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(Y/n) backed away from Black Hat as she and Dementia locked eyes. No words cane out from the two of them. She could feel her eyes wander around Dementia's face, noticing the puffy red eyes welling up in tears and the quivering of her lips, her eyebrows narrowing down and her fists clenching up. (Y/n) felt a light but sharp object trace on her shoulder until two hands landed on her, the man now standing behind her. "Why are you... with him?" Dementia whimpered out.

(Y/n) couldn't decide what would be better to say. How much did you see? It's not what you think. I didn't want this. I didn't have a choice. "Dementia, I-" The said girl bawled her eyes out, screaming as she hunched over. (Y/n) wanted to run towards her friend until her boss rubbed his face against the (h/c) haired girl, taunting the sobbing girl.

Was this was his way of breaking it to Dementia? If this is how the news was brought out, she would have rather shut up. Her and her big mouth.

(Y/n) attempted to run to Dementia but his arms slithered around her shoulders. "Dementia, I can explain!" (Y/n) yelled over her wailing. (Y/n) elbowed Black Hat and ran to the girl but was dragged back by her arm. "Let me help her! Let me go!" (Y/n) yelled as she turned to her best friend. "Dementia, I'm sorry!" She begged. She tore her arm away from the man with massive scars that bled and spilled on the carpet. Black Hat stared at his hand that had her blood spilling down his fingers and to the floor. (Y/n) was able to endure so much pain that even his claws couldn't scare her anymore. It was an annoyance now. She even tore her own flesh to be with Dementia.

(Y/n) fell in her knees and held Dementia who tried to push away from her. "Please, Demi. Demi, I didn't want this. I swear. I didn't want this. I did my best to convince him to love you." (Y/n) hugged the girl until she was punched off her. She gasped for air as she held her rib, bruising her skin and bone. She was lucky she didn't break her at first. "How long?" Dementia screamed, wiping away the tears. (Y/n) scrambled to her feet. "How long have to been with Black Bat behind my back?!" She walked out. (Y/n) frowned. "A week." She muttered. "And you got to kiss him?! And hug him? And who knows what else you have done to taint him!" Dementia howled at the girl. (Y/n) sighed, feeling disgust in herself. She gulped, ready for what was coming. She was foolish to be with Black Hat. "I couldn't say no." (Y/n) whispered. "And how so? I'm your friend!" Dementia yelled. "He's my boss! I tried to say no before." She tried to explain until dementia ran to her, ready to punch her. (Y/n) grinned softly, ready for her demise.

Why out up a fight when you're in the wrong? She had it coming. (Y/n) could at least die in Dementia's hand. It may not be honorable but, it would be a punishment for herself.

Both girl gasped as Dementia received a harsh slap across her face and beat to the floor by Black Hat. "She works for you!" (Y/n) yelled at Black Hat and helped Dementia up. "Oh god. I'm so sorry Dementia." She begged for Dementia to answer her. Dementia tackled the girl down, ready to bite at her. (Y/n) grinned, ready to embrace Dementia but it was Black Hat kicked the girl off her. "Deme-" Black Hat pushed (y/n) to Dementia. "Tell her. Everything. Of the moments we caressed one another, gave pet names just not earlier before." Black Hat smirked. "Stop it." (Y/n) frowned. "I don't want what we have anymore! Whatever we had! I couldn't say no! You have my soul, you're my boss! What was I meant to do?!" (Y/n) yelled at her boss. Dementia frowned, getting on her feet. "But didn't you say you took a liking in me?" Black Hat smirked. "I was caught up in the moment! Fucking damn it! I... I don't like you! I can't! I'm... I- I've been helping Dementia be with you even for the week I persuaded you into being with her." (Y/n) felt her head spiral around with white, blue and yellow hallucinating lights around her line of vision.

Black Hat glared at her. "So you submitting to you was all a lie? Were you not broken enough?" Black Hat raises an eyebrow in curiosity. "Yes its a lie. That's why I couldn't shut up about Dementia. Just-" "You're lying." Black Hat chuckled, approaching the girl closer.

Dementia watched the love of her life's eye flourish in red flames around the office with his claws extending out. His only visible eye was staring down at the girl. It was narrow, glaring through her, filled with sick madness. "I already told you the one existence I actually care for is yours. If that means having you by force, I have no issue in breaking you more. But where's the fun in that? Or the fun of having you at your own will to obey me."

Black hat shifted his eyes to Dementia who stood there, still. She was enamored by his voice as if he was saying it towards her. But she knew full well it wasn't. She just wished she was in (y/n)'s feet. (Y/n) frowned, wanting to speak up but knew there was nothing for her to say. "If I hear from you one more time of Dementia and I pairing up, I'll make sure you won't ever see the light of day again." Black Hat tugged on (y/n)'s arm. "And we're not splitting up. As long as your soul is mine, you're stuck here, with me~" Black Hat hissed, turning to the girl who was looking at Dementia who left the office.

(Y/n) continued to work, only her back was facing him for the remainder of the day. Not because she couldn't stand to see him, that would have happened the first day.

It was to hide the puffy eyes she had with the silent tears.

She had practically lost someone being family to her. What next, Flug? Able to go outside?

(Y/n) couldn't take hiding her tears anymore. She wiped her tears away.

Her captor flashed in her eyes with his messed up hair as the aftermath of his nightly routine on her tied to the bed.

Was it really better if she was with her captor if Black Hat? Only time could tell her for now.

(Y/n) hasn't seen Dementia in days. She wasn't allowed to. After Dementia ran and cried to Flug for help, it was well aware (y/n)'s relationship to Black Hat. He had no words of what was hidden from his friend.

(Y/n) sat in her bed, staring out the window. At least the window wasn't board up. (Y/n) felt a claw stroke a strand of her hair away from her tear stained face. Black Hat smirked and kissed the top of her head he caressed her cheek. His hand brushed against her soft shoulders that were bare for him. And just him. (Y/n) sighed, holding his hands into hers. At least this was in her consent. As much as she wished she could deny it, she had fallen for the demon, but not as head over heels for him as Dementia is for him.

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now