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(Y/n) frowned as she wore a baggy T shirt and her basketball shorts. It was 9 am. Not usually the hour she wakes up but she wasn't going to work anytime soon.

(Y/n) combed her hair and brushed her teeth when Dementia knocked on her door. She hummed letting the girl in. "Breakfast! I made it! Now eat it!" She handed (y/n) a bland egg. She sighed. "I can't eat the yolk. Just the whites." (Y/n) picked at the egg on her plate. Dementia groaned. "Racist. Then go make your own breakfast." Dementia sat on her sink. (Y/n) rolled her eyes. "I didn't ask you to make me breakfast. But that was sweet of you. Let's go make some real breakfast." (Y/n) guided Dementia to the kitchen.

Dementia babbled on and on about Black Hat whole (y/n) made everyone an omelette. "He's so evil! And I'm evil! So we're a perfect match!" Dementia giggled. (Y/n) grinned. "I like hearing how in love you are. It gives me hope in this stupid world." (Y/n) admitted. Dementia shrugged . "Guess so. By the way, we've never talked about your loves. How were they?" Dementia asked. (Y/n) felt her (e/c) eyes sting.

"Baby! Get up!" (Y/n) opened her eyes to her boyfriend. "Ya exited for prom?" He asked through his braces. She grinned and nodded. "I still can't believe they put as 'The Only One Who'd Get A Participation Award'." He pouted his lips. (Y/n) sat up, fixing her pleated knee length skirt. "Awe come on. At least you weren't called the class clown." She chuckled. "But they did! Very subtly." He muttered. She chuckled. "So what? I don't care. And I'd rather have a wild wacky circus all to myself than share it with other's criticism." (Y/n) kissed his cheek. She could feel his cheeks flush hotter by her kiss and her compliments. "You're amazing (y/n). God I'm so lucky to have you as my wife." He chuckled. She grinned. "I mean, at least I'm glad I know who I'm getting married to. And lucky to have you around my age. Come on old man, let's go home. We have a dance to get ready to." She got up and helped her fiancée up. He held her hand and both walked hand and hand back home.

Her eyes widened as they made it home, watching a superhero saving the day again. Her friends wished to get his autograph and begged (y/n) to ask him since she's the daughter of one. She agreed and made her way over and waved at the man. The man was captivated by her confidence and bright eyes. He couldn't get enough of them. They were common but gee how they made her stand out. He fly down to her and signed her paper but gave her his card. "Call me anytime." He blew a kiss to her which several girls yelled and became jealous of the girl, even her friend. She turned over to the man who winked at her. (Y/n) felt a twinge if awkwardness as the hero flirted with her but she was engaged to someone else since she was in middle school.

She threw the memories away. "And then Black Hat was yelling at this girl for getting in his way and it found it so hot! His loud and deep voice! I can't have enough of him!" Dementia rambled off as (y/n) went on autopilot for a while as she found herself out of a trance and was sitting at the table eating. She gulped and nodded. "Say, about Black Hat, he said you had a word with you. Maybe he's talking about you not working soon and how me and Flug and 5.0.5. will go instead. Maybe that or not." Dementia thought. (Y/n) frowned. She would feel trapped again.

She sobbed as she held her ankle from running in her heels. She looked behind her. There laid her boyfriend's body on the ground. (Y/n) sobbed loudly, yelling for help. Until a familiar hero lowered himself to her level. "Hey hey, quit crying hun. I'm here. I'm here." She still wouldn't cry as her captor had killed her husband. So he struck her face with the back of his hand. This was how she met her captor.

(Y/n) sighed, thinking about Dementia. "Dementia, remember how we talking about you marrying Black Hat?" She asked softly. Dementia knew (y/n) was getting emotional. "Don't tell me you like-" "God no Demi. What I want to say is, if you marry him, please stay safe." (Y/n) felt her eyes water. Dementia understood what she meant. Although she made fun of her traumatic relationship with her captor, she still helped her get over it. She hugged the girl. "Don't sweat it."

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now