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When we got back to the house I immediately went to bring Mia to bed. She was already asleep in my arms by the time we got to the nursery, "Goodnight sweet girl. Mommy loves you." I said then turned to leave the room.

"Hey you okay? You've been kind of quiet." Colby said as he leaned against the door. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just a little sad that our parents are leaving." I said and walked to him. "Oh honey." He said and wrapped his arms around me, "I wish they didn't have to leave." I whispered as I rested my head on his chest. "Me too, but think about it, if they lived here then seeing them wouldn't be as special." He said and slowly rubbed my back.

I couldn't help but chuckle as I pulled away to look at him, "how do you always know what to say?" I asked and scrunched my nose at him. "I don't know, I guess I'm a genius." He said with a grin as he kissed me.

"Don't get a big head, Brock." I said with a laugh and pulled away from him completely so I could get changed into more comfortable clothes. "I don't have a big head, Brock." He said and I rolled my eyes playfully. "You stole my nickname." I said with a pouted lip as we walked to the bedroom.

"You stole my last name." He said with a smirk as I walked to the closet. "Touché." I said with a wink and went in. I dropped my cane on the floor and got changed.

Once I was changed I looked down at the cane on the floor and huffed out a breath. "Hey babe?" I called out and sat on the bench in the middle of the room. "What's up?" He asked as he came in, "do you think I can ditch the cane for the rest of the night?" I asked and reached down to massage my legs,

"Yeah, I think you can. I'll make sure you don't hurt yourself." He said and smiled at me with admiration in his eyes. "I'm just sick of walking with it. I feel like a grandma." I said with a laugh as I stood up. "You are a grandma." He said with a laugh as I started trying to walk to him, "shut up." I mumbled as he held his hands out. "Are you really gonna make me walk all the way to you right now?" I asked as I huffed out a breath.

"Yeah, come on you can do it." He said and held his hands out. "Oh fuck you, Cole." I groaned and kept pushing forward. The pain wasn't too unbearable but my balance wasn't the best still so I had to be really really careful. "You're doing great baby girl, you're so close." He said as I gritted my teeth.

"I'm going to punch you in the mouth if you don't stop." I groaned as he chuckled, "alright, come and get me." He said and took a step backwards, "oh FUCK off. You're a piece of shit." I said through gritted teeth as my legs started to feel like jello. "A couple more steps, you can do it." He encouraged as I shook my head.

"N-no I'm about to fall." I admitted as my legs started to shake, "push through the pain baby girl. Come on you can do it." He said and kept his eyes locked on mine. "Fuuuuuck you. You're supposed to love me." I said as I reached forwards for his hands. "I do love you, very much actually. You're never going to heal though if you don't push yourself from time to time." He said as I finally grabbed his hands.

"That wasn't very nice." I said as he pulled me into a hug, "no but aren't you proud of yourself. You would have never been able to do that two weeks ago. I'm so proud of you." He said and kissed my head. "Fuck you." I mumbled as he chuckled, "for what?" He asked as I breathed out a laugh, "for making it so hard to stay mad at you." I grumbled as he smirked at me. "It's because I'm right." He said causing me to roll my eyes. "It's because I'm right." I mocked then rolled my eyes, "whatever let's just go." I said and gestured towards the door.

Colby scooped me up into his arms causing me to laugh, "what are you doing?" I asked as he left the room, "I don't want you to overwork yourself." He said as we made it to the living room where everyone was, "you know you don't have to carry her like that every day you're married right?" Jake asked as Colby set me on the couch, "fuck off, Jake." We both said at the same time as his mouth flew open.

"Wow you guys are mean." He said as Tara snorted, "you kind of deserved it babe." She said as Sam and Kat came into the room, "guys, I have bad news." Kat said as she sat on the couch, "oh no..are you okay?" I asked as she shook her head, "no. I've broken a nail. I don't know how I'm supposed to move forward." She said causing us all to laugh, "oh shut UP." I said and cackled as she giggled.

Everyone eventually came back into the room and we played a couple games, one of which included charades. I was on a team with Colby, Jake, Gage, Michelle, Colby's dad, Corey and Devyn.

"YOURE A ROCK." Jake yelled as I just stood there, "what?" I asked with a laugh, "dude she hasn't even done anything yet." Colby said and hit his arm, "rocks don't do anything." He said and shrugged.

"I-ya know what okay. Here we go." I said and shook my head. The word I had was mango, so I imitated opening a white claw and drinking it, "White claw!" Colby yelled out and I pointed to my nose and to him, "mango!!" He yelled and I laughed, "yes!" I exclaimed with a giggle, "WHAT? How the hell did you get mango from that?" Sam yelled and stood up, Colby just laughed and tapped his head as he pulled me down with him. "Genius." He said as Sam rolled his eyes.

"My genius." I said and kissed his cheek causing everyone to fake gag. I just ignored them and shook my head as we continued the game.

Our team was winning so far and it was Jake's turn to go. He stood up and brushed his hands down his shirt as he looked at the card, "okay. Let's go team!" He yelled as Corey started the timer.

Jake started running around with his arms out, "are you an airplane?" I asked and he shook his head, "uh..." Colby said as Jake started flapping his arms up and down, "a bird?" He asked and Jake flailed his arms around as if Colby was close with his guess, "oh my god you're a turkey." Corey said as Jake laughed, "I am a turkey, great job brother." He said and gave Corey a high-five.

As the other team started setting up for their turn Colby's phone started ringing. He looked at it with confusion then answered.

"Hello? It's okay....oh thank you...yeah...yeah.." he said as I watched him cautiously.

His eyes widened as he looked at me, then Sam.

"Holy shit."

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