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"ITS WEDDING DAYYYYY!" Kat yelled as Colby tightened his grip around me since we were both jolted awake.

Wait what?

Did I lose my memory again?

"No it's not." Colby grumbled sleepily into my shoulder. "I know but we lost an entire month of wedding planning we have so much to do!" She said as I breathed out a sigh of relief. "You scared me. I thought I lost my memory again." I mumbled and closed my eyes again as my heart rate slowed.

"Shit, sorry didn't think about that...but GET UP. We have so much to do." Kat said and pulled my arm but Colby tightened his arms around me so I couldn't be pulled out of bed. "Give me time, I'll meet you downstairs in thirty okay?" I asked and she huffed. "Fiiiine." She said then left the room.

I turned in Colby's arms so I could face him, "morning." I said and kissed his cheek. "Good morning." He said with a small smile.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked and brushed his hair from his forehead. "Better than I have in a while." He said and leaned forward to kiss my forehead. I sighed and got out of the bed so I could get ready for the day.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all of that." I said quietly and started walking to the closet. "I'm just glad you're back. I wasn't going to tell you but I was starting to think your memories weren't going to come back." He said as he put a shirt on. "Wow, so you lied to me?" I asked and peaked my head out to glare at him.

"I didn't lie! I was hopeful thinking, it's different." He said and held his hands up in surrender as I rolled my eyes playfully.

I really missed knowing him fully.

When I forgot everything but still loved him I knew I was acting the way everyone told me I should have been acting to give them a sense of normalcy. In reality I was still the same sad, scared girl who I was before I met them. I felt different today. I felt stronger than I have ever felt in my life.

"Whatever you say, Cole." I said and scrunched my nose at him before ducking back into the closet to get changed.

I put on a yellow sweater with jeans and brown knee high boots and then braided my hair at the vanity which was in the corner of the room. I wanted to look as good as I was feeling today so I got up to go wash my face so I could put some makeup on.

Colby was walking into the room with Mia as I left the closet, "hi sweetheart!!!" I yelled and held my arms out to her as she giggled at me, "oh I missed you sweet girl..so much." I mumbled and pulled her closer to me so I could kiss her head. She just cooed and nuzzled into me, as I closed my eyes.

I was going to live each day differently now since I knew how it felt to lose everything. I wanted to take every moment in as if it was the last.

"Cora..." Colby said breaking me from my thoughts. "Sorry, what?" I asked and shook my head, "I asked if you wanted to take Mia with you guys today or if you wanted me to watch her here." He said with a chuckled as I looked down at Mia who was resting her head on my shoulder. "I wanna take her. I have no idea what we are even doing though, so that answer might change. I just missed her." I said with a sigh.

"I understand, okay finish getting ready, you have probably 6 minutes before comes in here and drags you by your hair." He said with a laugh. "She can relax,  I still have to feed Mia." I said and shook my head before laying her on the ground so she could play.

"God, I missed you." Colby breathed out and kissed me before I could walk away. "I missed you too, now let me go Brock, I have to get pretty." I said and stuck my tongue out at him. "You're already gorgeous." He retorted but let me walk away anyways.

I finished getting ready and fed Mia quickly so Kat wouldn't kill me. "What are we even doing?" I asked as she grabbed her keys. "We have to another dress fitting and we have a hair and makeup consultation." She said as we walked out to the car.

"Oh got it." I said and opened the back seat and put Mia in her car seat. "Are Dev and Tara coming?" I asked and got into the passengers seat, "yeah they are meeting us there. Also you and Colby have to go to the venue and talk to the caterers this afternoon." She said and started to drive.

"Can we at least stop and get me some breakfast?" I asked with a laugh, "you want to eat before your dress appointment?" She asked and I sighed, "you're right, it's probably not a good idea." I said and rubbed my grumbling belly. "Before the other appointment though I expect breakfast." I said and she laughed, "alright deal."

The dress appointment was fairly uneventful other than the fact that we looked at dresses for Mia. She was still going to grow a little before the wedding but we still needed an idea of what we would want her wearing. I think I wanted her wearing light green like Devyn and Tara since she was going to technically be our flower girl.

Kat kept her promise and got me food then we headed to our other appointment. "So what were you thinking hair wise?" The hair dresser asked as I took my braids out so she could see what we were working with. "I was thinking half up half down, with maybe some flowers in it or something?" I proposed as she combed her fingers through my long hair.

"Let see what we can come up with." She said and got to work at trying out different styles. Kat sat next to me with Mia in her arms as the stylist worked her magic, "that is looking so good Cora." Kat admired as Devyn came up to us. She had her hair in an updo which was gorgeous, "Dev! That looks so good!" I exclaimed happily, "I know right! I'm obsessed." She said and turned her head to look in the mirror.

Once the stylist was done with my hair she turned me in the mirror. As soon as she did I could feel the emotions bubble up.

I loved it so much.

"I love it!" I wimpered out and brought my hand to my eye, stopping a tear that was about to fall. "Yeah?" The stylist asked with a smile on her face as she admired her work. "Yes!" I said and danced happily. "We are going to put flowers here and here so you can picture it." She said and pointed to where they would go. "Perfect! I don't want to take it out but I also don't want Colby to see it. Is it bad I want him to cry when I walk down the aisle?" I asked as the stylist started dismantling my hair.

"No, I think every girl secretly hopes for that. Colby is going to cry without a doubt though." Kat said as she bounced Mia on her lap. "He better." I said with a chuckle as Tara walked up, her hair was also in a gorgeous updo.

"Stop! Guys I'm seriously not going to survive this wedding. I'm gonna cry myself to death." I said and looked at Tara, "you look stunning." I said as she laughed. "Cora you're such an emotional person, relax." She said as the stylist brushed my hair out and braided it again.

I switched with Kat and bounced Mia as she got her hair done. I cried at her updo as well, which wasn't a shock.

We decided on our makeup looks but didn't have them tested since we already all had our makeup done. I was getting really excited for the wedding, especially since I was scared it wasn't going to happen for a minute there.

I was seriously so grateful for that stupid slingshot.

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