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(Y/n) placed a gauze bandage on her cheek and sighed, knowing she couldn't lay in her right side now nor her left because of the stitches. (Y/n) heard a knock on the lab. "If you live here, there's no reason to knock. There's no privacy around here." She closed the medicine cabinet. From the mirror next to her she could see Black Hat. "Come to slap me around again?" She raised an eyebrow of unamusement. "I came here to talk." Black Hat sighed. She sat on Flug's chair near his desk. "Well, I have nothing better to do except answer your fan mail which I'd rather not." She sighed. "Just burn them like Dementia does." Black Hat explained. (Y/n) nodded. "I've learnt as a villain it better to play with the strings of someone's hearts to get them wanting more. I don't allow that to happen anymore." She scoffed. Black Hat leaned against Flug's lab table. "What's your last name?" Black Hat asked. (Y/n) narrowed her eyes at him. "Why do need that?" She asked. "I'm your boss. You shouldn't question me." Black Hat narrowed his eyes at her. She sighed. "(L/n)." She whispered. "Then how come you never used it?" He asked. She shrugged. "I guess since I joined te dark side I just never wanted to be a disgrace in the family. I mean, I'm the only kid in the family who had powers and was automatically the favorite and chosen to take throne of being a hero. I was almost married to one." She frowned. "Forced marriage?" He guessed which she nodded. "I liked him too." She frowned. "What happened to him now?" He asked in order to see if he could break her further down. "Dead. Hero killed him and the rest of my family. There's no one connected to me. So when I say no one will remember me, they won't." She confessed. "Aren't you afraid of being left alone?"

"That's a stupid question. I've been alone since I was kidnapped. Even now. Why do you ask about me when there's nothing of use of me?" She asked.

How cold could she be to him but not Flug or Dementia? "Who is Flug or Dementia to you?" He asked. She frowned. "I thought we were friends but I'm just a worker. I'm just waiting to rot in hell now." She rolled her eyes.

Could he even break her at this point?

"What did he do to you? Your captor?" He wanted to know every bit of the damage.

Her shoulders sunk. "I barely graduated high school. I was, getting used to a new life as an adult. I was told to behave like a kid. But objectified as a grown woman." She frowned. "How badly did he abuse you?" He scowled at her frown but didn't understand why. She sighed and crossed her arms. "I can't wear white to my wedding anymore." Her voice began to crack. Her eyes began to water. "I barely turned 18. Besides who'd believe me." Tears built up. She groaned and wiped her tears away and buried her face in her hands. "Ugh I fucking hate crying! You're enjoying this, ya sadist!" She yelled at him through her tears.

Here he was using verbal and physical abuse and yet she was humiliated.

He felt pity for the girl. Having no one to turn to in society for being a girl and a villain. He trapped her. She is the only one to blame. "Did you have anything as a hero?"

"Everything. Friends, a husband, family, fame, a name, people to remember me by in the future. God what have I done?" She sobbed. She longed for the days everything was as it was. And yet she was so much stronger now.

She got up and sighed. "Please stop wasting my times with nostalgia. It's a dirty liar that insists things were better than they seemed." She walked away from him. "I didn't dismiss you! You sit back down." He reached for her hand but she snatched it back and scowled at him. "For what? What more you wanna break out to my head? If you want me dead then do it yourself! If you want to make me cry do it now so I can get to work!" She panted.

How was he supposed to get closer to this damn brat if she was going to keep yelling?

"You're so damaged. How are you going to be useless even to me if all you do is cry?" Black Hat frowned at her. That stopped her crying only to bring a frown on her face. "You're all the same." "So is Flug."
"Flug at least cares for family." She walked away from him again. He rolled his eye. "Quit bitching around and listen to me!" He yanked on her arm.

She followed him to Flug's table. She refused to look him in the eyes.

He had her. He could take her for himself. She was his for the taking. But she would tout up a fight and that's no good. There's nothing exciting since someone else stole his chance.

How the hell do you talk to someone so dead inside?

"If you want to talk to me, why are you so quiet all of a sudden?" She asked at the silence. He remained quiet.

"Go sleep." He growled at her. What he meant to say was, 'I'm thinking.'
"Fine." She crosses her arms and rested her head to face the opposite direction from him. She just let her guard down. Around of all people like him.

"How could you be a disgrace?" He asked. "The same reason I'm useless." So much for cracking her open.

Her eyes were getting heavy but could feel his hands on her hair. "You're weird." She swatted his hands away. "I can pin you down and do what I want to you. Swatting my hand away won't do anything." He scowled. "And I won't care anymore."

"How honest do you have to be to wish to die or are you stupid?" He asked. She shrugged. "Working for you, any time and any d-"
He grabbed her from her shoulder to face him. He grabbed both sides of her face. "You knowing nothing about dying. You hear me?! Nothing! You're just ungrateful! You have everything but you're not resourceful! People like you who look down upon yourself are scums. Worse than those heroes. You're helping them get their job get done faster. Each word they spit at you is meant to bury you down! Get back in your feet and face them with your chin up and willing to die. You don't wish to die! You have to understand you may or may not see another day of your mortal life! Take accountability of your responsibility because of your irresponsibility. You know nothing! You're just a mortal! You're not meant to know anything. Death is one of them. It's just an experience. An event. The inevitable fate you and others have. You can't expect it. And you shouldn't." Black Hat scolded the girl.

(Y/n) sighed. "Whatever." She mumbled. "Don't talk back to me, brat. I've seen people like you die several times and it's gotten so boring. You're the one being here who wants to die honorably or by yourself. There's no difference if you die. You're just dead. Dying is easy, you idiot. Living is harder. Knowing you didn't hang yourself months even years is the only achievement you've probably done all your life." Black Hat watched her eyes well up in tears by his words. What was meant to be a scolding turned into encouragement.

But he made her cry.

He felt damn awkward to see the girl cry in his hands so from watching how 5.0.5. consoles Dementia when she sees him talking to other villains or avoids her, Black Hua hugged them girl.

It felt much different from how it was at the park.

Mainly because she held his hands. Her tiny hands were so soft. They looked adorable holding onto his large palms. He felt his back start to cramp up. "If you want to continue crying on me, stand up. You're too short." He rubbed her lower back that slightly cracked. She scoffed. "Maybe you're just old." She wiped away her tears with a tiny smile. He scoffed. "But I still am stronger." He sat her on the table which she cried on him.

"I'm sorry." She smiled. "For being a being a bitch for no good reason." She sighed. Black Hat sighed. "If you keep crying on me you might as well keep the coat." He groaned. "Sorry." She got off him. He slightly regretted getting her off him. She sighed. "Was there anything else you wanted to talk about?" She asked.

From talking about her pet FruFru the white curly haired puppy she had and Black Hat's snake Lil Jack to ideas on what to destroy once she heals. "God I'm so bored just thinking of being stuck here for two weeks! This is day one. I kinda just wanna throw bricks at cop cars." She chuckled. "Why don't we?" Black Hat insisted. "But Dementia said I have to stay home." (Y/n) seemed confused. "Dementia isn't your boss. Although the doctor did say you have to be under adult supervision." Black Hat fixed his tie. (Y/n) grinned. "As soon as I change my bandage and burn those letters, we'll head off!" She sat up with glee. "Being the letters. They'll be our lanterns." He advises her. "Yes sir!" She nodded.

As she walked to her room, she couldn't wait to get out those house, not caring who it was with.

She just wanted freedom. Even if it was with her boss.

Black Hat smirked, gaining her trust.

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now