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(Y/n) laid in her bed, earlier than usual. Her eyes were getting heavy but couldn't sleep. She yawned, hoping she'd fall asleep by then. But all she was granted was the door hinges creaking. 'Ugh, it must have been 5.0.5. I'll tell him I washed my clothes already.'

But her lips remained shut. Her heart raced as the fact of her ability to speak was gone. Her head laid stiff, in able to turn and face what was at the doorway. All she knew was it was a dark silhouette that stood tall. Her breaths became shallow, feeling her lungs suffocate purposely to listen carefully. The figure seemed to approach closer to her. She wanted to cow at the demon for paralyzing her but her face couldn't move. Her cheeks were getting cramps at how forceful she began to strain them.

The silhouette gave a low growl like chuckle, looming down at her with it's glass eye and the other was a wide oval that beamed red. This demon clearly had evil intention.

But she was used to this by now. Not the first time she was paralyzed. And it won't be the last.

It's claws traced around her stomach before digging deeper in each layer it doodled on her. She could feel herself groan and snarl at how ticklish but painful it was. It was a long paper cut that stung as it got deeper. It's low voice hummed, enjoying it's artwork unable to move — her body becoming it's canvas to manifest itself on.

It's claws went further up her shirt from underneath the cloth. (Y/n) shut her eyes and focused on her breathing, knowing her captive prepared her for this.

Through her breathing she prayed the demon's actions would stop and just scare her.

(Y/n) whimpered, feeling the demon's hand pressed flat in between her breast, feeling her heart. It was thumping against it's hand.

Her breaths became heavier, slowing down her heart race as it once was or was trying to. Until she felt a warm and slimy meaty flesh slide around her stomach, stinging in between the cuts. She gasped, opening her eyes wide.

The figure's tongue pressed deep into eat cut, lapping it's tongue on each droplet of blood that made its way out of each cut. Her eyes watered of how dry they soon became as she didn't want to close her eyes for a second from this man.

This caused her eyes to have the urge to shut and sleep and drop her guard. (Y/n) knew better than to do that. She was once wide awake by a cold glass object against her stomach. She could feel her legs start to move around. She smirked, knowing her escape from this nightmare prison would end, hopefully quick.

The hand on her chest still remained there, softly caressing and circling it's fingertips, causing goosebumps to arise from her skin.

She could feel herself howl in pain at the feeling of the glass softly grazing against her skin, sliding the blood around.

(Y/n) gazed her eyes at her legs starting to let loose from the prison.

Right as the being stood up from his art work, he began to slid his hand to her stomach again. (Y/n) growled, raising her legs up and kicked the being from the chin.

As triumphant as she felt, the moment her stomach had to squeeze in order to allow her body to kick high enough, her body began to ache and blood began to drip.

She sat up from her bed, gasping, grabbed her bed lamp and flicked the light on. By the time it was on, the silhouette was gone. She laid in bed, feeling the wet pillow and back she unknowingly knew she sweat.

She raised herself up by her elbows and raised up her tank top, glancing at her stomach.

"Oh shit." Her voice cracked.

What the being had traced over and over was the Black Hat Organization logo. The top hat in its circle. She grabbed the strength to stand up and go to her bathroom, grabbing a towel and tucked it underneath her tank top. In the mean time, she looked for Vaseline or an ointment to stop her bleeding. She noticed the (f/c) tank top beginning to stain in a red hue. "Great, my favorite one too." She went out of her room and down the hall.

(Y/n) felt her eyes grow heavy already. "No." She whispered out, feeling her feet shuffle. She grabbed onto the stair railing, sitting at the top the stairs. "Flug." She groaned. A gust of wind came from behind.

She peered behind her shoulder, noticing the top hat. It was Black Hat. She had forgotten it was past curfew to stay up late. "Flug!" She screamed out." She panted, feeling her lungs un able to hold on. "Oh fucking God!" She yelled, sitting on the railing, sliding down. (Y/n) yelped, falling at the bottom stairs. "Gotta get up." She told herself. She went down to Flug's lab and shut it behind her.

She reached in his medicine cabinet and scolded herself for not knowing what to do at these situations. "Clean the wound. Clean the wound, ointment, cover in patches. Clean, cream, cover." She reminded herself, fumbling with the alcohol wipes and ointment. She sat on the floor, raising her shirt to her abdomen. (Y/n) softly patted down the cuts which only stung more.

She growled, grabbing the ointment and placing it on. She gasped, wincing at the burning pain. "Fuck." She dragged the word as she rubbing the ointment on. Lastly, she grabbed the patches and slapped them on. "Oof, bad idea." She groaned.

The lab door bursts into flames, melting away. She hid behind the table where the medicine was at. "Hijo de perra." She groaned, lowering down her tank top and stood up, standing before her boss.

Just when she stood up, her feet seemed to shift side to side on their own. The lab floor tilted side ways as (y/n) found herself collapsed on the floor, vision going dark.

His raspy voice let out a chuckle of enjoyment after catching his employee cut up.

She shut her glassy (e/c) eyes closed, drifting into a heavy sleep.

Black Hat's fingers twindled around a glass vial that hung on his neck.

Filled with a thick red liquid that stuck to the side of the vial in each swish and swirl.

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now