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"And here's the new schedule for today. I hope it's not too heavy for you." Flug pondered as he assigned her several chores to do as she watches over Dementia and 5.0.5. while he and Black Hat has to send a few equipments over sea. "This ain't nothing." She said to her friend. He nodded, slightly fearing she might end up dead the moment they return home. At this point, (y/n) couldn't decide if she deserved it or not. She didn't want Black Hat to begin with. She wanted freedom and chaos while Dementia wanted to tule the world with Black Hat.

Her thought bubble popped once she heard footsteps that weren't as heavy as 5.0.5. "Hey Dem-" She was taken by surprise when the girl tackled her and began to strangle her. (Y/n) knew Dementia was crazy and had it coming. If she died then Black Hat would kill Dementia, or more. She didn't want 5.0.5. or Dementia to get killed just because the demon is out of control. Then again, how could she be sure if he would even care if she died? Well, there's the time she was crying at the park and then the men all over her. Or maybe because he wanted to break her and no one else. That's some twisted affection there.

(Y/n) resisted to push her off and kill her as she knew she would do a better girlfriend for Black Hat. She really did love and still does.

But so does (y/n).

Flug or Dementia weren't there to soothe her down— just surgeons and psychiatrists. Dementia always saw her down and beat up and still loved Black Hat. She was infatuated with him.

This is some twisted love both the experiment and the demon had. Curse this stupid love triangle.

"Why aren't you fighting me?!" Dementia yelled. (Y/n) was unable to answer but have a shy grin. She held Dementia's hands that were wrapped around her neck. Dementia gave a psychotic grin, believing she'd fight back.

But frowned once she noticed her hands had lost their grip and her neck became thinner with something slowly breaking. Her eyes were shut and her face was losing its red hue.

She let go of her dear friend after realizing who she killed for the demon.

Flug groaned as he couldn't find his space ship keys. "I hate not labeling coats. This should be coat No. 16." He said as he went to his lab and spotted Dementia. "Dementia! Out of my lab! You always ruin-" "I killed her." Dementia said in monotone voice as she stared at the ground. Flug crept closer, hoping it wasn't who he thought it would be. His eyes widened when he saw their friend lying o te ground now turning blue from the lips. "Oh no. No no no no! No!" Flug screamed, tearing at his bag, gasping for air, trying to think of what to do. He reached down to her and places her head on his lap. "Okay. Okay. Don't panic. Don't worry. We're gonna live. Yeah, okay. That's right. We're not dying." Flug mumbled to himself as tears pricked his eyes as he stared down at the girl on him. He blinked back the tears and checked her pulse. "Clear the table! She has a pulse of 40." Flug's thin noodle arms attempted to carry her but eventually did.

He lifted his head up to watch Dementia skip out the lab. Demented woman.

Flug grabbed a miniature defibrillator and stick the small pads on her chest as he opened her shirt for medical reasons. "C-clear!" He wired the machine and pressed a few buttons as the girl gave amino jolt by the pulses. "She's coming back." He sighed. "Flug! Where the hell are you?! Are you that blind to find keys!?" Black Hat yelled. Flug rushes to the door and locked it. "No! I-I there's something that needs fixing!" He ran back to his table and found a bandages. "I'm not a doctor so what the hell do I do?!" He whimpered to himself.

He stared at the girl with tears. If he let her die and Black Hat found out he'd be killed. And so would Dementia for killing her.

"Black Hat~" Dementia giggled outside the door. "God please no Dementia don't say anything." Flug whimpered as he attempted to fix the scars and bruising in her neck. Her breathing came back but was still weak. He grabbed an air mask for her to regulate the breathing.

"How much did you like (y/n)?" Dementia asked.
There was muttering out the door Flug couldn't hear but that wasn't the matter. He had to save and wake up (y/n). "Oh dear me, I'm gonna die if Dementia says a thing. Or if she doesn't wake up." He mumbled.

He fumbled over his toe and screamed as he tripped on a cabinet. He gasped once he realize it was filed with vials of other villain's DNA. He did his best to push it back and groaned and struggled to.

The last time this happened, (y/n) was there to help him out get way and lift it for him.

Flug finally did it on his own but groaned as something fell on his head with a small cracking sound behind him.

He turned around and gasped in horror.

A small had rolled out and fell in his bag before falling on (y/n)'s IV bag that was already streaming into her. He grabbed the vial in the bag and looking at the wet label.

It was a small symbol of a person with a halo behind their head that was a shape of a seraph.

"Oh no!" He yelled. "She's gonna turn into an angel." He mumbled, hiding his face. "Oh man I fucked up. How can someone hide those symptoms." He mumbled.

Black Hat raised an eyebrow at Dementia saying I love you. "Where's (y/n)?" He asked in the middle of her poem. She frowned. "She's on the floor of the lab. She's dead." Dementia shrugged. "What?!" He tossed Dementia to the side and ran to the lab.

Flug whimpered at the sound of massive banging. "I'll be right there, Jefe." Flug silently cried as he at least hoped she would heal. He grabbed a bucket, bottles of water and a towel just as Black Hat tore his hand through the titanium steel door and and kicked it down. His eyes immediately went to the girl on the table with her shirt out and IV poking at her arm with a strange (f/c) floating inside and down the tube and inside her.

The man approached the girl, staring at her bruised neck, blue lips and slightly sunken eyes. Her cheeks were still pink and her heart beat was getting at 60 bpm. Her chest was rising up and down, slowly. There were so many questions to ask and yet he wasn't sure which to ask as he was concerned if she'll survive whatever she got attacked by.

"What hell did you do?" Black Hat snarled as he turned to the girl standing next to him.

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now