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As soon as we finished breakfast we went back to our rooms to get ready to whale watch. "Okay, according to this website we need sunscreen, snacks, water, sunglasses, hats-" I started as Colby sat on the bed bouncing Mia, "babe you're totally in mom mode right now and as adorable as it is we don't have time to get most of that stuff," he said cutting me off as he laughed.

"I just....we should at least get Mia a hat. I want to protect her fragile skin." I said and rubbed my hand along her arm, "we can get her a hat if it will make you feel better." He said with a smile, "and sunscreen." I said as I finished trying to cover the hickeys on my neck and chest,

"I really got you good didn't I?" Colby asked as I slipped the little powder compact into my purse and sprayed a bunch of setting spray on my neck. "You did, but it was worth it." I said with a shrug and grabbed Mia's carrier and diaper bag.

"Alright, let's go." I said as Colby opened the door, "are you excited, little girl?!" I asked as Mia reached for me to take her. She nuzzled into my neck as Colby took the diaper bag from me,

"I called Emily while you were getting ready, she said she can get you in on Wednesday." He said as we walked to the elevator, "sounds perfect, thank you for calling babe." I said as I hiked Mia up my hip, "you're welcome, I wish I could be there to take you to the appointment." He said with a sigh. "Don't worry about it baby, I can handle it." I said and smiled at him.

We met everyone downstairs, but Jake and Tara weren't here yet. "Hell yeah we weren't the last ones down!" I said and put down Mia's carrier so I could give Colby a high five. "Actually they were already down here but left to go get snacks." Sam said as he put his phone in his pocket. "Damnit." I muttered as Mia giggled.

When Tara and Jake came back we went to the bus station to get a bus back to Boston. Colby held Mia in his lap as he bounced her which caused my heart to soar, I seriously loved my little family so much.

I ended up falling asleep resting my head on Colby's shoulder as we took the half hour bus trip to Boston. "Cor, we are here." Colby whispered and kissed the side of my head. "Hmmm." I hummed and sat up, rubbing my eyes.

"Sorry I fell asleep." I mumbled as everyone started getting off of the bus. "It's alright babe, everyone is gonna go get the tickets for the whale watch and we are going to find some sunscreen and a hat for this little princess." He said and bounced Mia against his hip as she laughed with squinted eyes.

"Sounds like I plan!" I said and grabbed the bag as Colby grabbed the carrier. We all got an Uber to the whale watching dock, I was getting really excited because I had never whale watched before.

"Okay, we will get your tickets, go ahead." Sam said and shooed us off to the little stretch of shops that was down the road.

I grabbed Colby's hand with his free hand as we walked down the little boardwalk. "Are you excited for whale watching?" Colby asked and squeezed my hand, "I'm more excited about getting to spend time with everyone." I said with a smile. "Me too, even if we just get made fun of all the time." He said with a laugh. "Yeah, I guess we are just the superior couple." I said and squeezed his hand, "oh obviously." He said as we made it to the shops.

We grabbed a bunch of sunscreen, a couple snacks and a little hat and sunglasses for Mia. "Oh she's so cute!" I gasped when Colby put them on her. "She really is." Colby said with a laugh as she giggled and rested her head on his. "Let me take a picture of this, hold on." I said and backed up to take a picture as he smiled widely at the camera. I immediately set that as my wallpaper then reached for his hand again.

When we got back to the dock they were boarding the boat. We all went to the top deck and found seats next to eachother, "I'm so excited!" Kat squealed to my left. "Me too!! I hope we actually see some whales." I said and leaned my head onto Colby's shoulder again. He lifted his arm and wrapped it around me as the boat started speeding along the water.

We were maybe 10 minutes into the journey before we were all shivering from how cold the air was as it whipped us in the face. "Remember w-when I w-was reading t-that article a-about what t-to bring?" I asked Colby as I shivered into his side, "yeah?" He said and cuddled Mia closer to him as she cried. "Sweatshirts w-were probably on t-there, dumbass." I said and grabbed the blanket I used to cover myself with while feeding Mia.

I took Mia from him and wrapped her up tightly in the blanket then handed her back so she would at least be a little warmer. "I wasn't thinking about that!" Colby said with a laugh as I burried my face into his side. "I'm s-so mad at y-you." I grumbled as he rubbed his hand up and down my arm.

As soon as we were stopped the sun warmed us up almost immediately, which was a relief.  "Still mad at me baby girl?" He asked causing me to scoff, "still mad at me baby girl?" I mocked then took Mia from him so we could go walk to the railing to whale watch. I heard him chuckle as I walked away which caused me to roll my eyes playfully.

"Look at the water, sweet girl!" I cooed and pointed out towards the ocean, she giggled and bounced happily as Colby came up next to me, "oh my god look!!" Kat yelled next to me as a giant whale tail surfaced a couple feet away from us. "Look Mia!" I said and bounced her a couple times. She giggled and reached out flexing her fingers at the whale.

"Yeah! It's a whale!" Colby said and took her hand, waving it at the tail that was making its descent back into the water. "That was so cool!" Devyn exclaimed and jumped up and down. "That thing has a fatter ass than you do Colby!" Corey said with a laugh, "oh not a chance!" Jake said as Tara laughed, "you guys are IDIOTS." She yelled as we all laughed.

We stood there for a while watching for more whales. The water was pretty choppy so we were rocking a lot more my stomach liked, "I'm gonna go sit down for a second." I said quietly as Mia started fussing in my arms.

Colby looked at me with concern, "you okay?" He asked and I nodded, "yeah, my stomach just hurts, plus Mia is getting a little fussy I'm gonna try and-" I was interrupted by Mia throwing up all over me. "I'm gonna go clean her up." I finished and turned to walk towards the seats.

"Let me help you." Colby said and followed me. "I think it just got a little too choppy for her." I said quietly and pulled out a towel from the diaper bag and started wiping her face as she cried.

"It's okay sweet girl, I know you aren't feeling well." I said and pouted my lip out as Colby reached for her, "it's okay princess." He cooed and pulled her into his chest as she pouted her lip at me, I frowned and brought my hand to her cheek caressing it gently before taking the towel and wiping myself off with it.

Colby was able to eventually calm her down enough to bring her back to the railing. I finished getting cleaned up and went back over to where everyone was,

"Jesus Colby, are you a vampire?" Sam asked when he turned to greet me, "what?" I asked as Kat smacked Sam's arm, "your neck.." Devyn said causing my hand to fly up to it, "shit!" I hissed then turned to get my purse to cover them up again. "Nice one brother." Jake said and clapped Colby on the back as he looked at me "sorry" he mouthed then but his lip.

"You guys are exhausting sometimes." I said with a laugh and covered the bruises on my neck, "watch the whales, dumbasses." I said and squinted at Jake and Corey who were still staring at me. I honestly found it funny though when they teased us because I know they were just joking.

The trip back to the shore was just as bad if not worse than the way out, but I was grateful once we were back on land. As soon as both of my feet were on the dock I could feel my stomach churn. I looked up at Colby with wide eyes, "you gonna throw up?" He asked cautiously as I brought my hand to my mouth.

"Here." Sam said and handed me a paper puke bag, "thank you." I mumbled before I emptied the contents of my stomach into it. I felt 100 times better so I looked at everyone with a smile.

"Alright! What are we doing next?"

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