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"Harold," Georgia called out to him as she finished placing on body butter to her skin. "...where is that man?" She stood to her feet placing on her black and gold, luxury silk robe, quickly leaving out.

Trotting down the stairs she heard the television from the hallway before entering the living room and seeing her husband watching the local news.

"You're calling it a night down here," She joked while taking to chance to sit on his lap. "What's wrong?"

Harold shook his head, "I'm wondering when Chloe is going to get here." He begins to say. "Lisa is worried out of her mind because her daughter, our granddaughter didn't make it to her home,"

Georgia didn't say much but it bothered her that Chloe had silenced her phone and wasn't answering anyone phone calls. She remembers receiving the phone call hours prior to Lisa that Chloe didn't make it to her home. Both she and Harold were aware of the situation and immediately took action to locate Chloe.

Standing to her feet, Georgia reached for the remote and clicked a certain button before the screen switched to a locator.

"She's almost ten minutes away," She announces while they both eyed the locator on Chloe's car. "I can't believe she drove over nine hours to get here,"

"I wonder what made her do it," Harold asks himself but more so for Georgia to hear. "Do you want to bring it up when she gets here?"

"Maybe tomorrow. When she arrives here, she'll be dead tired to even talk," Georgia informed him. "I just want to know the bastard that is stalking my grandchild,"

"I might need to get Billy out for that person's ass," Harold joked but his tone was serious. Billy was his pride and joy, a sawed-off shotgun.

Georgia chuckled before clicking back to the news and placed the remote right back next to the television remote.

"I'm going to get her bed ready for her," Georgia took her leave to Chloe's bedroom as she thought about her grandchild.

"Who would in there right mind drive all the way here suddenly?" Georgia thought as she pulled fresh linen sheets from the hallway closet before entering the room. "God please keep my baby Chloe safe," She said a small prayer in her mind as she was busy stripping the old sheets.

For the next ten minutes, Georgia's mind was stuck on Chloe's arrival as she had finished folding the bed comforter back. She looked around the room making sure that everything was in place and left out making her way downstairs once again.

Suddenly a knock on the door alerted Georgia as she marched to the front door seeing Harold emerging from the leaving room. Quickly she disabled the security alarm before unlocking the locks and swinging it open to see Chloe standing on the other side. She had a small smile plastered on her face, the big suitcase in one hand and waving with the other.

"Does it like I'm smiling?" Georgia asked, her tone serious than ever. "Get ya ass in here, Chloe," She stepped to the side as Chloe slowly made her way inside. "It's late and we're discussing this now, so get in this living room."

Chloe didn't argue but placed her suitcase down by the doorway before making her way into the living room. Harold took the liberty of shutting the door before securing the home with he locks and the alarm system.

"I thought you wanted to discuss this tomorrow," Harold crossed his arms watching his wife paced back and forth.

Georgia rolls her eyes, "I know but as soon as I saw I have to let her know that what did she was wrong. Her mother is dying to know where she is and I have to make all these phone calls tomorrow,"

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