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Colby looked at me with drowsy eyes for a second before they went wide, "C-Cor?" He asked with disbelief in his voice. "Yeah." I whispered as he tackled me with a tight hug.

"What are you doing here!?" He asked as I dropped my bag and set down Mia's carrier so I could wrap my arms tightly around him. "I wanted to surprise you" I said as I burried my face in his chest, reveling in the smell of his cologne.

"Oh my god...I missed you so much." He whispered and kissed the top of my head. "I missed you too." I whispered back then pulled away, "she missed you too." I said and pointed to the carrier that Mia was in, "oh my god! Hi princess!!" He exclaimed and bent down to pull her out of the carrier. Mia giggled and pushed her face into Colby's neck as he held her tight. I smiled and picked up the empty carrier and my bag.

"I can't believe this...oh my god." He said and moved out of the way so I could walk into the room. "You were just in LA!" He yelled as he sat on the bed with Mia in his arms. She was giggling and reaching for his hand so she could pull on his fingers. "When you called me I was in Boston." I said and sat next to him. "You came here by yourself?" He asked and wrapped his free arm around me as we laid back against the pillows.

"No all the girls are with me. All of you are getting surprised." I said with a wide smile. "No way...you guys are amazing." He said then kissed me. I got lost in the kiss as I melted into his side. When I pulled away I smirked at him.

"I have a surprise for you later." I whispered as his eyes widened slightly, "oh yeah?" He asked as I bit my lip. "Yeah, when you get back from filming." I said and leaned into his chest as Mia squirmed slightly.

"Maybe we should let her play for a little bit, tire her out so she won't be a pain for Devyn later." I said as he looked at me with confusion. "Why is Devyn..oh..OH." He said and looked at me with a fire in his eyes. "Yeah. You bring toys for her?" He asked and got up off the bed to sit on the floor.

"Yeah let me get them out." I said then opened my bag. "I can't believe you're here." He breathed out and just watched me as I put some toys on the floor in front of Mia. "I missed you so much." I said and sat next to him and leaned against his shoulder. "I missed you too." He said then kissed my head. 

"Be honest on scale of 1-10 how bad does my face look." I said as he got ready to back to set. "I'd say an 8 BUT you're still a 10 on the hotness scale." He said with a smirk. "How can I be a 10 if I'm an 8 on the looking bad scale?" I asked as he laced his shoes up. "Because you're always a 10. The bruises on your face are bad, but I can only see the beautiful color of your eyes." He said causing me to smile and roll my eyes playfully. "Okay mr. romantic." I said with a laugh. We let Mia play for a while before we had to get up to start getting ready.

"Did you want to come with us?" Colby asked as he helped me up off of the floor, "I don't want to put Mia in that situation, also she might cry and ruin the footage or something. The girls and I are going to explore a little bit." I said and wrapped my arms around Colby's neck as he rested his hands on my waist. "A woman after my own heart." He said and kissed me, pulling my hips into his as he deepened it.

I moaned into his mouth as the pit in my stomach grew, but I pulled away, "later." I promised and smiled at him as he stared at my swollen lips. "I don't think I'm going to be able to leave you." He said lowly as I smirked and smacked his chest. "You have to. I'll be here when you get back though." I said and bit my lip. "You better be." He said as I turned to get ready to leave. As soon as I turned he smacked me in the ass causing me to yelp.

"I'll be back by 11...please stay awake for me baby girl." He whispered as I smiled then bit my lip again, "I will." I said quietly as he leaned down for a slow burning kiss.

I missed him so much.

I quickly changed and fed Mia before we had to meet everyone in the lobby. I already was dreading time away from him again as I laced my fingers through his in the elevator. He sighed with content as I rested my head on his arm. "You sure you can't come with me?" He asked causing me to giggle, "I wish I could baby." I said and squeezed his hand as the doors opened.

"Hey Sammy!" I said happily as he came over to give me a hug. "Hey Cor, how you feeling?" He asked as I pulled away from him, "I'm happy now that we are all together again." I said and smiled at him widely. "Coraline!" Jake yelled as I was being lifted off of the ground, "hi jake!" I said with a laugh as he spun me around. "Good to see y-holy shit." He said when I turned around to face him.

"Dude." Colby said as I chuckled, "no I know I look like shit." I said and laughed, "nah, you don't look like shit, you just look like you got mugged." Jake said with a shrug as he put his arm around Tara, "she did, dumbass." Tara said with a laugh. "Right." He said then turned to leave the hotel.

"Hey Cor, good to see you" Corey said and enveloped me into a huge hug. "Good to see you too Corey, the ghosts aren't scaring you too bad are they?" I asked with a laugh, "no....I'm a big boy ghosts don't scare me." He said with a fake pout as I felt Colby wrap his arm around my waist. "Right. Okay, you guys should go before they hunt you down." I said then turned to Colby. "I love you." I said and kissed him.

He smiled at my as he handed me Mia, "I love you too." He said then leaned in to whisper in my ear. "I can't wait until tonight." He whispered, then kissed my cheek. I sucked in a breath and bit my lip as he turned to follow the guys.

"I feel bad for your room neighbors." Tara said with a laugh, "that's you, dumbass." I said with a laugh as she sighed, "oh God, you're right." She said as Kat and Devyn died of laughter. "I wouldn't laugh if I were you Kat, you're on the other side." I said coyly and strapped Mia into her carrier and put a pacifier in her mouth. "Damnit." She said and fake pouted.

"It doesn't matter, let's go." I said and stood up straight, grabbing the handle to Mia's carrier.

Then we were off, on our way to explore Salem.

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