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When Or When Not To Give Up

Song: Say Something by A Great Big World ft. Christina Aguilera



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7:15 p

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7:15 p.m.

Chloe had glanced down at her cellular device for the fifth time waiting for Jaxon's arrival to pick her up. It was currently fifteen minutes after eight where Chloe anticipated his arrival, waiting for the conversation that they were bound to have. Her hands were clammy, sweat beads forming every second as she continuously rubbed her palms against her denim jeans. For the entire day, her mind wandered...

Where would they go from here? Would they survive or would they crumble as a whole?


She turns her head to the voice of her grandmother, "Gigi,"

Georgia smiled softly walking over to sit with Chloe on the porch swing, "Is he late?"

"Just by five minutes," Chloe jokes lightly. She sighs suddenly, "I'm scared," Her face scrunched in nervousness. "Should I be?"

Georgia doesn't answer immediately but touches Chloe's hand in comfort, "There's nothing wrong with being scared. But if you are, then you do what's right for you."

Chloe lets her grandmother's words sink in slowly as she wondered, would the answer she gave Jaxon be the best thing for her? Or for them both?

"It's just...Jax has a lot going on and I wonder can he handle it by himself. I know it's a lot on him," Chloe brings her knees to her chin.

Georgia scoffs, "The question is if you were to be with him, could you handle what he has going on?"

Chloe didn't answer right away, "I know that there are women who have been in this type of situation before but that is a good question,"

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