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A Fresh Start

Song: You Give Good Love by Whitney Houston


It was a fresh Saturday morning and for the past couple of days, Chloe's mind was on tonight's dinner at her mom's. From the lunch date she attended, a part of her didn't want to believe that soon enough, she would be meeting her mom's, new man. Of course, she would be happy for mom because it had been a long time since she stepped out into the dating scene.

"What am I'm going to wear tonight?" Chloe asked herself as she rummaged through her closet that was neatly hanged on the rack. "...too colorful...too bland...too...ugh," Frustration had taken over her.

The sudden tone of her phone alerted as she rushed to see it was Jaxon calling her. A sudden burst of excitement coursed through her body before answering the call.

"Hello friend," She laid her body across the bed reaching for a pillow to rest her head. "You finally decide to call me,"

"I can hear the sarcasm dripping from your voice," Jaxon commented.

Chloe rolls her eyes smirking, "Well, sarcasm is my middle name."

"Get the fuck out of here. I'm the one who taught you the shit." Jaxon joked as he's listened to Chloe's giggle. It was a sound he had missed suddenly. "What are you doing right now?"

"I was looking for an outfit for dinner tonight," Chloe answered. There was a long pause during the line. "...hello."

"And who's the lucky person?" Jaxon asked, his question catching Chloe off guard. "I may meet this guy in a few weeks."

Chloe struggled to break into full-blown laughter, "Jaxon...what makes you think I was going on a date?"

Once again, a long pause before Jaxon could answer, "...I just assumed you had tonight." He quickly clears his throat as he heard the laughter from Chloe. "It's not funny Chloe!"

"Yes, it is. You thought I had a date tonight but no, I'm having dinner at my mother's." Chloe explained as she heard a grunt from Jaxon. "Mhmm, you have a tendency to assume a lot."

"It was an assumption...don't hold me accountable too much," Jaxon spoke.

Chloe playfully rolled her eyes, "...I think someone got a bit...I don't know...jealous." She giggled.

"There's nothin' to be jealous about." Jaxon shot back. "What's the special occasion for tonight?"

"Well, she just wants me to meet her dinner tonight but my friends gave me an epiphany." Chloe quickly sat up deciding to place the phone call on FaceTime. "Hello...where are you?" She watched the screen as Jaxon placed the phone to where she could see half his body.

"I'm at home...why did you FaceTime me?"

Chloe remained silent as she was mentally blessed with seeing Jaxon's bare torso as he was seated in a computer chair. In all the years Chloe knew Jaxon, she still was trying to come accustomed to the fact that his teenage lanky torso was now lean and muscular, especially in the abdominal area.


"Huh! What!" She shook out of her daze state looking towards the screen. "...sorry. Why are you wearing a headset?"

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