920 24 11

It's been a 2 months since she's been rescued. And it's been 2 months since she's been a renown killer of heroes and worked for Black Hat. The day started out like usual. Wake up, make breakfast for everyone, help 5.0.5. clean, pick out Dementia's outfit, tell Black Hat his schedule and he gives here's and shes off. Maybe steal a snack somewhere and then back to work. Come home near midnight and start all over again.

(Y/n) sighed, entering the house late at 12. She loved the door behind her and yawned. She carried her shoes hooked by two fingers. She stretched a bit more before proceeding to walk to her room. She made sure not to let any of the small drops of blood fall on the carpet or the floor. She sighed, walking up the stairs barefoot, her feet letting out small thumps. (Y/n) covered her yawn before she made her way to the bedroom at the very end of the hall, next to Flug and 5.0.5's. She set her shoes in the bucket inside her tub and slithered out her clothes, throwing them in the bucket as well. She let the water run warm until it was to her liking. Typically she was accustomed to washing her hair and then her body but due to her job, she washed her body before her hair. She sat at the edge of her tub, washing her clothes the best she could before washing her black waterproof shoes. She set them on hooks out her window while she rung out her clothes before hanging them on pins with her shoes out her window too. She wriggled her way in pajamas before wrapping her hair in a towel. She stared at the clock at the wall beside her. "I have one hour to let my hair dry. Cool." She yawned, shaking the towel on her head to dry a bit faster. She set on a fan to help dry her hair much faster. Her now soft hair was perfect for her to play around with while waiting. She grabbed her phone she left charging as she showered, looking at her missed calls and texts. "Gee, I have more of a reason to look at the media now that I work here." She mumbled out, tossing her hair to one side of her shoulder, allowing the fan to blow at it from its direction hitting her. She checked the most important texts first : Black Hat. He never used his phone — it even came to a surprise he even had one since he was old fashioned. Where the bloody hell are you? She smirked, typing: home at this hour when he texted 3 hours ago. Flug just seemed anxious to where she was and hoped she had money to buy something to eat but he knew well enough she didn't pay for anything anymore. Dementia was talking about what she should wear the next day to woo her Black Hat or texted about any food she could bring home with her or when they could go shopping for new clothes. She only had one missing call and they apparently left a voicemail. "Flug?" She whispered and listened to 5.0.5. giving his tiny adorable growls. She chuckled. She saved it with the other voicemails of 5.0.5. before she went to the news. (M/n) scoffed to the thought of a new hero arriving to town. She grabbed a (f/c) pen and highlighter to circle the new article and pin it to the cork board next to her. "Better keep that in mind." She yawned, charging her phone again. She ruffled her hair one more time before she fell back on her bed and knocked out.

Her alarm rang loudly which she turned off. "Ha, 5:30 on the dot." She yawned, grabbing her clothes and shoes from the window and went to the dryer in her room to let them out of wrinkles or any weird smell they gathered from outside. (M/n) went to the restroom to do her routine before combing her hair and slipping on another pair of clothes and different shoes. She put on some nice dull smelling perfumes and deodorant before she grabbed her phone and went downstairs.

She grabbed a couple of eggs, shredded cabbage with a side of small bowls of oatmeal and berries. (Y/n) had to remind herself to make a cup of coffee for Flug. "Time for breakie. I really gotta learn what kids like to eat for breakfast." She had to remind herself that 5.0.5 isn't one to eat meat a lot. As she microwaved a portion of oatmeal to serve in 4 separate bowls with berries, she made her way to the entrance to open the curtains. She hummed, letting the little early sun inside the mansion. (M/n) washed a few dishes from last night the others must have tried making dinner. She looked inside the trash bin and noticed the burnt food or what was an attempted to be food. "So this is why Dementia wanted me to get food." She muttered before throwing the trash bag and replacing the can with a new one. She winced and reminded herself. "Oh I gotta throw out my bin too. And Flug's." She grabbed her and went Flug's office downstairs at the boiler room to clean it out.

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now