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(Y/n) leaned against the kitchen counter, waiting for pasta to boil. 5.0.5. was frying a few things here and there as (y/n) stared off at the clock. She frowned. Her mind had went to the invitation the man gave her and Black Hat. His smile flashed in her head causing a shy grin to creep on. She shook it away and sighed. It's been 3 years since she's been to a formal gathering and that was her senior prom. She wore a (f/c) dress with...


Her eyes began to sting in past memories.

Her hand coiled tightly, remembering her captor. That stupid night. Had she agreed to that date she wouldn't have been abused. But she wouldn't have met Flug or Dementia. Was it worth it?

Her mind spiraled to 3 years ago.

She giggled, spinning around with a wavy haired boy. His (crush's h/c) hair bounced and flowed. His tiny fangs through his smile made her night. (Y/n) felt his hands tickle her temple, brushing aside her bangs aside. He leaned down and kissed her cheek. He held her hand tightly. "I still can't believe I'm marrying you." His deep and nervous voice echoed. (Y/n) leaned into his chest, enjoying the rhythm of the slow dance. She sighed. "Me too." She sighed. "We'll be the best heroic duos!" He whispered to her ear before kissing it. Her face heated up. "I love you, (y/n)." He said. "(Y/n)."

"(Y/n)!" Flug yelled as he bandaged her wrist. Her ears popped out of the ballroom daydream. 5.0.5. panicked over the boiling pot as she gazed down at her scratched up wrist. Did she do that? Flug sighed. "5.0.5. just mopped. Please don't make anymore damaged." Flug sighed. (Y/n) remained silent, taking a seat. She was left alone which she was grateful for. She held her hands tightly together, feeling her eyes water. She hadn't had time to remember about the memories locked away until the man appeared. The urge to persuade Black Hat to attend got stronger but knew she was grounded and couldn't go. Her fingers flicked away the tears. "Flug, when can I go back outside to work?" She frowned. "It's barely been a week!" He yelled. She sighed.

As (y/n) got up from her seat, Dementia smacked an envelope to her cheek. "Demi?" She growled in demand. "Come on! Let's go!" She giggled as she tugged on (y/n)'s arm. "Where?" She asked. "To the car! Hurry up! We're going shopping!" She jumped on the table. "I'm grounded." She pulled her arm back. "Well not anymore!" She threw (y/n) to the floor which made the girl yelp. She sighed. "Why are we going shopping for?" She asked. "Well apparently there's a wedding for heroes and Black Hat is invites to ruin it and some villain be hosting his own party there. Now let's go!" Dementia giggled. (Y/n) sighed but was internally grateful to be able to attend. But what made Black Hat change his mind?

Black Hat stared at the battle he made shaped as a ballroom. The goth and red themed party seemed dull to him but knew this man was interesting — too interesting. If anything, a lady killer. This was proven by flirting with (y/n). So like the demon he is, Black Hat wanted to test how the man was and what he was really after.

Was it to get access to the organization? Or was it to take him down?

Is he trying to flirt with any woman in the organization to kill him?

His teeth were coated in green saliva as his lips quivered in his snarl.

The man was going to possibly use (y/n) — break her before he got his hands on her. Someone he himself couldn't break like Dementia, Flug or 5.0.5. Dementia is obedient because she's blinded by rose colored glasses. Flug is a coward. 5.0.5. is just like his creator. (Y/n) was something different in his eyes. He got to have his hands on the being that couldn't be broken by him and instead dug into his brain by her antics and comebacks. It upset him since the day she arrived that she was winning the immature chilish one sided war between them — wanting to see her break before him and bow before him like any other being. But she seemed to not care who he was or how he acted and would stand her ground against him. He never understood why she did it. Everyone was afraid to be killed by him. Why wasn't she scared?

Was she already broken?

He growled, flipping his table upside down.

Did the hero break her? What kind of insult is this? Saying a hero is more terrifying than him.

He stared at the wooden doll he made of the red skinned man. He impales the man by his thumb. His thumb tore through his glove and the figurine.

If he was going to use (y/n), he'd have some fun while out there. If he didn't attend he'd come back just to irk him. If he does go, he could probably get closer to her. Kidnap her? Torture her? But he already does that?

The image of her cocky grin and giggle flashed in his head. He threw the doll to the glass window, shattering it and set it out of the atmosphere high above the clouds.

What she fell in love with him?

His mind eased down.

So what if she does? He'd kill him. She'd hate him but he's both hated and loved. He doesn't care. Why would he care? It's her own fault for falling in love with a complete stranger. Love is always a man's downfall.

He sat on his chair, sighing and letting out a chuckle.

He couldn't wait to see her.

Her screaming and crying as he tears the sly con man with the cheesy grin apart. He'd drape her in his own skin, rub his red sticky fluids on her pink flushed cheeks from crying, wiping away tears but staining her more.

"This is going to be fun!" He cackled.

(Y/n) sighed, feeling her adrenaline get the best of her as she grinned, holding Dementia's hand as she guided her around to find dresses while Flug did his best to find a suit for 5.0.5. Dementia shook (y/n) of excitement. "It's going to be a wedding forme and Black Hat! We have to find a white dress! You need to wear one too! You're marrying Flug!" She chirped. (Y/n) let out a wheeze of laughter. "Dementia, you know I don't believe in love. Besides, I don't want to marry anyone. Well, except a rich man. Kill him and boom, I keep the money to myself." She shrugged. "Flug is just a friend. I don't see him like that." She rambled on. "Uh Huh. Whatever. We're here!" She dragged (y/n) to the bridal shop. (Y/n) could do nothing but follow Dementia in her crazy dream of pursuing Black Hat.

Dementia giggled, tearing up the wedding gown to fit her style. She twirled in it, admiring herself. (Y/n) stared at the (f/c) dresses. She knew everybody would wear red or black. So should she. She didn't want to take any attention away. She sighed and grabbed a crow black mermaid dress that was her size and didn't care about its design since they'd only cause destruction in it. She sighed. She grabbed the all black dress that covered her back and neck and arms that touched the floor. 'It would be best to cover up. I don't have the best body out there too.'

She grabbed it until a black and green mist like claw wrapped around her wrists tightly, making her let go of the dress.

She winced, noticing the claw lead her to the (f/c) section of dresses. She sighed, sorting through those. 'Since when did anyone know my favorite color? All I wear are blacks and browns since they're easy to hide blood stains in.'

She pulled out a (f/c) dress and grabbed a light pair of shoes. "This should be enough." She muttered before paying from her wallet. Dementia picked out a white torn dress that she was still chewing on. "Let's check up on Flug?" She asked. "Yeah. I wanna see how tiny his suit his on his twig arms." (Y/n) motioned begins Dementia.

(Y/n) glanced at the dark and lean apparition at the corner of her eye, knowing full well who's powers were used on her.

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now