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Weary Nights



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Two Years Prior

His eyes were trained strictly on the brick wall as he counted the number of pushups, surpassing the three hundred mark. Everyday Jaxon made it a habit to do a thousand pushups for time to pass knowing his time was coming to an end. It had been two years since he was sentenced to three years to prison for violating his probation.


Jaxon grimaced as he was interrupted from his counting of pushups stopping merely on three-hundred and thirty to hear the prison guard. He slowly stood to his feet turning around to stare in the eyes with the one guard who got under his skin.

"You get to get some fresh air, today." The guard grimaced as he went to unlock the gate letting Jaxon walkout. "You only have two hours, so I would get some sunlight if I were you."

Jaxon didn't speak a word to the pain in the ass guard as he followed the second in tow. One thing Jaxon despised was some of the guards of the prison who like to fuck with him when he was in a bad mood. The only problem was...Jaxon's mood was always on the negative side.

Once Jaxon stepped outside and feeling the beaming sun cast away his eyesight, he could feel eyes on him from the other prisoners. He went to take a seat at the bench eying those who were in their cliques, those who played basketball, shot dice and played dominos.

"Guards still giving you bullshit."

Jaxon made eye contact with a fellow inmate as he sat across from the quiet man. Jaxon and the fellow inmate, Victor, were familiar with each other in the town of Fairsborro as they bought were serving their years.

"Their just a bunch of pussies who think not one of us will kill them," Jaxon said as he eyed the prick from across the yard. "One day I'm going to get my hands on him."

Victor looked over his shoulder as a chuckle protrudes from his lips, "Someone's going to fuck him up one day...but we don't need you doing life for the death of a prison guard."

Jaxon hummed to himself as Victor pulled out a deck of cards to play spades. This is what the two men did during their spare time just playing cards that range spades, speed, and even poker.

"Jaxon, my boy, wassup." He received a slap to the shoulder as one of his best friend's cousins sat beside him. " me in afterward, will ya,"

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