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She came out the escape room, escaping the trance she was in while her mother rambled on. Her bloody fingertips dragged against the wall. She could see Black Hat's shadow. She ran down the hall and saw him.

He had a pillow over the man. "No! Stop it!" She yelled as she struggled to stop Black Hat from killing him. "He's a pathetic excuse of a hero. Let alone a father!" He groaned. "Please let him go! I killed my mom! My dad's practically dead! Please don't him!" She pleaded. "Everyone I know is dead, damn it! Please get off him!" She cried. Her gun would have no effect on Black Hat.

She hugged his arm, tugging on him. "Get away from him!" She cried. She sobbed as her father, her mentor was during and she couldn't save him. "Let him go!" She used her massive claws to grab Black Hat and pull him away momentarily as she hugged her father. "I'm so sorry!" She sobbed on her father. He wheezed as he wrapped his hand on her finger. (Y/n) hugged her father. "I'm home. I'm home, dad. I'm here. It's me, (y/n)." She smiled at her father.

His (e/c) eyes stared back at her. "My, you've grown so beautifully." She grinned at his daughter. The two heard a gun cock before blood splattered on the (h/c) haired girl.

The left side of his head and eye has been blown away, exploded. (Y/n) stared at the dead man in her arms for a good 4 minutes.

(Y/n) turned to her boss who tossed the gun on the foot of the bed. "Let's go. The job is done. No one is taking you into their malfunctioning family. Not that you have one anymore." Black Hat scoffed. (Y/n) stared at her boss.

He has been the most diabolical man she's met. How could someone make her kill her family and children for their own reputation.

(Y/n) frowned. "Why couldn't you let him live?" She whispered. Black Hat turned around. "Don't start crying on me." He growled, reaching for her. She stepped away from, standing beside her dead father.

A spark lit up instead Black Hat's head.

Was this how he had to break her?

Then again, the man lied about her family being dead but she had no choice since she's in debt to him and her freedom. But she had her family dead.

He barely noticed the girl fiddling with the trigger against her head. Black Hat smacked the gun out of her hand. "You're a fucking idiot! What did I tell you about wanting to die?!" He growled, grabbing both sides of her face. She slapped him and ran out the room.
Black hat was stunned by the slap but the demon refused to put up with her.
He grabbed her wrist, sinking his claws into her wrist. "Ow!" She cried as she was dragged closer to him. "You cry over this?? I'll show you pain!" He struck her from the back of his hand, causing her cry and cover herself for some defense. He let go of her wrist and grabbed a fistful if her hair that was neatly tied in a bun as she usually had it to keep it out of the way. She held in her breath, turning her face away from him.
Black Hat's eyes turned into amusement. So this is how her captor viewed her? The broken girl she is right in his arms.

Her pink flushed face with her soaked cheeks with sticky tears and pathetic wails. Her hair so soft through his fingers. Her eyes barely visible but even there she held the beauty in them. She was so weak on her knees, accepting every blow landing on her.
Black Hat's eyes grew with sick madness in them as he dropped over her.

And yet he could feel what humans called shame.

Black Hat summoned his cane and lifted in the air. "No!" She howled as she dragged herself out of his arms despite a few of her hair being cut and her hair tie being cut too. She ran, her hair bouncing an flowing behind her. She raced down the stairs, running to Flug who managed to help the ship down.

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now