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"Can you please, stop dying!" Flug yelled at the (h/c) haired girl who was force to sit up from her sleep. She couldn't even remember what Flug was yelling as she stared behind him, watching Dementia pur and try to flirt with Black Hat who stared at Flug. She wasn't sure why he'd stare at him but didn't question him anymore. (Y/n)'s mind went back to Black Hat healing her. She could hear purring and warm touch on her face. 'Did he put his hands on me? All I felt was on my hip and hands. Maybe I cut myself. So where'd the third hand out from?' She pondered. "You might have caught a cold too." Flug pointed out as her face was still flushed with red. "I have?" She asked as she touched her face at how hot it was. "No I think I'm just blushing." She muttered out. "For what?" He asked who the girl shrugged. "Say, you know Black Hat better than my one else here. Can he grow more limbs?" She asked as the doctor found a spare T shirt in one of the closet stations he had. "Yes and no. He has tentacles and chainsaws." He said as he handed her the shirt. She went behind the oriental room divider to change her shirt. She hung the coat on the rack next to her as she slid into the shirt.

(Y/n) yelled s the plane began to shift side to side. "What's going on?" She calles out as she ran to Flug to help pilot. "Apparently we're getting attacked!" Flug yelled. (Y/n) turned the camera on as her mouth widened. "Those are the heroes that ran away." (Y/n) noted while Dementia scoffed. "They're just 3 of them, how hard can it be?" Before the plane began to tilt over. (Y/n) and Flug sat in their seats as they attempted to land softly. "We'll need crash need some trees." (Y/n) explained as Flug scenes and attempted to use his strength or what little of it to lift the lever higher. "Oh god damn it Flug!" (Y/n) unbuckled her set belt nd helped Flug pull the lever. 5.0.5. whimpered as he attempted to reach for his father. "No 5.0.5.! Sit back in your seat!" Flug helps his son back in his seat. (Y/n) groaned in relief as he lever finally rises up but remembered she had one too. "Shit!" She went back on her set attempted to shove her side of lever down. "Oh you fucking bitch! You got the kidding m!" She yelled. She bucked her knees close to her chest me kicked the lever down. She sighed and did a quick cheer.

She gasped as she remembered about Flug. He patted 5.0.5.'s head as they were getting closer to land. (Y/n) got up from her chair and shoved Flug to an empty seat by 5.0.5. "(Y/n), we're gonna land! Sit down!" Flug grabbed her wrist. "I just gotta steer this thing a bit and we'll be safe." (Y/n) made her way to her seat. "Let me hel-" "Sit down Flug!" She scolded the man as she was in charge now. She pulled up on the wheel and groaned as it wasn't working out well. She extended her claws to the other pilot seat and pulled on the gears. (Y/n) wanted to shut her eyes but wasn't sure to close them before her last moments on this earth.

She's trying her best to save them and nothing she was doing was helping. She made a dome for them out of her claws, abandoning the wheel. Black Hat got up from his seat before he rushed toward the girl. (Y/n) felt the ship slide as she was now against the glass, going head first into the small grove of trees. She used her powers on her friends that now, what did she have. She had forgotten about herself. She did the best she could out of her powers to make a tiny dome around her.

They were few yards away from the tips of the trees. (Y/n) shut her eyes as her powers were spreading and almost made the dome complete.

"No!" Black Hat held the terrified girl in his arms as the smaller dome invaded them more. (Y/n) wasn't sure who was boing her but she held them back. She used their arm to cover her eyes.

After few seconds of silence her orange and irme fleshy vision of light through her eyelids turned all dark and navy blue.

(Y/n) groaned as she riled on her side and looked around. The plane landed slightly tilted but nonetheless, on it's stomach. (Y/n) gulped and sat u to fix her vision. 'Why is the plane so small?'

She noticed the distance between her and the top hat shaped plane. "How could I survive this?!' She panicked and scanned around to the small fires around her and cuts on her arm. She could feel a presence near her. It was probably the short and soft raspy breath behind her. She barely even realized her boss because he didn't have his coat. (Y/n) covered her mouth as she saw a piece of debris sliced at the side of his abdomen. "What the Fuck? What in the actual Fuck do I do?" She whispered.

She could hear footsteps approach her.

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now