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(Y/n) grabbed the letters and shoved them in a small back pack she had but never used. She grabbed a near by white coat in her closet which was her size, seemed familiar too. She wore on (f/c) jeans and her black sneakers in stead of her boots. It so dark outside. Who'd care what shoes she has on. She wore a black velvet spaghetti strap tank top under the coat.

(Y/n) stepped on the railing and jumped off, spinning around. Black Hat watched the energetic girl waiting to get outside. She was so excited. Who could have thought crying and banging someone could let them trust you. And taking them out to throw bricks at cop cars.

(Y/n) laughed at throwing the bricks at the cops down below. "That's what they get for thinking their heroes." She scoffed. Black Hat lit the remaining letters and set them ablaze into the air. "Won't it cause a black out?" She asked. "And what?" Black Hat grinned. She smiled, watching sharks fly and people scream of the letters and fires starting. She sighed.

"I don't remember buying this jacket." She seemed confused by the jacket. "You stole it from Bianchi." Black Hat explained. She stuck her tongue out. "Ew." She gave the jacket to Black Hat. "Can you light this up for me?" She allowed her hair to blow and sway in the wind getting wild, allowing her skin to finally be shown. Black Hat held the cloth nearest to her hand. The two villains set the jacket on fire although Black Hat jumbled it up and threw it to an electric tower near by. "Damn. That was far." She grinned as she sat at the edge of the building. "You're not scared of  falling?" He stepped closer to her. "Why should I? I'm on guard. I have powers like no other." She held her head high, enjoying the afternoon breeze and the cooling sun that was setting.

Flug sighed of relief covered in ashes. "Finally, he's dead. Come on Dementia. Come, 5.0.5." He waved them over to get back home. Dementia skipped to the flying contraption whole 5.0.5. spun around chasing a butterfly. "I wonder how bored (y/n) is." Dementia giggled.

"Get fucked!" She threw a can of tear gas she stole from the police and threw it back at them. She wiped away the tears. "Damn it. The gas touched my eyes." She groaned. Black Hat licked his fingers and fixed the issue by rubbing his finger over her eyelids. "There. My DNA allows myself and other beings to be healed. I'd just rather not help others but myself." He explained. She opened her eyes and seemed confused. "Equally disgusting but cool." She threw the Can back at the cops. "Where are they coming from?" The cops were screaming around. (Y/n) yawned. "Let's go somewhere else. This is bullshit." (Y/n) yawned more. "Or you're getting tired from the surgery and writing back to my fans." Black Hat explained why she was Ike how she was. She nodded. "Yeah but, let's go sneak in some museum. I wanna destroy a few artworks." She turned on her heal. "Well you're not getting in like that. Your shoulders are a distraction." Black Hat scolded the girl.

"Then quit staring." She said before climbing down the emergency fire escape ladders. "Don't talk back to-" He reaches for the girl who ran down the ladders, laughing at the chase which Black Hat chased after her down the steps.

In their own way, they spun and danced.

Until they found their way to some heroes art gallery. (Y/n) glances over to Black Hat who gave her a malice look. (Y/n) was ready for the chaos.

(Y/n) cheered as the place lit up with green flames. Black Hat had so many powers and yet could destroy villains so easily.

(Y/n) heard her phone ring and noticed it was Dementia. "Yello?" She answered, turning her back from Black Hat. "Hey Dementia." She grinned. Black Hat approached the girl from behind, hearing every word Dementia said. "I can't find you in your room and I'm to lazy to look around. What section are you in the house?" Dementia seemed concerned. "Why?" (Y/n) paced back and forth until Black Hat out his hand on her head. "Quit moving around." He groaned. Dude to Dementia being a huge admirer to Black Hat, she could hear Black Hat. "Wait, you're with Black Hat. Where are you?" She asked. (Y/n) looked at the street names and was going to reply until the man teleported them back to his office. "Uh, in his office." She seemed confused in what he had done until he shoved her out his office.

She quickly understood why when Dementia appeared and hung up the call. "Based on what you're wearing, he yelled at you." Dementia scoffed. "Let me tell you about the fun we had!" Dementia grinned. (Y/n) followed her to her room but took a quick glimpse at Black Hat's office doors.

(Y/n) sighed as she changed her bandage in her bathroom. 'He's not so bad. Guess I was just being a bitch for no good reason. Then again, he's my boss so I can't say no. But he's, kinda sweet.' She thought to herself. Dementia barged in. "(Y/n)! Guess what!" Dementia giggled. (Y/n) scowled at her as she was wearing a sports bra and tight but breathable shorts she has on. "I just thought about something. How would it feel to kiss Black Hat?" She cooed. (Y/n) scrunched here nose in disgust. "First of all, Dementia you barged in the bathroom to tell me that? Second, no. He has centipedes and other bugs in his ears and mouth and has goo an-"
"And so hot and handsome!" Dementia cut her off. (Y/n) shrugged. "Go for it. Just, don't tell me how it feels either." (Y/n) cringed.

(Y/n) fixed her bandage and saw her phone ring. "I'll answer it for you." Dementia said. (Y/n) ran to get her phone and answered. "Yes?" She landed on her stitches. "Come to my office." Black Hat said abruptly and hung up. She didn't understand why for. "I think I'm in trouble." (Y/n) winced. "Well, it was nice knowing you." Dementia waved at her with a handkerchief. (Y/n) shook her head and grabbed a shirt to wear over her bandage.

She made her way to his office but he opened the door for her. "No magic to make it open by itself?" She seemed confused. "No. I wanted you here so I can return this." Black Hat handed her the other pair of the diamond earrings. "You can have them back. I won't be needing them anymore. But it was ki-"
"Don't call me that damn word. I am nothing but that. Now get out." He grabbed her hand and handed her the earring and pushed her out. She sighed and left. "Thanks." She went to her room and gave a thumbs up to Dementia that she wasn't dead.

(Y/n) fiddled around with her pencil as she continued to study and list her own assignments on who to attack next and hand them to Flug. She sighed and finished the last location before she would sleep.

She would have if it weren't for the letter found on her pillow. (Y/n) scanned the window and outside if anyone was watching her. She closed her curtain and window before she sat on her desk, looking at the paper.

We aren't dead, (l/n)

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now