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Surprise Run-Ins (1)


"I still cannot believe I'm engaged."

Chloe smiled in the cameras she was currently at home FaceTiming with Jessica for the past hour. It had been over two weeks since they have seen each other and already the two cousins were already missing each other.

"You two deserve to be married," Chloe commented. "I can already picture you in your wedding dress."

Jessica smirked widely, "Thank you. I'm just shocked that this happened so sudden, ya' know? I graduated from college and now, I'm getting married."

"Are you thinking about a small wedding or a big wedding?" Chloe asks with a smile.

"I really don't know but I would want a small wedding." Jessica answers. "I don't really like to go big but I know Brandon is going to want me to have the wedding of my dreams."

"Well, he does love you lots, so do expect him to let you know that the wedding might be big," Chloe adds in.

Jessica sighs as a minute of silence settle between the two cousins realizing one was opening two new chapters in her life. One, getting to work in the field she loved and two, being engaged ton the love of her life.

"What's on your mind?" Chloe asked while elongating her sweater sleeves. "Deep in thought?"

"Pretty much." Jessica answers. "What time do you have to be at work?"

Chloe looks over at the clock sitting on her bedroom nightstand, "I actually have to get ready in like an hour, so she'll want me to come in right around ten."

Jessica nods, "Okay, but I do have to ask a question?" She smiles mischievously.

"Like what?" Chloe asks.

"How would you like to be my maid of honor?" Jessica asks with a huge, wide smile. "I think you would be the perfect fit for this honor. Besides, you can decorate your ass off and I'm going to need a few pointers from you,"

Chloe stared into the phone screen slightly taken back by the fact that Jessica, her own cousin, asked her to be the maid of honor. Of course the night of the engagement, Faith volunteered herself to be the maid of honor but Jessica already her person n in mind. Although she never thought of being someone's maid of honor, it was great to know Jessica had chosen her.

"Please..." Jessica pouted to her cousin. "You might get to walk down the aisle with Jaxon." She teases her cousin playfully.

Chloe smiles to hide her blush, "I guess I can be your maid of..."

Before Chloe could finish her sentence, Jessica squealed in delight clapping her hands in excitement. She laughed in delight seeing a text message from Jaxon himself and contemplated to even reply back since he didn't respond to hers yesterday.

"Why the mugged face?" Jessica asks.

"It's just Jax texting me but I'm thinking about making him wait for me to reply since I texted him yesterday and I had to wait," Chloe explained.

Jessica stared into the screen processing what her cousin just explained to her, "O...kay. Chloe that's very petty of you."

She pouted, "I don't like having to text then wait the next morning for the person to text back."

"What time did you text Jaxon?" Jessica asked.

Chloe quickly diverted her eyes to her french manicured nails mumbling her answer.

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