Ch. IV

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Mind of Mine


"Why do I have to deal with these types of clients?" Chloe thought to herself as she stopped in her midst of writing her notes.

It was officially Wednesday meaning it was Chloe's hump day as she anticipated her weekend of just resting in her comfy bed not having to worry about a single bake good or decorating. Of course, she loved her jobs but it was weekends when she needed to wind down and tend to herself.

"Chris, you can't be serious as to wanting that color in our bedroom. That's too tacky and doesn't correlate with what I'm envisioning." Chloe listened to her new customer, Rachel speak profusely.

Chris seems to glare at his fiance. "Well excuse me for thinking that the red can go well with mauve. If you seriously think gray and periwinkle are fascinating colors then go right ahead."

Chloe pressed her lips together to keep her laughter at bay knowing Chris had a point. What she couldn't understand is why Rachel wanted each room in the apartment to have white and mauve. In her opinion, she sometimes felt like it was good for boyfriends and husbands to give their opinion in decorating.

"May I make a suggestion?" Chloe interrupted the arguing couple as she thought about how their taste in decor was way off.

Chris and Rachel turned their glares at the patient Chloe as she pushed the glasses against the bridge of her nose.

"What if we're to add Chris's suggestion of the color red in the bedroom?" Chloe begins as she was quick to silence Rachel who almost protested. "Think of colors and what they represent meaning their emotions and how they playoff. For example, what you wear on a day to day basis is a great way to display your emotions."

Rachel and Chris listened to the skilled interior designer continuing to lure them in as to stop the petty argument.

"Rachel, I see you're wearing a yellow blouse and that can mean happiness while Chris wears a blue buttoned shirt that can represent calmness," Chloe explained with a small smile. "Look at what I'm wearing...a white blouse that represents purity but I also have on a gray pencil skirt that represents depression. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Rachel and Chris both nodded as Chloe went on, "Good! You just want to choose colors that will represent you both but also represent your relationship as a couple. There's nothing wrong with choosing the basic primary, secondary, and tertiary colors but just think about what I say."

"Now, I do suggest you both think about what I've just discussed and please do email me by tonight to have a clear answer. Also, I would think once again on the style you want the home to be." Chloe closed the black folder that labeled the couples' name as she slid it into her briefcase.

Rachel and Chris both stood to shake Chloe's hand as they went on their way while she watched them leave the restaurant. She heaved a heavy sighed taking her seat once more to finish off her glass of Chardonnay wine. It was just after twelve o'clock and Chloe wasn't the type to drink in the daytime but after her meeting with the disagreeable couple, she needed it.

"I need a vacation." Chloe sang to herself as she took out her mini notepad to draw a few doodles as a way to pass time until her friend arrived.

" Chloe sang to herself as she took out her mini notepad to draw a few doodles as a way to pass time until her friend arrived

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