before I stumbled slightly and grabbed onto it again. I was so close to being about to stand without a walker, but obviously we weren't there yet.

"Right, if Superman was 95 years old." He said with a chuckle as he grabbed onto my waist, "are you calling me old, Brock?" I asked with a laugh and sat on the bed.

"You literally have a walker love, but do me a favor and don't try to do that Superman stuff when I'm not around alright?" He asked and put his hand over mine. "I won't as long as you never call me old again." I said with a wink as he chuckled. "Deal." He said then kissed my forehead.

"Okay, I have to go. Call me if you need anything and I mean ANYTHING." He said as I stood up to walk with him to the stairs. "I'll be fine babe, I've got the girls." I said as I slowly started walking with him. "Just...just be careful. Where's that damn helmet." He said and looked around the room, "stop it, Brock. I'm fine now go or you're gonna be late!" I yelled playfully and shooed him towards the stairs.

"Alright alright. Wait did you want me to bring Mia down so you two can just hang out down there until the girls are ready to go?" He asked and I nodded. "Yeah that's probably a good idea." I groaned out as I took a few good steps.

I hated how much I was still struggling but it was better than last week so I just had to be grateful.

"Alright I'll be back to come get you down the stairs, hang tight." He said then jogged out of the room. "I'll get to the stairs by the time you get back!" I yelled with a laugh.

I kept making my way to the stairs, having to stop every few steps to breath. By the time I got to the stairs Colby was already jogging back up them. "Told you." I said with a laugh and leaned against my walker, trying to catch my breath.

"It doesn't matter how long it takes, I'm just proud of you for being able to do it at all. You amaze me more and more everyday." He said and kissed my cheek before helping me down the stairs.

We had to take the stairs slowly, with Colby clutching me around the waist. I was able to handle a few by myself though which was huge progress. Once we reached the bottom I leaned onto my walker to breathe as Colby rubbed my back, "Jesus it hurts." I gasped as he stared at me, biting his lip with sad eyes. "I'll be okay, go ahead, I'll see you later. I love you." I said and leaned up to kiss him.

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