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Alessandro's body was dismantled and is figured and impaled into a tree branch. His blood soaked into the bark of the tree and fell on the leaves of the bushes below. Someone was weeping behind the tree. Dementia pushed Flug to check it out while she chewed at Alessandro's body to fall down while 5.0.5. poked at the body with a stick to help it fall down.
Black Hat followed Flug.

Flug sat beside (y/n) who had her hoodie down. "God who else is here to watch this train wreck?" (Y/n) couldn't help. Black Hat raised an eyebrow of her state.

The urge to squat to her level and lift her chin to his face to see any damage was subsided by reminding himself that he had to keep his reputation up as a cold hearted villain and knew Flug would rise to suspicion. 5.0.5. yelped as the body fell on him and Dementia laughed. Flug raised to save 5.0.5. even if he was weak. Now that he was occupied, he had (y/n).

"Flug?" (Y/n) turned to the side Flug was at but saw no one. "Fluggy?"
Black Hat's eyes widened. 'Fluggy? What kind of nickname is that for? To anyone?!'
She sighed, about to remove her hoodie until Black Hat sat beside her where Flug once sat at. (Y/n) felt her face deepen knees of embarrassment that she's crying in front of the most powerful villain. Her own boss. "Well that's what you get for opening up to strangers." Black Hat rolled his eyes. "I get that now." She mumbled. He wasn't sure what to do to her. Either laugh at her but the nerve wrecking feeling of having her on his shoulder came into him. And that's exactly what he did.

(Y/n) felt her hoodie pulled down and his body closer to her.

She was internernally screaming that she was so close to her boss. "Sir you're sick." She mumbled. "And you're an idiot for trusting someone, again." He rubbed her head, running his fingers softly on her scalp. "You need a shower. You smell." He groaned.

But he couldn't have enough of her scent. The blood of her enemy tainted her and she cried because of that. The faint salty smell of her tears made him drool. But it also brought disappointment to himself. She was crying because of someone else but not him. Two people have broke her before he could. Those tears brought shame to the two of them.

(Y/n) yawned, now calming down by Black Hat'a fingers rubbing her head. Her head tilted on his shoulder. She gulped and adjusted her seating, getting closer to him. She just needed a shoulder to cry on. As disgusting as it was to have someone cry, he allowed it just this once. He wasn't sure why but no one questioned him. (Y/n) was about to shut her eyes until she had to remind herself that she was laying on Black Hat. "Let's just go home." She groaned, trying to wipe her tears away but her sleeves were bloody and covered in dirt and ash. She sighed. She was about to get up with her humiliating tears strains.

"Close your eyes." Black Hat instructed and she did just that. Even broken down she still obeys him. He lightly licked his thumbs and rubbed them under her eyes and and cheeks before drying them. He tugged her hoodie over her head and got up. "Get up. We're leaving this pathetic scene. It's disgusting. And you smell." Black Hat walked away from the girl. (Y/n) nodded and followed her boss. She didn't question his motives. She didn't care about what he did.

(Y/n) wrapped herself in her blanket before falling into her bed. She felt a paper under her pillow. She reached in and frowned. It was from Alessandro from the party. She threw the paper into the waste basket across her room. She couldn't find his coat but hopefully someone cleaning would burn it.
She laid in bed, sighing. She didn't have the strength to review her day and it's highlights. (Y/n) fell fast asleep, scared of being confronted by Black Hat about the man tomorrow.
For now, it was late at night and everyone went to bed.

Except for a Black Hat who was momentarily panicking of holding (y/n) and it happened to be the only good thing to be brought in his life. He held the girl so close to his body. The heat from her radiated to his cold dead one. Her hip and chest were brushing against him and yet that fed him his appetite for her. Her warm body in that cold chilling night gave him the experience he couldn't see in anyone else.

This measly pathetic crybaby was sobbing on him and yet he allowed it to happen and allowed her to get comfortable with him. He had to admit, she looked hideous crying, and yet here he is licking away her tears from his thumb.

His hunger for her breaking down only grew stronger and it will be his in the end.

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now