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It was the worst sleep of my life, if you could even call it sleep. I just tossed and turned, searching for Colby all night.

What was my problem?

He's just concerned about me, yeah he may have not expressed his concerns in the best way possible but he meant no harm. He didn't deserve my reaction.

I decided to go visit Mia to bring me some comfort, she always managed to do that, even if she was asleep. I got out of bed and slowly made my way to the nursery. I was surprised I had the energy to even get there, but as soon as I did I didn't regret it. Mia was sleeping soundly in her crib which warmed my heart.

I made my way to the rocking chair and sat down, letting out a deep breath. I pulled out Mia's baby book and started going through it, until she started cooing, "are you awake sweet girl?" I asked and stood up, reaching into the crib to grab her. She smiled up at me with her big blue eyes shining.

I smiled and kissed her head as I heard a shuffling in the hallway right before the door opened, "oh." Colby said and looked at us, "sorry..I'll just.." he turned to leave but I gasped, "wait! Colby I'm sorry." I said causing him to stop and turn to me, "I'm sorry. I know you're just worried and I was a huge bitch." I admitted and rocked Mia back to sleep.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have accused you of not caring. Clearly you care, you're the one actually feeling the pain. I just...I get too protective sometimes." He said and leaned against the door, messing with his hair.

"Maybe. But I get too reckless sometimes." I said and looked down at Mia who was now sleeping again.

I sighed and looked back up at him, "I think I'm having a harder time with this that I thought I would. I just want to be better already. This sucks so bad." I said and frowned at him as I gestured to the walker next to me, "it does. It sucks worse though when the man you love accuses you of trying to hurt yourself when you're already hurting so bad." He said and looked down.

"Stop. Don't do that." I said and stood up to put Mia back in the crib. He looked up at me with shame in his eyes, "you were just concerned because you care about me. I understand that you're worried about me getting hurt again but...I'm not a baby." I said and took a deep breath.

"I can handle myself and my mistakes if I get hurt again. If I do something stupid and end up getting hurt again then that's on me. I know that would hurt you because you don't like seeing me in pain but it's the reality of life." I said and he nodded, "I know." He said as I moved the walker to the side, "now come here." I said and held my arms open for him to come hug me.

He walked over and enveloped me into a hug. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around him, "do you forgive me?" I asked and he chuckled, "yes, do you forgive me?" He asked and pulled away slightly so he could look me in the eyes, "I forgive you." I said with a small laugh as he pulled me in for a kiss. I smiled against his lips as he cupped my cheek.

Clearly we sucked at fighting.

Without missing a beat Colby picked me up and carried me out of the nursery and into the bedroom. I didn't care that my body was aching, I didn't care about anything except for Colby's lips on my own.

He laid me gently on the bed and kissed me, "I don't want to hurt you." He mumbled and I laughed, "just have make up sex with me, Brock." I said and pulled his head down to kiss me again. "Yes ma'am." He mumbled against my lips and got down to it.

Was it the best idea in the world? Probably not, but did I regret it at all? No.

We woke up the next morning cuddled up against eachother as Mia cried in the other room, "I'll get her." I mumbled and tried to get out of bed but my body seized up from the pain, "oh! Yeah you should get her." I said with a laugh as he smirked, "you sore? Damn I'm good." He said as I cackled, "I was sore before the sex, dumbass!" I yelled as he jogged out of the room.

He came back a few minutes later with Mia, who was fully dressed in a cute little dress with a big bow. "Why is she dressed up?" I asked and finally sat up, "we are all going out." He said and laid her on the ground so she could play. "Where are we going?" I asked as he helped me get out of bed.

"Ring shopping." He said as I looked at him with confusion. "Ring shopping?" I asked as he held up his left ring finger, "we never picked out my ring." He said and I gasped, "oh SHIT. Okay, I'm getting ready." I said and looked around for my walker, "where are my second pair of legs?" I asked and held onto Colby to stay upright.

"Shit it's in the nursery, hold on." He said and scooped me up, taking me to the closet so I could get dressed while he got the walker.

I got dressed as Colby brought the walker in, "I can't believe I forgot about your ring." I said as I frantically tried to pull my sweater over my head, "to be fair you forgot a lot of things for a while there." He said with a laugh and helped me with my sweater.

"Touché, but still! That's a HUGE part of the wedding." I said and brushed my hair out carefully as Colby got dressed. "Yeah, but we didn't forget so it's fine." He said with a smirk and kissed my head before going back into the bedroom.

We both got ready and made our way to the car with Mia tagging along of course.

I giggled with excitement as we got to the jewelry store. "Wow, you're really excited for this." Colby said with a chuckle as I swung the car door open. "Well yeah! We are getting your wedding ring today. Your WEDDING ring! It's exciting. I can't wait to marry you." I said as he got out of the car and grabbed my walker, then grabbed Mia.

"You weren't saying that last night." He said with a grin, "yeah but I'm saying it now...so....." I said and pursed my lips as we walked inside, "I can't wait to marry you either." He said and kissed the side of my head as the sale associate came up.

"Hey, how can I help you guys?" The guy said with a smile. "I'm looking for a wedding band," Colby said as I smiled at the guy, "ohhh nice! Congratulations! Let me bring you over to our selections." He said and led us to the small case with wedding bands in it.

Most of them looked the same with little details that were different. My eye caught one that was a silver band, but there were diamonds incrusting it with a small gold band along the top and bottom of the diamonds. It was simple but intricate.

"What are you thinking love?" Colby asked and looked at me, "hmmm I like this one." I said and pointed to the one I was looking at.

"No way, that's the one I was looking at! Or this one." Colby said and pointed to one that was a couple over, it was silver with little gold carvings on it, "oooo it's your ring, you pick. I like them both." I said and smiled as I leaned against my walker. "Okay, I choose...this one." He said and pointed to the one I picked out.

"Alright let's get you sized and we will order it for you, it should be here in two weeks." The associate said and grabbed a couple sizes of the ring and had Colby try them on. I sat with Mia in a chair as they did this since my legs were getting tired from standing.

Once we finished with the ring appointment I felt a certain sense of accomplishment, our wedding was 99% planned, all I had to do was recover a little more and then we were there.

We were really getting married in 3 weeks.

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