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After Midnight Special


Jaxon sat next to Liam as they were seated in a table booth with Chloe, Bianca, and Daisy, the tipsy threesome. They had just been seated after enduring a ten minute Uber drive from hell due to the tipsy threesome singing dramatically to songs from the radio.

"It's like dealing with teenagers," Liam comments receiving deathly stares from Chloe, Bianca, and Daisy. "Sorry,"

"You're just jealous because you can't hang," Daisy rolled her eyes giggling.

"I don't get jealous," Liam mugged the group. "It's just you three can't hold liquor."

"We can handle our liquor for your big fat information," Bianca snapped in his face.

"That's right!" Chloe shouted, covering her mouth giggle afterward.

Liam looks to Jaxon, "You're sitting here and I'm getting hounded by the PowerPuff Drunk Girls,"

Jaxon listened to the dramatic gasps from the three women, "You're egging it on,"

"Ha, Jaxon is on our side buddy," Daisy raised her hand for a high five from Jaxon but never received it. "Hey, high five me!"

Jaxon looks to Daisy, "Hand. Down. Now."

"He's a big meanie like Liam," Daisy pouted to Chloe.

Chloe sat in the middle glaring playfully at Jaxon, "You're not supposed to mean to my friend. She's sensitive." She went to hug Daisy.

Jaxon smirked, "Whatever. Now you three need to look through those menus and see what you want."

"I want the whole menu!" Bianca shouted.

Liam covered his face after receiving a few stares from customers, "Girls, you have to stay calm and be good if you want pancakes."

Chloe pouted including Daisy and Bianca realizing they needed to stay calm for their pancakes.

"Raise your hand if you have a pancake ass." Daisy looked around the table. "Okay, well, we don't need to..."

"Stop!" Liam pointed his finger at Daisy's face. "Be good and you'll get your pancakes."

"Okay, pancake face ass." She blurted out before the silence settled in.

Chloe and Bianca burst into laughter as Liam sat with a deadpan expression on his face. He looks to Jaxon who sat in silence shaking his head.

"It was hard getting them in and out of the Uber. How are they supposed to behave in this damn place?" Liam whispered.

"We are good girls." Chloe chimed in. "Well, most of us." Her eyes look to Jaxon as he caught on to her.

Liam rolled his eyes before snatching the menu from the table looking through its selections, "Find out what you ladies want, so we can order."

Chloe ignored Liam as she was busy keeping her eyes on Jaxon while the others' faces were buried in the menus. He, on the other hand, kept his eyes trained on her watching as she bit her lip in anticipation.

"I want you," She mouthed, her eyes blinking, giving off innocence. "Please," she mouths once more.

His jaw clicked and clinched feeling a certain heel run up his leg before settling against his crouch. He quickly caught her foot feeling the smooth texture of her skin as his hand ran up her calf.

"Are you guys ready to order?" The annoyed waitress asked.

Jaxon's eyes blinked, "Yeah, we're ready." He answers keeping his hand gripped tightly on Chloe's calf. "I'll just have water,"

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