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"Wake up wake up wake up!!!" Kat yelled and jumped on the bed. "Mmmm what?" I groaned, pulling the covers over my head, "the boys are on the way!!!!" She yelled and yanked the covers off of me, "what time is it?" I groaned and covered my face with my hands. "10am, they will be here in like 4 hours!! We have to get ready!" Kat said and pulled my arms up.

"They aren't even on the plane yet...we have time." I said with a laugh, but let her pull me up anyways. "Beauty takes time, Cor!" Kat said as I stretched, "yeah yeah, whatever." I grumbled and went to the bathroom to go shower.

I might have been tired but I was really really excited about today, I couldn't wait to tackle Colby with a hug. I couldnt wait for him to kiss me and hold me at night. I just couldn't wait.

As soon as I was out of the shower I towel dried my hair and did a face mask. Since my hair was shorter now it took half the time for me to dry it. I decided I was going to curl it today to really show off how cute the new haircut was.

When I walked out of the bathroom I could hear Mia crying, "hey sweet girl!" I cooed and pulled her out of the crib, bouncing her on my hip, "we get to see daddy today!" I sang and sat down to feed her.

"Cora, you better be getting ready!" I heard Kat yell from down the hall, "I'm in here!" I called as I played with Mia's hair, "Aw you look cute already." She said and smiled at me, "I still have to do my makeup though. What time do they land?" I asked as she pulled her phone out, "it's already 11:30. They land at 1. We still have to set up the stuff for the party! Also I convinced Sam to make them take an Uber so I think he's suspicious of the party already." She said as Mia finished eating.

I felt a weird feeling in my stomach as soon as she pulled away, but I ignored it. "They would be dumb if they didn't expect SOMETHING." I said with a laugh as I cleaned Mia up. "Yeah, I guess that's true, but the point is we have to set up still." She said as I burped Mia, "Kat, you're stressing me out." I admitted.

"I'm sorry! I just want it to be perfect, I miss Sam so much that I just..I don't know." She said causing me to smirk, "I get it, trust me. It will be perfect because they are coming home. All of this other stuff is just for fun." I said and she nodded.

"You're right. I'm just antsy, I need to keep my mind occupied I think." She said and shook her hands out, "here, you play with Mia while I finish getting ready. Sound good?" I asked and handed Mia to her, "Great plan." She said and nodded.

I was just finishing with my makeup when Colby called me, "hey....aren't you supposed to be on the plane by now?" I asked with confusion as I looked at the time, "yeah....about that.." he said quietly which made my heart sink, "there's apparently a giant thunderstorm going southbound right outside of San Francisco...so they cancelled our flight. I'm so sorry baby girl..." he said as I bit my lip, trying to keep my tears at bay.

"Oh." I whispered and brought my hand to my mouth. "We are trying our best to get a flight for tonight but they have them all canceled for right now." He said as I started to cry, "I understand." I whispered shakily. "Cor..." he whispered with a tear filled voice.

"I...it's....this sucks." I mumbled as I choked back my tears. "I know baby girl, trust me I know..I'm about 10 seconds away from getting an Uber from here to LA." He said causing me to laugh a watery laugh, "that would be expensive, Cole. Don't do that." I said and wiped my nose with the back of my hand.

"Sam already talked me out of it..I just wish there was something I could do...I want to see you so badly." He said as I got up, "I want to see you, too..more than you know but what's one more day..." I said with a sigh, trying to stay strong for him.

"I'm so sorry, Cora." He said again as I shook my head, "you know it's not your fault. Stop apologizing." I said and walked to the bathroom to take my makeup off, I wasn't in the mood to wear it anymore.

I just wanted to cry, and be alone.

"I know..I know. I just feel bad." He said with a sigh, "well don't. It's fine, we will just see eachother tomorrow." I said and threw half of my hair up in a little bun. "I guess we will.." he said as I nodded,

"I'm gonna go..do I have to tell the girls or are Sam, Corey, and Jake calling them?" I asked as I rubbed my palms on my pants. "They are telling them." He said quietly, "okay, well...I'll see you tomorrow." I said as I felt the tears boil up again, "see you tomorrow, baby girl." He said as I hung up.

I collapsed into the bed and just sobbed, feeling all of the excitement for the day leave my body. Maybe it was a little bit of a dramatic reaction, but I was REALLY excited to see him.

I heard the door open as I hid my face in my pillow and sobbed, I heard sniffling as someone sat next to me, "it's okay, Cor." Kat sniffled as I sat up to hug her.

"Why can't things just work out?" I sobbed into her shoulder as Mia whimpered in between our bodies.
"Oh hi sweet girl. I'm sorry you can't see daddy today.." I whispered and took her into my arms. "He will be here hopefully tomorrow..then we won't be sad." I said and bounced her against my shoulder as Kat frowned,

"It's better they are safe..right?" She asked and brushed my hair behind my ear as I frowned, "yeah....I guess that's true." I said and sniffled.

"Come on Cor, cheer up a little bit...we can order Chinese food and watch a movie with Dev and Tara if you want?" She asked as I nodded. "That sounds fun.." I mumbled as she pulled my arm, pulling me out of bed.

We went downstairs to see Devyn and Tara in the kitchen, making hot chocolate.

"Hey, we are having a movie day did you want to join?" Tara asked as she portioned out the hot chocolate into 4 mugs, "we were just going to ask you guys the same thing." Kat said as she pulled the menu out for the Chinese place we always go to.

"Did you guys tell everyone the party is off until tomorrow?" I asked and rocked Mia as I wiped my cheek, "yeah. I told them." Devyn said and started walking to the movie room with two cups of hot  chocolate.

We ordered the Chinese food and all sat in the movie room, watching Disney movies with the hope it would at least make us smile a little bit.

We were half way done with the third movie when we heard the front door swing open with force, causing us all to jump.


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