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(Y/n) stared at all the several villains now entering the empires out church. Just as they stepped inside, the white and gold cherubs painted onto the ceiling of the church that reminded her of the Renaissance era artworks — have transformed into demons and ghouls staring down at them all. The streamers became intestines and lungs became balloons. The olives in the martinis became eyeballs from the guests who remained. Her head followed where her eyes traveled around, staring in awe at how detailed the decor was transforming into something grotesque. "Who knew a church would make a great place to host a party at." She whispered as she became lost among the crowd.

Upon several people, two pairs of eyes never left her.

She was mesmerized by the chandelier that sparkled the room. It reminded her of the earrings Black Hat gave her. She lightly gasped remembering she had to stay by his side. "Oh man." She groaned, searching for him. "The one time we all get a free day and I lose my boss." She grumbled. (Y/n) turned her head and caught sight of Black Hat being giggled around with several women. She remembered last time he was surrounded by women and she waved at him over to get back in the ship and she was attacked for no reason. "In these heels? I'll pass. Maybe I'll find 5.0.5. at the food court." She groaned and made her way through the crowd.

She sighed, standing beside 5.0.5. which the two watched Flug advertise his inventions, Dementia scare away the women and Black Hat was, somewhere. "Well 5.0.5., it's just you and me again." She sighed. 5.0.5 hugged the girl who seemed down. "You're the best." She muttered. "Excuse me, you seem to be the only tame one in the organization. What's your name?" A man walked up to (y/n). She Anne's him up and down, from his slightly grey and blue mixed messy hair to his tacky dress shoes. 'Bitch what do you mean tame?! What do you think we are?! Animals?! Cuz yeah!'

"My name is (y/n)." She introduced herself. "What are you doing here alone?" Another man walked towards her in an average John Doe suit that was cheaper than this last season slip on loafers. God she couldn't stand looking at the dirt bike rider villain making his way to her. "You look lovely tonight. Can u get you a glass of wine?" The villain from before made his presence more known from the others. Her stave became flustered. 'What the hell! This is the first time I've been around other males besides Flug and Black Hat while having freedom! What the hell do you say when you're getting hit on?!'

"No thank you. It's a work night for me." She nervously grinned. '5.0.5. Damn it help me out here!'

A man touched her forearm tightly while another wrapped around her shoulder. She gulped. 'God Fuck you all.' She felt her eye twitch.

"Hands off of the lady! She's already has a date!" A voice boomed from the crowd. The man made way which alerted her senses. "Who the-" One man snarled. Her eyes widened. 'Him??'

The red skinned man held a wine glass goblet in his firm hand. 'Since when did he have such long black nails?' (Y/n) seemed observant at the wrong moment. 'Wait a minute. Did he say his date? Wait, is this a-' Before she could finish her thought, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and walked away from the men. She cleared her throat.

"Thanks about helping me earlier but, what was that about? Calling it a date? You could have just scared them off." (Y/n) advises the man. "Yes I could. But you could have told them to Fuck off. Right? Based on how easily to swing that choir earlier out the doors, that would have been nothing." He reminded her. She frowned. 'Am I that pathetic of a villain to not standup for my self that I can't even scare off men? I am useless.'

He pressed his finger from behind her back  and raised her chin. "You're slouching down. If you're going to work for Black Hat you gotta stand you're ground. Dr. Flug is a stuttering fool but knows how to use his weapons. And so should you. You're more powerful than him or Dementia. You've got brains, charms and beauty just by first glance. Strength is a bonus." He grinned softly. She gulped and nodded. "Well, I wouldn't say ya got grace based of your first appearance." He chuckled to himself. She felt her face heat up realizing she made herself a fool since the very beginning. "And still, I'm so glad you're here! You're really captivating the other villains into the organization. And for other reasons too. Now tell me about yourself." He purred. "Don't you mean the organization? We have the Medus-" "I know all the inventions already. But it's amazing to hear it from you. I know that. You might not explain them with such passion as Flug but you are devoted to the company. That makes you a loyal worker to Black Hat. Tell me, how's your connection to Black Hat?"

She felt her brain snap and stop time.

Wait a fucking second, is he just trying to be nice to me to get to the company? Maybe BlackHat listen in purpose to talk the man out for any information. As his worker I will do so. He's just trying to be nice so I will soon throw myself on him like any other woman would do to him. Soon he'll ask about status which he is right now! Ugh! I bet later he'll talk to Black Hat about me. What the fuck?!

(Y/n) frowned. "I am his newest worker. That's all that matters." She looked to the side. From the corner of her eyes, she caught sight of Black Hat still being followed by Dementia. "That's it?" He asked. She scowled but took a deep breath. "You could ask him better. That's just my opinion. I can't speak for him."

He snickered. "You're gorgeous as you are respectful. That's even more of you to love."


She held in your cackle. She sighed heavily. "I'm sorry. I do-... oh boy." She wheezed out. "You don't believe in love?" He asked. She nodded. This made the man frown. His eyes drooped and saddened. She wiped away a tear of laughter from her eye.

"I'm sorry to hear that."

Her eyes shot open. "Huh?" She asked. He shrugged. "I'm sorry to hear that. Usually when someone doesn't believe in love, it's because someone has broken them. Or they haven't healed. Or they have trust issues. And honestly, I understand." He swirled his win against the glass edges. She stopped her laughter and frowned. "Even if I were in love, I wouldn't act on it. Mission goes first. Then yourself, money, fame, then others. Love never crossed my mind." She admitted. He set his glass down on a table.

He cleared his throat and fixed his tie. "We never had a proper introduction," He chirped and bowed to her, taking her hand into his. "Alessandro Luciano Bianchi." He gently pressed his lips on the back of her hand. She felt her face flush as she gulped. "(Y/n)." She continued on her own facade. He stood up right with his shoulders once pushed back and stiff. "Still not revealing the last name?" He chuckled. He rubbed his thumb onto her palms. She sighed. "No. I'm ashamed of it." She admitted to the man. "Then I won't pressure it. You could always change it." He shrugged. "To what?" She scoffed at the idea. "Bianchi~"

Her face was practically beaming of heat. "Too soon?" He chuckled. "Very." She slithered her hand from his own. "Come now. Let's talk while we're here. I'd rather not start on the topic of family if we can both agree." He nervously chuckled. She slightly raised an eyebrow. 'Doesn't want to talk about family; is sweating, fumbling, address topic beforehand, fidgeting. Noted.' "It's alright by me." (Y/n) gave a tiny grin while softly batting her eyelids. 'Once you said I got the chance best believe Ima use it be bitch!'

Busy she should have been careful how she was using it for Black Hat still had his eyes glued to the young lady in the diamond earrings he gave her just to see her flirt with another man. If he had a heart he'd be shattered to see her disloyalty.

Watching her bat her eyelashes to a man she might never see again and allow him to caress her hand which revolted his stomach around. Who knows what he's done before. What made his blood boil was the fact she allowed him to wrap his arm around her shoulders that were exposed and bare to him to take advantage of. But why didn't he? No one would look. No one would care. She's just another mediocre villain. Just a worker. That's all she is. There's nothing more to her. Then why does that damn red skinned man want her so badly? Maybe his take on the guess of the access of trying to take down Black Hat might be right. Then again, why for?

How could she get so close to a man already when she'd been around him for almost a year?

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now