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Never Say Goodbye

Song: Farewell by Rihanna


Two Days Later

"What's the matter Chlo?" Lisa asked her daughter. She seems concerned for her daughter as they both had left her in-laws home to catch their plane on time. "You've been down since we left."

Chloe sighed deeply as her shoulders shrug, "I was wondering if Jaxon would stop by the house yesterday but he decided not to. He didn't even call or text me."

Lisa contemplated answering since she knew how her daughter could be sometimes, "Well, if you wanted to say goodbye then you could've "

"Mom, I'm not going to force something that Jaxon doesn't want." Chloe was quick to defend herself. "I already felt like I was smothering him the entire time so I took a step back for the better."

"Well, does Jaxon want to rekindle this friendship with you?" Lisa asked.

Her eyes rolled instantly, "I don't know because he seems so confusing. It's like one minute I feel like he's letting the situation go but also, he wants to stay mad at me."

Lisa nodded as she watched her daughter fiddled with her cell phone checking for text messages but nothing. As a mother, Lisa knew how much Chloe cared for her friend, and seeing her fight to mend things with Jaxon was becoming difficult.

"Do you love him?" Lisa asked catching her daughter off guard. "Answer the question."

Chloe gulped as the question from her mom completely caught her off guard, "I love Jaxon as a friend...that's all."

"...what makes you think that?" Lisa questioned as Chloe shrugs, "I know what love is physically and I know you've had something for him for a while."

"Mom..." Chloe sighed. "...I rather mend our friendship first before ever falling in love with him." Her voice was soft-spoken and broken. "Besides, it wouldn't work out between us."

With her final words, Chloe turned her attention now to her cell phone as she scrolled through old photos stored away in her phone, even the ones she snapped during her stay in Fairsborro. It was a hard pill for Chloe to swallow just thinking but knowing she and Jaxon could never be together. At the moment, everything was up in the air and the situation was too delicate.

"Flight 363 for Portland, Oregon will be boarding in forty minutes." The announcer spoke.

Lisa soon stood her feet, "We might as well get going because you know I don't like standing in a long line." She took Chloe's hand helping her to her feet. "I see the sadness in your eyes's there and evident."

Chloe held her mother's hands tightly as she closed her eyes accepting the truth from her mother. Indeed she was sad because, for one, she didn't think when she'll be back in Fairsborro or when she'll see Jaxon again. The two friends did have each other's numbers but the question still remained, who would make the first call?

"Let's go." Lisa reached for her suitcase as she and Chloe journeyed to their flight's gate. "When we get back home...I'll bake your favorite dessert."

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