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(Y/n) stirred the pot filled with soup, specifically to feed one person. She had eaten dinner early so she could watch the news before cooking. Thankfully she wasn't seen on TV or any cameras. Not that she would mind. But her capture would. Protecting a villain? She's be beat to death.

Her skin crawled with goosebumps remembering what he did the first time she was caught protecting a villain. Her eye took weeks to recover that she couldn't go to work and eventually got fired. Her cheek could barely stretch. She couldn't eat as her cheekbone moving too much because it caused great pains.

She poured a bowl of soup for her capture who arrived shortly from his room, dressed in khaki shorts and a white V neck. She washed the dishes just as she did in the morning.

The sound of the faucet was mirrored like a waterfall, freedom she longed to have. 'After this, I think I'll take a shower.' She felt strong arms around her waist and a sharp chin on her shoulder. She cringed having his body on her. His lips softly pressed against her shoulder. "(Y/n) baby. I was thinking... we should fight crime together again. Our anniversary is coming up." He chuckled, his breath tickling her shoulder.

She scrunched her nose up from the corrupt heroes around her. Jocks looking for lust. Fight crimes? Like hell. She'd die a lonely civilian than a popular no good hero with her powers. "I'd rather not." She replied silently. He stayed on her shoulder, sighing heavily. "Fine." He pattered her shoulder before going to his separate bedroom.

Her eyes shot open to the sound of her phone buzzing loudly against the metal work desk she has next to her bed. She sat up, grabbing her phone before plopping back to bed. She yawned and squinted at the bright screen late at night. She swears under her breath as she quickly adjusts the brightness setting before she could continue scrolling to the messages.

Intruder at perimeter front - camera 01 on.

The girl planted herself quickly at her desk and turned on the monitors. Her mouth gaps open to the sight of someone dressed in some black tights sneak inside the gates and attempts to slither through the window. She pushed back her chair and ran to door across from her - her capture.

Though he was her captor, he protected her — from any "dangerous villains", which she only used to watch him fight villains for her. She could kill them but, bloodshed is unnecessary when she can tell her capture to do it for her.

She lightly tapped the door. She slipped in and shook him awake. "Someone snuck in." She repeated until he got the message through his head. "Where?" He sat up on his bed. "He's at the front window." She tiptoed to the closet door as he dashed through the halls. "Lock your door." She raced to her room and watched her captor shut the door before the sound of bolts and locks and handles being locked up. She went to her windows and locked them. She closed the blinds and sat on her bed, staring at her desktop. (Y/n) laid in bed, waiting for him to unlock the door and pet her head with false praises until she slept.

They never came.

She stayed up all night, waiting for her captor to arrive soon. Sun came in. She peeked out her blinds and checked the monitor. (Y/n) opened her window and looked down at the trellis wall with the red and pink fused flowers with green vines. She took a deep breath and stood on the window sill. She leaned forward, falling until she stopped before her nose touched the ground. She hovered the ground, levitating upside down. She used her finger tips on the house walls to guide her to the window the intruder was at. She could see there was blood on the window. She slipped in and peeled at the main entrance. The shoes were scattered and stepped on — it was probably too dark for the guy to notice the shoes there. Good thing she didn't clean. She turned around and felt a fist collide with her gut. She gasped and winced, falling back into the door and leaned against it. She glared at her captor who carried her. "God (y/n)! I didn't mean it! I thought you were the intruder! I wasn't sure if I scared them off or they hid. Let me see how bad the damage is." He pressed his finger on her bruised rib. She smacked his hand away, panting, growing faint. She leaned closer to his arm for support as he leaned closer to her face. "You didn't sleep, didn't you? Oh baby. I'm sorry for keeping you up scared. I'll help you." He carried the girl in his arm. She attempted to push him away until his finger flicked her forehead. She slept limp in his arms.

She awake by a hard slap on her thigh. She sat up and groaned as she leaned into her right side to rub her thigh. "Morning sexy." He chuckled. He kissed her forehead. He nervously chuckled. "I um... I found the villain. He..." He slid a photograph of (y/n) standing in front of a villain who was beaten up with her eyes flowing white. Her eyes shifted from the image to the frets next to her. Realization hit her, realizing the brutal mistake she made.

Just as she sat up to reach for the photo for a better look into the reality, the back of his hand met her cheek. "He was going to kill him!" She snapped. "Shut up! You saved a criminal!" He slapped her once again until her face met the pillow. "This is exactly why I can't tell anyone I'm with you! My reputation would fall because of you! Saving criminals... bah! And I'm the one saving those who were hurt by them." He grabbed a chunk of her hair and pulled her to his eye level. "I love you. But that doesn't mean I'm dropping my guard near you. Is that clear? Or should I speak more clearly?" She couldn't respond as his nails dug into her skin. She attempted to nod but his nails caused her to scream and push him away. "How do I know you're not working for them?" He snarled before tossing her to the ground and kicking her hip. She sobbed as she felt her hip become misplaced. The cracking of her hip only made her more disturbed. Insult to injury.
In one swift movement he knocked over her monitor and shattered the screens and panels with the heel of his foot. Using the best of her ability; getting used to the injuries, she stood on her two feet with a frown. He chuckled. "Baby. I swear with all my love for you," He held her hands in his. "I love you. With all my soul and existence. But you can't expect to be a hero by protecting villains. Especially killing heroes. So tell me," He grabbed her wrist, burning her skin by his grip. She winced and groaned. "How am I supposed to trust you again if you're going to betray me? I can't help you if you're going to back stab me soon. Why do you do this to me? Don't you know how much that hurts me, sweetie?" He hugged her into his muscular chest. She pressed her forehead into his pecs. 'Someone save me.'

Laying in her back all day, looking at the ceiling, silently praying for some mortal enemy of his to come barging in and saving her. She winced as she got up from her bed and reached down to place her hands on the computer. A glowing mint light from her hands spiraled around the device that soon restarted and was working. The shatters and cracks on it's panels disappeared. She fixed up her desk and checked on her work so far. It automatically went to a website filled with online villains. She frowned, knowing she'd never be like them even with her powers or regenerating herself and healing and whirlwinds. She checked her last blog she wrote of being a kidnapped villain.

Why do you put up with him?

He's killing you.

Why can't you use your powers against him?

" I just never really had a plan in mind how to kill him. Even if I did, where would I go? "

(Y/n) sat back in her chair, staring at all the comments having pity for her. " where do I start becoming a villain? " she asked in the rest of her comments.
They all returned with the same response.

"Black Hat Organization."

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now