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Lovely Day


It was the same time, five o'clock in the morning, and once again, Chloe and Jaxon were both awake to watch the sunrise peek in from the windowpane. Chloe's naked body lay halfway across from Jaxon's as she traced his forearm tattoo and he, massaging his fingers through her hair.

"We did this last time." Chloe softly mumbled against his bare chest. "...especially at this time of the hour."

Jaxon breathed deeply, "I guess we like watching the sunrise together." His fingers skated to and fro against her naked back. "We did this as teenagers remember."

"Yes." She mumbles softly, placing a kiss onto his tattooed chest. "It's just...we didn't have sex before when it began that time around."

A throaty chuckle emerges from Jaxon, "I know...we usually would be sleep by this time."

"I know but it's nice to have this time with each other right now." Chloe giggled but cease quickly as Jaxon pulled her entire body over his. "You could've asked..."

"I shouldn't have to." He rests his hands just right above her derriere all the while Chloe slipped her arms under his torso. "Am I meeting these friends of yours today?"

Chloe shrugs, "I didn't think you would be interested in meeting them."

"Well, I would like to know who's been keeping preoccupied for the last few years rather than me." He kisses her forehead softly. "Repeat that."

"I said that if there is time today then you can meet them," Chloe repeated. "...I have to deliver a birthday cake to a party for my mom."

"A delivery girl..." Jaxon suddenly chuckled before Chloe slapped his bare skin. "...sorry but you said it,"

"...and I don't mind doing this for my mother if I do say so myself." Chloe quickly sat up knowing Jaxon was glaring directly at her. "...but I do have a question to ask."

"Shoot." Jaxon let his hands roam along her thighs.

Chloe hummed softly enjoying the massage, "What are we doing?"

"What do you mean?" Jaxon placed his hands behind his head watching Chloe. "Answer me,"

With a roll of her eyes, "Like, we're friends but this is our second time...having years." She answers cautiously. "...and a condom wasn't used."

"I know a condom wasn't used but I pulled out remember." Jaxon reminded Chloe. "I can see that you don't trust it."

"Well, you can't be too sure but..." She looked down at her fidgety fingers. "'s just...we have to be careful that's all."

Jaxon suddenly chuckled, "Chloe, you act you're scared to get pregnant."

"Well, not right now but I did take my birth control...right after we showered a second time." She finger-combed her dried curls. "Besides, we don't need..."

Suddenly Jaxon pulled Chloe down to his eye level, nose to nose with him as they both didn't speak a word. The silence was evident along with the murmur of the air conditioning travel from the vents.

"Chloe, you need to calm down. Okay?" Jaxon began to worry, wondering why did Chloe suddenly become so versatile. "...are you calm?"

(NOTE: I swear I don't know if I used the word "versatile" right...)

At that moment, Chloe remained silent as she struggled to find words to even answer Jaxon, "I...I'm calm. I promise." She swallowed her nervousness down her throat. "Can you hold me please?"

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