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(Y/n) yawned, reading the files Black Hat assigned her. "This is so stupid. How can't people fight these guys? They seem really weak." She shuffled around the papers. "Not sure. Guess they're so pathetic. Hah! Like you were, (y/n)!" Dementia chuckled. She glared at the lizard girl. "Whatever. Anyways. This guy seems to be using other villains and heroes as ransom. This means we need to be extra careful." She held in a chuckle. "I'm starting to sound like Flug." She whispered. "I kinda think Flug likes you." Dementia grinned. (Y/n) glared at Dementia. "Dementia, he doesn't believe in love and neither do I. He's just a worker here. I just help around. There's no use for me here so I'm just irrelevant to you all." (Y/n) expressed her thoughts as she grabbed a pen and pad and wrote a few addresses. "Did Black Hat dismiss you to leave yet? It's so boring when Flug leads." She groaned. "He said I could work. I hope he means that too." She got up and handed Dementia the address. "Tell Flug that's where we're heading too. Bring your phone too, just in case the transmitters don't work." (Y/n) yawned. "Let's go to the ship." She walked along with Dememtia who was excited, only to impress Black Hat. She rolled her eyes.

As (y/n) grabbed the transmitters and went down to the basement to meet Flug and Dementia. "Ready?" Dementia asked. (Y/n) nodded. "Are you sure Black Hat gave you a pass to leave?" Flug read through his papers on his clipboard. "It's still my job. Let's do this, Demi!" (Y/n) jumped into the ship and buckled in as 5.0.5. waved the two girls away.

(Y/n) sighed, taking a few seconds to stretch before they exited the ship. "Ready to get the work done?" (Y/n) asked Dementia who stared down at her phone that had photos she captured of Black Hat. "As much as I love killing heroes, but I wish I wouldn't leave my Black Hat behind." She cooed, kissing her phone screen. "Let's hurry it up. That way I can make you dinner for you and your hubby." (Y/n) grinned, teasing about Dementia's 'marriage' with Black Hat. Dementia yelled of excitement before running down the ramp and climbed the walls to find the hero faster. "Dementia! It's this way!" She alemán to the right direction while Dementia followed.

Black Hat grabbed new files and threw them onto his desk. "Flug!" Black Hat yelled. Flug gasped and screamed before running into Black Hat's office. "Yes sir?" She whispered. "Call (y/n). She seems to be slacking off. All these papers are stacked and no sign of her working!" He snarled, tinkering with the vial around his neck. "But sir, you said she could work. She's on her way to defeat a hero right now with Dementia." Flug gulped, regretting letting her go. "You what?!" Black Hat snapped. Flug screamed as Black Hat's shadow loomed over him. "She wrote the address down before she left." Flug handed Black Hat the slip (y/n) handed him to navigate the ship to the area as neither of the girls could fly the contraption. Black Hat grinned and chuckled, a bit of green saliva trailing down his lips.

(Y/n) panted, laying on the front gate of the villain's home. "Now, to burn it to ashes!" She grabbed a massive stick and stole it against the floor before throwing it over the gate and onto the gasoline drenched house. (Y/n) clapped her hands together as Dementia giggled at the sight of fire. "So Dem, are you gonna be Lady Dementia Hat or Lord Dementia Black Hat?" (Y/n) asked out of curiosity. Dementia hummed. "No clue." She shrugged. (Y/n)'s shields activated when the hero shot an arrow at her but was bounced off. "You rats! How dare you burn my home?!" He yelled, aiming thunder boos at the girls. (Y/n)'s whispy claws rached and grabbed for the man but he was running at light speed. She growled and trapped him under the claws. "Now!" (Y/n) signaled to Dementia who launched onto the man. (Y/n) sighed, having to hold down the man's arms or else he'd stroke at the two girls. (Y/n) felt eyes omg her and Dementia and scanned the perimeter with Flug's device to detect any heroes around her. But there was no one. "Hurry it up, Dementia. Curfew is almost kicking in for me." She frowned.

The sky boomed with the clouds brightening up with lighting inside them. The heavy and sharp drops of water his her bare skin, sure to give her a cold. Her eyes widened, realizing the man was about to attack Dementia. "Dem, stay where you are!" She ran to Dementia and made a dome around her. The two girls tripped or stumbled where they stood by the massive lightning strike. (Y/n) winced, closing her eyes of how bright the streak was. Dementia giggled as the man screamed. "Wait!" He yelled before the earth shook by the thunder. (Y/n) lost her balance by the shaky and slippery ground and she fell out of her own dome. She gasped, knowing nothing can't leave or enter. She ran to a near by house until her shadow became thinner and thinner and faded by the bright light behind her.

It was then it hit (y/n)'s mind that the man was targeting at her with the lightening bolt. She threw her self to the ground before it hit her a few yards away. She sighed of relief, sitting her knees when she winced at her scraped knee and bruised ribs. She turned to face Dementia struggling with the man but she seemed to be winning. (Y/n) smirked, knowing they'd win and kill this hero. Until it arose from the burning grass and aimed at her again. The moment she faced the lightening bolt, dark and thick flesh tentacles wrapped around her waist, wrists and ankles before forcefully yanking her of the ground and to a wall. She groaned and opened her eyes to see the lightening bolt aim at Dementia. "Dementia! Get up!" She yelled. Just as she said so, the man stood up and got sliced in half by his own weapon. (Y/n) sighed.

Her eyes narrowed. "Who the hell rescued me?" She whispered. She yelled as she was kicked aggressively out of the shadow and into the wet and bloody ground where Dementia stood at. "(Y/n)? What the hell happened to you?" Dementia questioned as she stopped chewing on the dead hero's arm. She gasped and grinned at the mysterious man coming out of the shadow.

(Y/n) held her hip where she was slicked for a while, panting before she stood on her own and regained her balance. Her (e/c) eyes widened at the man and bowed on one of her knees. Dementia giggled as she gave heart eyes at the scowl wearing man. She stared down at the ground, knowing it was either past her curfew or she left without reminding him or the fact she didn't finish the paper work or the fact that she was still injuries or the fact that she was directly excused by the man himself and left on her own account and telling Flug before him.

"Get up!" Black Hat used his power to lift her up by her arm harshly as he stepped closer to (y/n). (Y/n) gulped and stared at the demon's single visible eye. Unexpectedly, the man slapped her harshly across both sides of her face. "Get inside." He dragged her to the shop and shoved her in. Dementia sat beside Black Hat while (y/n) shuffled her sprained ankle to the pilot seat and pressed the emergency button which led them back to the mansion. She psalm into her seat and sighed. Dementia poked her numb cheek. "Does it hurt?" She asked. "You get used to it. Especially where I'm from." (Y/n) sighed. She laid against the chair before Flug called. She was about to answer until Black Hat threw a chair at the call button. "Don't answer to him. He should have known better than to dismiss you without my approval." Black Hat glared at (y/n). She nodded.

By the time the two girls got home, Dementia climbed around the walls and punched on 5.0.5. Black Hat grabbed a fist full of (y/n)'s hair.

"We need to have a 'very' long talk."

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now