Ch. V

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Different Perspectives


"Bam!" Brandon slammed a domino onto the table startling Liam and Juice except for Jaxon. "...told y'all this is my damn game."

Liam and Juice exchanged looks, "Just play the fucking game, man." Liam chuckled deeply.

Brandon rolled his eyes looking over at Jaxon, "So, since we're here, Jessie told me to let y'all know that she's graduating in eight days."

"Well, look at that...congratulations to the senorita." Juice tipped his beer bottle in congratulations. "Nursing is it?"

Brandon nods, "Yeah, years of working hard and finally she gets her degree."

Liam clapped his hands, "Good, she can take care of us when we get in some bullshit."

Juice and Jaxon both chuckled as Brandon shook his head at Liam while he placed his domino down on the table.

"Just saying...shit happens." Liam shrugs.

Jaxon sips from his beer, "Don't worry about him but congratulations to Jessica."

Brandon slightly gulped as he turns his attention to Jaxon, "...she wants you to come."

Jaxons slightly paused from placing his beer bottle down turning his attention to his best friend. Liam and Juice both watched the two men in front of them as words were not said between. They waited patiently for Jaxon's answer.

"You know I can't come to that graduation. Besides, if I remember, her dad accused me of driving a particular person away." Jaxon placed his beer bottle onto the table.

Liam and Brandon both knew who he was referring to but they decided not to enter that territory. It was a conversation that was hanging by a dangerous thread that many knew how Jaxon would react.

Brandon placed his dominos down, "For your information, Jessie knows that's not true but she wants you there. Remember that you are one of her close friends and family to her."

Jaxon sat back in the plastic chair as he thought about Jessica's invitation wondering if he should attend.

"While he thinks about that, why were we not invited?" Liam asked as he felt offended along with Juice.

"The last time she invited you both somewhere...two men were in the hospital." Brandon barked out as he remembers the fight that unfolded at the town's community center.

"They were the first to start it and if I'm correct, one of those assholes used a racial slur against Juice," Liam explained quickly.

"And I defended my honor." Juice intercepts.

Brandon nodded knowing both men had a point, "...but you two broke bones that night.

"Broken noses and busted ribs." Liam chuckled as Juice did the same.

While the three talked about the memory of that fight at the town's community center, Jaxon's mind went into deep turmoil. The many thoughts and questions race his mind as he thought about seeing that side of his "family" knowing he hadn't talked to some for quite some time.

"Yes or no?" Brandon interrupted Jaxon's thoughts. "Because if it's a no, then Jessie might just come to visit you at your home."

"Does she want a half-naked chick answering my door," Jaxon smirked as he thought about taking a girl home tonight.

Liam shook his head as he thought about Jaxon's body count but he couldn't judge his cousin. He had his fair share of women in the town of Fairsborro.

Brandon smirked, "Knowing Jess...she might barge her way in that home of yours and drag your ass to her graduation even if she's late."

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