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Song: Ain't It Fun by Paramore


It had been a few days since Chloe's departure from Fairsborro and already

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It had been a few days since Chloe's departure from Fairsborro and already...Jaxon was missing her.

It was a strange and foreign feeling he hadn't felt in a while, so knowing he and Chloe were getting back on track was a bonus.

"Earth to mother-loving Jaxon!" Liam shouted as he watched his cousin in a continuous gaze. "What has your mind been preoccupied with?"

Jaxon looked directly into Liams eyes shaking his head, "Nothing special." Lies.

Liam cautiously observed his cousin just before smirking, "Lil' Miss Chloe done left town and left with her on your conscience." His two fingers remained at the temple of his head while he grinned.

"Fuck you, Liam." Jaxon snatched the package of cigarettes fixing to take one out but decided against it. "...later on that."

Liam glances dramatically shocked, "Jaxon putting his cigarettes off until later." Dramatically touching his chest, "I'm so proud of you..."

Jaxon rolled his eyes from the second time at Liam's dramatic antics, "There's nothing wrong with cutting back from a cigarette today?" He quickly explained as Liam smirked. "Fuck you,"

"Hey..." Liam threw his hands up quickly in defense. "It's surprising because you could literally finish a pack in like three days...maybe four...give or take."

It was silent between the two cousins as Jaxon kept a stern look, "Fuck you,"

"Whatever." Liam turned his attention to his cell phone at an incoming text message, "I swear it's getting kind of annoying this chick keeps bothering me."

"You do realize you fuck anything that has a pussy between their legs, right?" Jaxon joked as Liam glared. "...right?"

Liam huffs, "You act you're any different from keep fucking with your girlfriend from high school...and you have fucked a few selections..."

"I didn't say I was any different from you...and for your information...she's not my girlfriend." Jaxon knew exactly who Liam was referring to, Heather. "We only dated in high school and afterward we were done."

"...but your adults now and you two have been "fucking" for the past two years," Liam emphasized. "...but I will give credit where credit is due because there is no baby involved, thank goodness."

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