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It's been a couple days since Christmas and we were already taking down the decorations. "I don't like this part." I pouted to Sam as I stood on a latter to pull down the lights in the backyard. I saw Colby walk out of the house with decorations piled in his arms.

He looked up at a me and sucked in a breath, "what are you doing up there?!" He asked and dropped all of the decorations to hold the latter. "Colby relax,
I was watching her," Sam said with a laugh as I climbed down. "Do you want to fall and break something? Jesus Cor, you know you're accident prone." He said as I stepped onto the ground. "Colby, I was fine." I said with a laugh and gave him a hug.

"Just..stay on the ground? Please?" He begged as I laughed, "okay." I breathed out and turned to pick up the decorations he dropped.

"What are we doing for New Year's Eve? It's literally tomorrow." Sam said as Colby and I collected the decorations on the ground. "You guys can have a party, Mia and I can go to a hotel." I said and Colby looked at me, "I think you mean you, me, and Mia." He said and I shook my head, "I thought you would want to party." I said with a shrug, "not after last time, never again." He shuttered as we started walking out to the shed so we could put the decorations away.  "Alright, well then yeah, we can get a hotel and they can party." I said and Sam nodded, "cool we will plan something then." He said and helped us pile things into the the shed.

My head was still giving me problems almost every day. I was beginning to think I would have to go get that checked out soon, since it wasn't exactly the most comfortable experience having your head ache every minute of every day.

"Head hurt again?" Colby asked as I rubbed my temples, "yeah, this is getting so annoying." I groaned and flopped onto our bed. "I know baby, have you talked to your doctor about it?" He asked and laid next to me. "No, but I think I'm gonna have to soon, I'm gonna be pissed if I have a headache on our wedding day." I mumbled and turned to rest my head on his chest. He reached his arm around me and laced his hands through my hair as he massaged my scalp.

"What if I have to have brain surgery again?" I whispered shakily and traced a heart on Colby's chest with my finger. "Then we get through it. You're really strong Cor, anything that happens we will get you through it." He said quietly as I pulled my phone out. "I guess I should try to set up an appointment then." I sighed out, having a bad feeling about it.

"Dr. Robinson's office how may I help you?" The chipper voice said on the other end. "Hi, my name is Cora Williams and I am calling to make an appointment." I said and the voice gasped, "hi Cora! How are you feeling?" The voice said from the other end. I spent so much time at the office that all the nurses knew me by name.

"I'm okay, still having head issues that I need to get looked at." I said and frowned as Colby continued lacing his fingers through my hair. "Yeah, we actually have an appointment for tomorrow morning if you want." She said and I nodded slowly, "that works for me, what time?" I asked and she hummed, "10am. Sound good?" She asked as I closed my eyes, "yep, we will be there." I said as Colby rubbed my back. "Alright, see you then! Bye!" She said then hung up.

"Okay, I have an appointment tomorrow morning." I said and relaxed into him a little more. "Shit, Sam and I are filming tomorrow morning, are you gonna be okay to go alone?" He asked and I nodded, "yeah I'll take Mia with me. No biggie." I said as Mia started crying, "speak of the angel." I said and sat up.

When I walked into the nursery she was kicking and screaming, "what's wrong little girl?" I asked and scooped her up into my arms. "Oh you feel warm." I sighed then grabbed the thermometer.

Her temperature was at 100 degrees, causing me to sigh. "Alright let's get you a cold bath and a snuggle." I said and put a pacifier in her mouth, then grabbed the infant Tylenol and headed to the bedroom.

"Shes got a fever, we are going to take a bath." I said as Colby sat up. "Oh baby." He said and frowned as Mia reached for him.  He took her in his arms as I went to get the bath and Tylenol ready.

When I started the bath the sound of the rushing water made my head hurt so bad that my vision blurred slightly.

I internally thanked myself for scheduling a doctors appointment for tomorrow as Colby came in wearing his bathing suit. "Okay sweetheart you aren't going to like this at all." I said and frowned as I brought the liquid medicine to her lips.

She screamed so loud it made me jolt and grab my head, "it's okay sweet girl." I said and shoved the spoon in her mouth and tilted her head back so she would swallow it. As soon as she swallowed she cried more which broke my heart. I leaned over and stopped the bath then looked at Colby.

He got in the bath with Mia in his arms and just held her in the water as she squirmed. "I hate seeing her like this." I sighed and reached down, rubbing her hair down. "Me too, but she's gonna be okay, that Tylenol will kick in soon. How's your head?" He asked and looked up at me, "don't worry about it, I'm fine." I said and smiled at him.

Mia eventually relaxed enough to look at us sleepily, "alright, I'll put her to bed, you dry off and meet me downstairs." I said and took Mia from him. "I think I'll take a shower first so it will be a minute." He said and stood up, "thats fine, take your time." I said and walked away.

I laid Mia down in her crib after changing her then leaned down and kissed her head, "love you sweet girl." I mumbled then left to go downstairs.

"Sammy! I have to talk to you." I said and walked into his and Kat's room. "What's up Cor?" He asked and sat up. "Let's surprise Colby for his birthday." I said and he nodded, "that's what I was thinking we should do! Okay you think you can distract him for most of the day?" He asked and I nodded, "easily. I want to make the cake so you'll have to distract him on the first." I whispered quickly and kept my ears open for him.

"Yeah, you got it." He said and nodded as I looked at Kat, "I have a doctors appointment in the morning but we can go shopping for it after?" I asked her and she nodded, "want me to come to the appointment with you?" She asked and I nodded,

"Mia has a fever so she might be too much for just me to handle while at the appointment, especially if I have to get a head scan." I said as Sam looked at me with concern. "Is your head still bothering you?" He asked and I frowned a little, "yeah, pretty much every day." I said sadly and looked down, "it's okay though, I'm sure everything is fine." I said and smiled, "let's just focus on Colby's birthday for the time being." I said and Sam nodded.

I didn't care what happened at my appointment tomorrow. I was going to make sure Colby's birthday was perfect.

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