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At a quarter to 7 the blinds were lifted up to allow the dim sunlight slipping from the boarded up windows. Her feet stung with the grated shattered glass near the window where she stood. Her small fingers gripped the boards, peering her eyes through the sunlight filled gaps. Her eyes squinted, adjusting to the sunlight blinding her. Not a few seconds later the sun didn't bother her and she could freely look down below to the metal gate down below, slowly opening. A gleaming gold sprayed car drove out of sight. The (h/c) haired girl crawled out of her double king sized bed, retrieving her toothbrush and comb.

The young girl patted a towel in her face before staring at her reflection. She twisted and turned, hoping her clothes weren't wrinkled or damaged and were clean as he wanted to see her. The eye blinding hideous fuchsia dress was clean and ironed. The girl patted the dress dow before fixing her hair one last time. She sighed walking down the carpeted hall way to the kitchen.

She watched the cup slowly turn in the microwave as she ate her toast with jam. The girl yawned, waiting for the cup to warm up already. She looked at the bitten toast before dropping it to the ground. The beeping of the microwave faded away in her head as she cleaned up the floor with a napkin and throwing away her breakfast. Stirring the coffee grounds into the cup with sugar and some creamer, the girl set it on the table. She sighed, taking a seat on the stool chair, tapping on her knees to pass the time.

With the sponge and cup on opposite hands she washed the single cup with the music of humming behind her. At her peripheral vision she could see the man's face covered by the magazine and newspapers on the table. She set the cup down quietly, letting the water run. Her thumbs quivered together. She turned her head to her right, slowly taking in the sight of her capture. The man continued to hum to himself. "(Y/n) baby?"
"Yes sir?" She responded immediately. There was no sound or music of his humming. She cursed at herself for speaking so loudly. "Since you're staying home today, why don't you go out and buy groceries. I'll leave the money on my way out." He yapped his finger on the beige wood table where he placed. The door shut after the sound of his heavy set footsteps.

Reading through the paper and magazines which her capture read earlier, she circled a few articles before throwing them away.

Heroes gone missing

Crime rates increased by 45%

Villains appear to be winning

Who will save us now?

And since when did they have heroes and I don't?

The girl walked down the pavement from the apartment complex she stayed in. The sun of the 8:30 sun hit her arms and legs she decided to show. After all, she wanted to show some skin from the bruises she received from the past years.

Walking down the street to the corner store in her (f/c) skirt that was ruffled near the ends. She wore an oversized jacket from her capture since she wasn't allowed to have her own clothes that she was allowed to buy. The buttons were tiny and difficult to slip on. (Y/n) shrugged and let the collar rest at her shoulders, exposing her chest and black bra she wore. Her pendant shaped as a (f/a) stuck to her skin from the sweat. Her hair was neatly kept as she desired it to be and wore (f/c) sandals to feel comfortable.

Entering the store, she immediately grabbed a pack of gum and a light drink before getting the groceries. She could sense an aura around her coming closer to her. He body became heated, her legs ready to sprint off to a specific area when in danger. Her arms were ready to cover her head and face at any second. (Y/n) quickly paid and stood outside the store.
'Since when did the sky turn grey?' She stuck her hand out as it began to rain. Her legs moved on there own to run behind a fire hydrant across the narrow street. Everyone watched the young girl hide there and pointed out her weird behavior. They stopped as soon the store she was once inside exploded. She lifted her head up and noticed a man probably burnt and torn clothes scramble to his feet. Civilians ran away and screamed, some were pointing at the man in the sky with a long silky gold cape. He was very muscular like a bag of turnips, as (y/n) depicted as he appeared hideous in her eyes. "You're done, villain!" He cackled, raising his arms above his head. A large blast of magma irrupted from his hands. (Y/n) stepped out of the fire hydrants and dropped the bag during the process of racing in front of the villains from the blast.

The magma that aimed straight to the girl, covered the invisible but faint glazed dome back to the hero. The villain grinned before he closed his eyes. Her eyes became flooded with a bright mint light. The hero aimed straight for the girl until massive wispy claws cane from the girls back. The claws held the hero in place. The hero struggled and groaned. "Let me go, bi-" The massive clawed thumb covered his face, crushing him. She squeezed her hands tightly together which the faint colored massive claws made from thin air copied. A loud pop followed by blood exploding from the claws made several civilians scream. Her claws disappeared as soon as they arrived. She grabbed her bag and lightly kicked the villain awake. "Get up. Or the cops will find us." She turned her head to the alley next to the burnt store.

A pair of sun glared goggles stared back at her. She walked towards the being in the alley until sirens could be heard. She sprinted down the street and ran up the stairs to her home.

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now