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Black Hat sat at at his office, staring out the red tinted window. He sighed, running his index finger up and down the vial.

The blood would remain warm and still keep its red color as long as she was alive. Her blood stuck to the sides of the vial, slowly drying up once again.
He was losing her.

Black Hat removed the vial from his neck. He clenched it in his fist which he pressed gently to his lips.

So many regrets came into mind all at once.

He had gotten so attached to the girl for such little reasons. Someone loved him and expected nothing in return. Flug honored him and expected him to compliment him. Dementia obeyed him and expected him to love her back.

This pathetic doll of his wanted nothing from him but to be left outside like an untamed beast.

And yet he wanted her by his side.

He should have known she would die.

He'd have her soul and heart but she would be lost among the other souls in the mansion that haunted the place and wouldn't find her. She would forget him.

He was a fool for believing she'd live long enough.
Eons of living in the darkness and villainy, he has seen workers of his die and life in this mansion that he would abuse and terrorize. Why did he believe this would work?

He sighed, holding his head. Through his years and since the age of darkness was born, he regret nothing up until now.

The (h/c) haired girl he wanted to corrupt so badly in every thought she had with terror has gotten to his mind instead.

If she were to die she'd haunt him and she wouldn't even be in arms length distance to hold her for his own good.

Black Hat frowned.

Being a demon, they were immune to pain. Any type. Emotional, physical, psychological. Which meant there would be no reason to cry. They couldn't cry. They were all egotistical, sadistic, chaotic and full of malice. They couldn't cry or feel pain.

Then what was this empty, hollow, dark place he got himself into. He had everything any villain or devil would want. He knew he could complete himself. There was no reason for anyone else in their life.

Then why did she have to be in his life? He should have killed her from the start.

Looking at the vial in his hand he stared confused at the blood on the tips of his claws.

Right, Dementia.

Black Hat stared at the girl laying on the table. He brushed his hand against her cheek. She was cold. Black Hat shook his head. "Jefe, I... I-I just walked in this mess, I'm doing the best I can. The- there's poison in her bloodstream and I'm trying to get it out of her." Flug rambled on. Black Hat couldn't hear him.
There were so many people laughing and crying all in his head. Most of all, people screaming so high pitched. He stood in a pedestal all alone but the girl laying dead in front of him. He wanted to reach for her, hold her, slap her until she woke up but she would end up on the floor at his feet as before.
At the corner of his eye behind his monocle he glared at the green haired girl. "Dementia! Get out! You always ruin everything!" Flug yelled. Dementia blew a raspberry at him.
The scent of the unconscious girl was on Dementia's hands.
This wasn't the first time Dementia killed one of his admirers. But of all people, her. (Y/n) meant more than she should have to him.
Black Hat approached the girl who gleefully opened her arms to him. "Come here, lo-" She gasped as Black Hat grabbed her by the throat, pulling her to his height.
"You... fool!" Black Hat's voice became deeper and demonic. His teeth soon became jagged and his eyes turned all red. Flug looked away from Dementia, sighing, knowing he was next if he didn't save the girl.
But nothing was working. The doctor that healed her before was coming as quick as he could.
Flug held (y/n)'s hand and frowned. "Please stay fighting, (l/n). We don't want you gone. You're my only friend." Flug whimpered our with small tears on his goggles. He ignored the tearing for Dementia's skin and hair and her giggles of pain from Black Hat.
Black Hat crushed her wrists in one hand as he tore her shoulders blade out of her socket, spitting out her flesh that and blood that got stuck in between his teeth. Usually cannibalizing anything and anyone for fun, he despised the girl greatly.
Flashes of red and Dementia's disgusting smile circled in his mind causing the man hold his head as he laughed and tore the experiment from piece to piece. He snapped her neck with such ease, soon yanking her upwards where her head was intact with her spine.
He stood up on his feet, staring down at Dementia's head. "You don't even deserve death, and that's coming from me." He mumbled as he touched the paper shredder at the corner of room. He smirked as he made his way there.
Flug could hear a machine turn one but refused to beg his boss to not abuse his equipment.
Flug whimpered in fear, hearing the crunching of bone and flesh squished and fall to the floor. He held (y/n)'s hand tighter, praying he wasn't next.
The door bursted open to the doctor panting. "Dear lord! What a mess! Which one am I healing?" The man asked as he stared at the head and spoke Black Hat held in his hand.
The tall man turned around, splatters of blood on his coat with speckles on his monocle and face.
But there a black smoky tear falling down his cheek that was under his monocle. "The one that's still intact." Black Hat said, staring at Flug, lightly sobbing, holding her hand. Her heartbeat was falling. "Please don't go. Don't leave me." Flug whimpered.
Black Hat sighed. "She's not going to make it, is she?" He asked the doctor. The plague doctor sighed as he grabbed a dried up flower from his bag. "I'll ask for a record of whatever happened in this disaster our mess. Maybe by knowing her cause of death we can revive her." He muttered, making a cross on his body with his fingers. "Do I revive the other girl?" He asked. Black Hat looked back at Dementia's head in his hand. "No."
Black Hat dropped Dementia's head before walking out the door.
He frowned once he heard Flug begging for her to come back.

Black Hat flung everything off his desk before throwing it to the wall. He grabbed his chair and threw it to the door.
As much as he wished there were people he blamed for her demise, it was his for leaving her. Leaving her with that psychotic girl. "Why couldn't you just stand up for yourself, you damn idiot." Black Hat muttered.

Flug peered through the door and cleared his throat. "Jefecito-" "What the hell is it now?" Black Hat groaned. Flug sighed. "She's alive." Flug's voice cracked. "Which one?" Black Hat snapped his finger which made his entire office reassembled the same as it was before the mess he made. "(Y/n)."

Black Hat teleported at the front of the lab and ran inside to see 5.0.5 in a nurse's outfit holding the doctor's bag while Flug order the HatBots to clean up the mess.

(Y/n) sat up from the table, her arm still having the IV in her arm. Her eyes were red and puffy while they she had a bucket in her other arm. "You'll be puking for the next hour and in every morning too. You can't rest in her back either. Stay away from graveyards. You might accidentally revive the dead. And don't go near nursery schools. You might kill a pregnant woman and or it's child." The man gave a list for her. She nodded as her skin seemed paler than it should be. "Feel anything better?" The doctor asked, checking her temperature that ran a high fever. She shrugged. "Hot, I guess. And sore. Tired." She mumbled.
She hung her head into the bucket which she puked in. 5.0.5 poured water in her mouth so she could wash her mouth out and spit in the bucket. (Y/n) spat as she still felt nauseous.

Her eyes landed on Black Hat. "Guess who's not dead." She gave her mischievous grin and held a peace sign with her two fingers to Black Hat as her eyes were sunken in and red of exhaustion. Black Hat shook his head. "You're an idiot, do you understand me?" Black Hat groaned as the doctor packed up. "Ain't the first time I heard that from you." She grinned. "So, I heard in turning into an angel. The irony that I sold my soul to the devil and dating the being that is greater than God." (Y/n) mumbled, still feeling sick. "I'm hungry." She groaned. "But you're literally throwing up all your guts as you speak." Black Hat questioned the girl. "Your point?" She smirked. Black Hat shook his head. "Just eat the lunch you gagged out." He gave a playful smirk. Before she could even reply she regurgitated again. "Welp," She spat. "Guess you'll never have my soul now." She sighed with a frown.

"Well now I can torment you for days." The y'all man in black grinned. She shrugged.

"Where's Dementia?"

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now