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"Sir!" She yelled, running to the apartment. "Sir!" She yelled again, behind the crowd of civilians watching. Her (e/c) eyes stared above, a group of villains cackling together. She scanned the area and saw her captor from afar. She ran to him, careful not one noticed her talking to the hero. "Babe! Thank his you're safe! I was looking for you inside." He kissed her forehead before embracing her in a hug. "I sensed danger so I ran down the street." She lied. He lowly chuckled. "I'm so proud of your powers. Stay here. I'll fight these shit heads." He patted her head before leaving. A part of her wanted to scratch her scalp off and another side of her begged him to run away with her. Her spite for him took over. She peered from the corner, wanting to watch the villains attempt to defeat him. Civilians screamed, running from the scene to not get trampled on. She sat on the ground, sighing. "Here we go again. Sitting here, waiting to get a beating."

A low howl appeared. She turned her head sharply at the blue bear. "5.0.5.?" She muttered. She was hug tightly by the bear. She pushed him off. "I can't be seen with you right now. I'm... I'm not sure if I'm in trouble or not but..." She scratches her head.

The man with the paper bag over his head hid in the crowd from afar, holding a file and a receiver in his hand. "She's distracted. Dementia, get him." He said into the receiver. A giggle could be heard from the receiver.

She sighed, hearing the loud bombs exploding. He waved his paws around to imitate the explosions. "His powers? Strength and if it's not obvious enough, fire. That asshole is winning, isn't he?" She asked, crossing her arms. The blue bear checked and nodded. She sighed. "I don't know how you show up but, you always make me at ease. Listen, you can't talk so this should've like therapy for me but, he's a dangerous hero. I'm not sure how that makes sense but, he's not what he seems. He's a bitch. He's got anger issues. He takes too much enjoyment into his job against villains. I have... felt bad for the villains who attacked him and still lost. He abysses people. He abused.... abused me. I'm his... "girlfriend". I mean, I guess you could say I am his girlfriend. He kidnapped me for almost a year now. He's been keeping me inside. I can't remember where my mom is at. I can't find my old home. I know I'm dating a hero but god..." Her (e/c) eyes became stern and menacing. "I want to be a villain! I want to be the one to kill him. To derive him from insanity. Before I always thought that I could be a hero to save people from false heroes like this. But now, why not aim for the heroes? If I suffered, why shouldn't others?!" Her voice raised up. She sighed, returning to her quiet state. "If I had the courage, the power and status to fight him, boy would I keep going until his heart stopped." She grinned at the thought of his demise.

The bear tapped her shoulder and pointed up. "What? I can't fight him." She chuckled. He tilts his head. "I'm too weak." She muttered. He mumbled a bit and stuck his tongue out. "I mean, even through the hits and bruises yeah I can... still get back up..." His idea began to shine on her. She stood up and waved the bear to come with her. "We'll fins a safe spot for you. I'll do my best." She grinned.

As the bear hid behind a small birch twig tree, she face palmed but stood before her 'hero'. His eyes caught sight of her. "Babe! The hell did I tell you?! Leave!" He yelled at her. She narrowed her eyes at him. "I'm tired of your shit! I don't want you or any other false hero getting the best of me again!" She raised his clenched fist and a tornado swallowed the hero. Wind spiraled around. He flew straight at her until a massive cartoon like bat hit him which lead to his face scrapping against the floor. (Y/n) turned her head to the one holding the bat and met a punk themed dressed girl with green hair that seemed like a tail. She cackled, giggling at his face plant to the ground. "So... you're a villain too, huh?" She giggled. (Y/n) frowned. "I don't know. But what I do know is I want him dead!" She aimed her claws that came from her shoulder blades towards him. Her eyes were engulfed by the white supernatural glow. "You kidnapped me and restrained me in a home where all those fucking walls around revenged me from using my powers! I was locked up. Beat. Humiliated. Stranded. You said you love me when it clearly didn't show. I never loved you. You were my captor that I couldn't lift a finger to. Your love... was a hoax!" She reaches around and grabbed his ankle. He screamed, howled at her claws digging inside him. "You! Beat him. Being him down to me alive. I want to kill him." (Y/n) felt her voice quiver.

Her freedom with being a villain. She was so close. She can't wait. She wanted people — villains specifically — to get their share on this hero. She giggled to herself, unaware of her now founded evil laugh would arise. Her small giggle progresses from her chuckling that she attempted very little to conceal. Her laughter became an outburst guffaw, alarming villains around her, watching the now top dog take on the hero they could never take on.

Standing over the dismantled hero, he groaned, wheezing for air. His chest seemed thinner by his ribs broken. His left leg has gone missing. Her hair was loose and untamed. She grabbed his cape off him and held it in the air. "Some symbol of justice." She stomped on his head. The girl leaned on (y/n)'a shoulder and giggled. "Enjoying this?" She grinned. She shrugged. "I just wanted to get even. I have no where else to go now. It's pathetic really. I had to live off a hero. I don't want that to ever happen again or to anyone." Her eyes began to water. The green haired girl watched with confused eyes, watching the girl cry next to her. "I had to live off a hero. I'm pathetic. This is so stupid. And now he's dead. What am I gonna do now?" She wiped her tears away. The blue bear appeared and hugged the crying girl. He purred and softly barked, tugging her arm. "Well, you could redeem yourself one way." The green haired girl gave an eager sharp toothy grin.

(Y/n) wipes her tears away and faces the girl. "You can't not be villain because let's face it, you seem like a crybaby to me. But you could help them." Dementia leaked her face closer to the girl. "I don't even know what you're talking about but... you helped me so whatever you're talking about I'm in." The girl grabbed her arm and ran to the alley behind her home.

She stood face to face with the doctor in the lab coat.

"Are you Dr. Flug?" She asked.

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now