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Testing The Waters

Song: Twice by Little Dragon



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He was no fool...but today he felt like one.

Jaxon kept his gaze on Clay the entire time they were situated in a very important meeting. Some could see the tension radiating off of Jaxon for the time being but not once questioned what was bothering him.

As for Clay, he could tell that something or someone was bothering Jaxon to the point where he ignored it.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" Jaxon was quick to ask Clay as his mind was still stuck on the fact of what was troubling his mother. "It won't take long,"

Clay's eyes remained on Jaxon excusing himself from the table of men with who he occupied. He grabs the beer bottled before following Jaxon to his office to obtain privacy from the others.

Jaxon along with Clay entered the office as he went over to take a seat in the metal folding chair that rested in the corner. Clay watched Jaxon with cautious eyes, studying his body language realizing how bothered the young man was today.

"So, what's bothering you son?" Clay asked as he had taken his seat across from Jaxon.

Jaxon didn't answer but shrugged his shoulders, "I need to talk to you about something. It's dealing with my mom,"

Clay's senses had peaked up waiting for Jaxon to continue, "What's going on?"

Jaxon runs his tongue over his teeth, "I know Linda's fucking with my mother and I have a feeling Heather is on it,"

"Shit," Clay nodded. "What have you heard?"

Jaxon shakes his head, "Not much but I know Kyle was concerned when she overheard aunt Terrie talking on the phone one night." He runs his fingers through his scalp. "Listen, if there is something you know about this, please let me know,"

"I know about the Linda situation and I know your mom said she's got it all covered," Clay answers, not wanting to go into detail. "You know you're mother's strong,"

"Yeah, but I also know bullshit when I smell it," Jaxon's stern gaze remained on Clay. "You know something,"

Clay releases a heavy sigh as he sat back in the chair, "Jaxon, it's best if we let Gemma deal with it,"

Jaxon stands to his feet just to walk around in circles, "You know something has been eating me for the past couple of weeks but I've been fucking silent on the bullshit,"

"What is it?" Clay asks out of curiosity.

Jaxon takes a deep breath, eyes cutting to Clay, "I have this bad feeling that some shit is about to happen that I don't know about and it deals with Linda and my mother. Just a few days ago, I talked with her and she seems to be on edge for some odd reason,"

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