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(Y/n) yawned, texting Alessandro as Dementia was straightening her hair. "Dementia, leave my hair as it- what the fuck!" (Y/n) choked on her yawn as admeemntia burned her scalp. "Quit moving and maybe it won't hurt." Dementia scolded her. "Don't touch my ear either. The ointment is still drying out." (Y/n) remained her as her phone went off.

So I hear you work outside the mansion unlike the others? How about we meet where we continued off on our date?

(Y/n) felt her eyes twitch of disgust. 'He could be lingering me into a date rape. I have to stay alert. I can't drink anything he holds. Or gives. Should I tell Flug? Nah, I should be alright. I have to choose the location to stay aware. I don't have to say who I'm meeting up. I just have to be at that place and near some place to eat or talk at.'

(Y/n) texted, Sure, why the hell not. There's a small town near Hatsville. Let's meet there since there are a few heroes lingering.

(Y/n) ties her now straightened hair down into a low ponytail and dressed in her casual uniform for the outdoors; jeans, a (f/c) jacket, black V neck shirt and white boots. They were always an eye catch.

(Y/n) applied a bit of glass and mascara before she grabbed her list. She reached in her pocket for her phone. "Fucking damn it I lost it again! Dementia, can you call me?!" (Y/n) called out. Then his voice echoed in the house, "Why the fuck are you still inside?! Get the job done!" Black Hat yelled. "Shit shit shit!" She whispered as she just forgot the  phone on Flug's desk but couldn't as she could feel Black Hat's eyes on her somewhere.
She made it to the door. "I'm off!" She yelled out before running out to the streets. 'I hope I faced it down.'

Black Hat stared at the girl running down the street, noticing her hair flow around as she ran. She seemed to get ready for no damn reason. Black Hat looked in between his fingers that he fiddled around with. Her earring from last week was still in his hand. As long as she had the other pair, it meant nothing to him. Almost like a contract binding the two, again.

An odd sound ran continuously. Flug groaned. "5.0.5., answer the phone." Flug mumbled, eyes fixated at the invention he struggled to perfect.  The blue bear nodded and grabbed (y/n)'s phone and answered. "Herro?" He growled out with a cute grin. "When should I schedule a date? You said you're work hours end near 9 right?"

5.0.5. lightly gasped and turned to Flug who seemed confused. He reached the phone from his son and stepped out the lab. "Who is this?" He seemed confused on why someone was calling him. "(Y/n), it's Alessandro." He sighed. Flug covered his mouth and looked around if anyone was listening. Especially if Black Hat was listening. Sweat formed on his brows. What would happen if Black Hat heard this phone call. Or looked through her phone. For the sake of his, (y/n)'s and his own life, he had to tell him to wait until (y/n) called him. "I'm sorry but uh, (y/n) is busy at the moment. Please call again- Uh... be right back." Flug hung up and turned to his office until Demencia dropped her pickle boba smoothie. Flug yelped. "Don't tell a soul." Flug whispered as he held (y/n)'s phone in his hand. Dementia nodded. "As long as she's not going out with Black Hat, I'll keep my mouth shut." Dementia drank her smoothie as she walked inside the lab. Flug sighed and followed after her.

What they didn't notice was the man himself watching from above at the top of the staircase. He scowled, disgusted how his own workers wouldn't tell him a thing if one among them were hiding an affair or traitor.

Dementia laughed as she tackled 5.0.5. who growled for Flug's help. Flug gasped and rushed to his son. "Get off him!" Flug groaned but fell back down. The three didn't even notice the lab doors open and shut with the (f/c) covered phone gone.

She didn't need a phone lock as no one would even touch her phone or so she thought.
Her lock screen was 5.0.5 waving at (y/n) with Flug tripping over Dementia's tail who was playing her guitar and dressing 5.0.5 in a pink jacket. It's plain to see she treasures the three goons. Her home screen seemed to be a constellation of a (f/a). Noticing her text messages and calls, there were barely any.

Her social media feed seemed to be about cooking videos, video game plays, dementia and some about 5.0.5'a feed about his game reactions. Black Hat groaned, not a single photo of herself she uploaded. Both he hated but lived as she kept herself hidden.
Her gallery was full of lists because her terrible memory, recordings of Dementia and Flug's disasters which she laughed in. Then a few pics of herself with Dementia out in town. Dementia has several clothes and dresses with their hangers and tags while (y/n) wore the clothes and the tags. Black Hat sent the few pictures of herself to his own phone which he'd edit to only have (y/n) in the picture. His eyes glanced up to her desk and found a  stray letter. His raised an eyebrow and scanned through it.
The name Alessandro made his blood boil. She she was with him? Out with him? Talking to him of all people.
Then a message popped up. So about our date, I found a park near by and don't worry, I sent a few guards to keep a look out for any heroes.
Text from: Alessandro.
He scolded through her phone and saw their messages, disgusted by her.
He unknowingly cracked her phone from a corner in his hand.

(Y/n) wipes away the blood on her cheek when she heard clapping. "Please tell me no ones fapping to this." She groaned in disgust. A laugh could be heard behind her. "Oh god no not that. I was amazed by your performance." She turned around to see Alessandro wiping a tear away. "Where did you find-" "You were yelling and going psycho on him. Poor thing didn't stand a chance. Now, on to our date." He took her hand. "But I'm a wreck." (Y/n) raised an eyebrow. He shook his head. "It shows me who you are." He extended his hand to her. She scowled at the man.

"Cut the act. What are you after? I'm suspecting you either are using me to get close to Black Hat but you've got the wrong move. I'm no where close to Black Hat and absolutely nothing to the others. Once I'm dead you bet your ass they'll replace me. They won't miss me. Using me won't get you anywhere. I'm tired of acting like I like you and acting as if I take interest in you. I know you're game, and you're not gonna win." (Y/n) scolded the man as she smacked his hand away and walked past him. He frowned.

"Then why did you lead me on?" He whispered. (Y/n) frowned, not turning back to him. "That's what we are. We're villains. We have to stab each other in the back." (Y/n) made her way out the alley but heard splashing of water behind her. "Go home. I'm done talking to you." (Y/n) could feel his hand on her wrist. "I'm not here for Black Hat. I am just a customer but knowing now that you are nothing to him, it makes it better. I really do like you. Because I am nothing either. So, consider my offer of us being together please." He begged.

Black Hat fidgeted the small vial of blood that hung from his neck. He could sense she was near him, he was touching her. The scent of his hand was wrapping itself around her arm. It almost made Black Hat gag at the thought of her body being corrupted by someone. Being broken by someone else. If he couldn't break her, then no one will. He will put the best performance to scare her wits. First and for most, torture Flug a bit for hiding the fact that she was out with a stranger. Second, kill the man. Third, make (y/n) his mind slave.

Black Hat stood by Flug who piloted the aircraft while Dementia was on her phone and 5.0.5. hummed and colored. Flug gulped amd read the scanner. "She's in the alley." Flug read off. "In the shadows?" Dementia seemed confused. "What about the dark side?" Black Hat growled at her. "Oh nothing. But she gets scared easily when chased in the dark." Dementia cooed as she stared at Black Hat. He smirked.

Once they landed Flug helped 5.0.5. down which Dementia stepped on the two of them. Black Hat watched from above at where they were at. Her stared down and found his Hat shaped PDA on the ground that was poorly crushed. He stepped down the building and reached down to the device. "5.0.5.!" He summoned the care bear who fell off the roof and rolled beside him. 5.0.5. sniffed the device and pointed to the park not too far away. Flug panted and he climbed down he ladder and helped his son up on his feet. "So, she's out of work and off with a man?" Flug asked. "So what? Let her have fun. Just, not with a hero or Black Hat." Dementia set her standards out. "You idiots." Black Hat snarled as he crushed the device.

"She didn't follow him with consent."

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now