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"I'm so sorry." I whispered after waking the girls up with nightmares for the third night in a row. It's been 3 days since the incident and they still haven't found the guys or my belongings. I tried to keep my head up about losing the most important piece of jewelry I would ever own, but I have definitely cried every single day about it.

"It's okay." Kat said as she rubbed my back. "Yeah, we don't mind." Tara said as Devyn walked in with a cup of tea. "You guys are the best." I said and took the tea from Devyn. "Yeah. We are." Tara said with a laugh as I sighed and leaned my head on her shoulder.

"Do you think they will find my stuff?" I asked and took a sip of tea, "I do..I think they will find the guys who did that to you also." Kat said and pulled the blankets onto our legs again. "I hope so." I whispered and continued sipping on my tea.

We eventually all went back to sleep but woke up to my phone ringing. I was half expecting it to be Colby but it was a number I didn't recognize, "hello?" I answered groggily. "Sorry if I woke you Cora, this is officer Stone. I'm just calling to tell you I think we found your guys." He said causing me to sit up straight. "Did you find my stuff?" I asked and looked at the girls as they stared at me. "Some of it. We are still on the search for the hoodie and your ring but the two necklaces were found at a pawn shop in downtown LA." My heart sank a little bit.

"Okay, thank you." I said and let out a sigh, "we need you to come up to the station so you can identify the guys to make sure they are the right ones." He said as I slid out of bed. "Okay, I can be there in an hour is that okay?" I asked quietly, "yeah, I suggest you bring a friend...lineups can be hard to handle." He warned as I nodded, "okay thank you. I'll be there in an hour." I said then hung up.

"Did they find your stuff?" Kat asked as I walked into the closet. I pulled on Colby's hoodie and sweatpants, then went back into the bedroom, "they found my necklaces..and the guys who did it. I have to go identify them." I said quietly and reached for my keys.

"Okay well I'm coming." Kat said and stood up, "you would do that?" I asked and chewed on the inside of my cheek. "Of course! You might have to hold me back from kicking their asses though." She said causing me to laugh. "You know Kat, if you wanted two black eyes I could just give them to you, you don't have to fight big mean men." I said with a laugh causing her to roll her eyes playfully. "Whatever. I'll meet you at the car in 15." She said then skipped out of the room. "I'm going to bed." Tara grumbled and covered herself with the blankets. "I am too." Devyn said and did the same thing, "sleep well, love you." I said then skipped out of the room.

I went downstairs and grabbed an apple to eat for breakfast. "Hey Kev." I said as he walked in, "hey Cor, where are you off to?" He asked and looked at my shoes. "Oh, to identify the people who mugged me the other day. Can you watch Mia for me? I don't want them to be near her." I said and he nodded, "yeah, you better not be going alone to that." He said as I shrugged, "Kat is coming with me." I said and took a sip of water.

"Alright, be safe okay?" He asked as I turned to leave, "I'll try to be!" I said then went out to the car, throwing my apple core out on the way there.

When I got in the car I decided to call Colby, "hey baby." He answered after a couple rings, "hey, guess what." I said causing him to chuckle a bit, "what?" He asked as I twirled my hair with my fingers. "They found the guys, and my necklaces." I said with a small smile, trying to ignore the fact that my wedding ring was still missing.

"That's great! I can finally breathe knowing those scum bags are caught." He said causing me to sigh, "yeah well I still have to identify them, so we aren't fully in the clear yet." I said as Kat started walking to the car, "you gonna be okay seeing them again?" Colby asked as I bit my cheek, "don't know. I guess we will have to see." I said with a shrug and turned to Kat,

"I have to go though, we are going to the police station." I said causing him to sigh, "okay...just...take it easy okay? And stay safe." He said causing me to chuckle, "I will babe, I love you." I said and started the car up, "love you too, I'll call you later to check how it went okay?" He asked as I pulled out of the driveway. "Sounds good." I said then hung up.

Kat and I listened to music as we made our way to the police station. I wasn't really nervous until we got there. I was excited to get my necklaces back but I was so nervous to look the criminals in the eye again.

Every night in my nightmares I would see them.

They haunted me.

"Ready?" Kat asked as I parked the car. "As ready as I'll ever be." I said with a sigh and got out. When we got inside we were greeted by officer stone, "hey Cora, how are you feeling?" He asked as I shook his hand, "I'm alive." I said with a shrug. "That's how we like to see you." He said with a smile then handed me a bag with my necklaces in it.

I gasped at them, feeling a little bit of comfort as I pulled them out of the bag. "Will you help me put them on?" I asked Kat causing her to smile. "Yeah, of course." I turned around and pulled my hair up off of my neck, I sighed with relief as soon as they were on. I felt a little more at peace.

"Alright are you ready for this?" Officer Stone asked as I shook my hands out, "ready as I'll ever be." I said then bundled my sleeves in my hands.

He let us to this dark room, where one of the walls was a glass window. On the other side of the window it was light, and there were lines on the wall showing what height the people were. "Okay bring them in." Officer Stone said into the little microphone.

Two men walked into the room and faced us. I didn't even have to look at their faces to know it was them, but I still made the mistake of looking them in the eyes.

As soon as I looked the tall one in the eye I felt my heart race as an imagine of him kicking me in the face filled my mind, I reached my shaky hand out to Kat as I felt myself start to collapse. "Cora!" Kat yelled and caught me before I could crash to the ground, "t-that's them," I whispered and burried my face into her shoulder as I cried my eyes out.

"Get them out of here!" Officer stone yelled as my hearing faded, the panic inside of my body raging on. "Stay with me Cora. Here feel this. This is Colby's hoodie, it's soft isn't it." Kat said and lifted my hand, rubbing it against the hoodie I was wearing.

It was helping me a little bit. Colby always brought me comfort, even if he wasn't physically with me.

I don't know how long I cried for before I came back to my senses fully. "I'm sorry," I whispered and smacked myself lightly in the face a few times. "It's okay, you identified them, now let's get you home." Kat said and helped me up. I nodded and stood up straight, shaking my limbs out and taking a huge breath.

As we were leaving officer stone got a phone call, "hey Cora, wait," he said causing my heart to stop.

"Uh huh...yeah. Okay. Thank you." He said then smiled at me, "they found your rings." He said which made my heart ache with happiness, "Where were they?!" I asked as I hugged Kat, "pawn shop in San Diego. They are bringing them now if you want to wait." He said causing me to smile, "I'll wait." I said and pulled Kat to one of the waiting room chairs.

We sat there for about 20 minutes before the officer that found the rings came in. "I believe these belong to you." He said and handed them over as tears formed in my eyes.

I never thought I would see them again.

As soon as I put them back on I felt complete again, but the raincloud above me wasn't going to let me off  so easy.

I felt the way it felt to have them ripped off as I screamed and tried to clench my fist so tight that they couldn't get them. I was weak though, and they took the rings that meant the world to me with ease and just sold them.

It made my heart hurt.

"Come on, let's go home and see Mia." Kat said and led me out of the police station. We listened to music and talked about the trip to Salem we were about to have in just 2 short days.

I can't believe it's been almost two weeks since I've seen Colby.

I seriously couldn't wait to surprise him.

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