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(Y/n) sighed, applying the small amount of makeup she learned on her own. "And I'm still a hideous bitch. Great." She sighed. Just as she sat in her bed 5.0.5. but bursted through her door. "Hey there, buddy." She grinned to se the blue bear. He handed a black box in his huge paws. "For me? What is it?" She asked. He growled and made small other noises as he handed the box to her which she accepted. "Can I opened it?" She asked. He nodded before walking out the doors. "Thank you!" She said, not sure why he left so suddenly. Maybe he forgot to get dressed and is in a hurry. "I wonder how Flug looks like in his suit." She pondered as she slipped on her heels and strapped them on.

(Y/n) stood in front of her mirror and sighed. She gazed up and down at her figure in the dress that Black Hat chose for her. "Of all things why this?" She groaned, fixing her hair she tied up in a messy side bun with a white headband to match her heels and the hem of her dress. (Y/n) stared at the box before lightly shaking it. "Sounds like jewelry." She muttered before she opens the box. Her eyes widened to pull out two long diamond earrings that are shaped as raindrops. "Who the hell has that much money to buy this?!" She gasped. She gently set them down on her drawer and wore them on.

They were slightly heavy but they looked elegant in her. There was a single black hematite gem at the top of the teardrop. She raised an eyebrow. "There's no way in hell he'd buy them. He's planning something. The dress, the earrings. This is probably an undercover mission." She frowned. She knew she had to put up an act and act naive and cheerful she didn't get to work it knew Black hat would never let this happen. "Smile, act happy, hug something later." She sighed as she applied a soft layer of a sangria purple red lipstick on her soft lips.

She knocked on Dementia's door which she was surprised Flug answered. His eyes widened as he looked at her. "Hideous I know. How's Dem-" "H-Hideous! No not at all! I-heh. You've out done yourself this time." Flug chuckled. (Y/n) gave a small genuine smile to the doctor. "Um, Dementia needed help to choose which shoes to choose and 5.0.5. needed assistance on his tux. He's still adorable no matter the size." Flug rubbed the back of his neck. "Can I see 5.0.5.? I bet he looks adorable." Her small grin grew. "Sure. Come in." Flug allowed the girl inside. Dementia hummed as she put her hair in a large messy and fuzzy ponytail while 5.0.5. fixed Dementia's red and black ballgown dress. (Y/n) sighed, happy to know Dementia didn't choose white. "You look better in your punk style. Don't get me wrong, you're beautiful in almost anything." (Y/n) complimented the reptilian girl. "I'll save the wedding dress for another day. As or right now, I'll just stay drop dead gorgeous." Dementia gazed at herself in the mirror before her eyes shifted to (y/n)'s reflections from behind. She gasped and hugged the girl. "You're so pretty!" She giggled. (Y/n) hugged Dementia back. 5.0.5. softly growled as he chewed on his tie. "5.0.5. I just fixed that!" Flug sighed and fixed his son's tie who couldn't stay still. (Y/n) walked up to Flug and fixed his collar. "Says the one who can't realize he almost looked like Dracula. Flug took a glimpse of (y/n)'s eyes before shifting them aside.

Dementia jumped on the staircase railing and landed perfectly on her feet. "Dementia! Stop standing on the railing!" He yelled. 5.0.5. clapped his paws together and hugged the railing before he slid the way down. "5.0.5.!" Flug followed them but tripped over his own feet and fell down the stairs. Black Hat groaned, looking down to Flug who fell at his feet. Dementia cooed and giggled with her tongue out, staring and goggling at Black Hat. 5.0.5. fell on top of Flug. Dementia winced at the sight but laughed nonetheless. (Y/n) sighed, not wanting to walk down the stairs but did anyways.

She noticed the scene and held in a chuckle at Flug's demise. Her (e/c) eyes met Black Hat's singular eye. She sighed and walked down calmly. She knew these steps. She lived here before. She was alright. She noticed Dementia jumping up and down once she appeared.

(Y/n) could feel someone's eyes on her once she was at the bottom of the steps.

Raising her confidence, she raised her head up and was beside Black Hat who stared back at her. Dementia pulled her to the side while Flug finally got Black Hat's attention once he got back up. "Alright, we're all accounted for. Let's go." Flug sighed, breathing heavily, cracking his back. Dementia hugged (y/n)'s arm as the walked out the door first.
'There's no reason for me not to smile. This is freedom. I actually have friends. What could go wrong?'

Then the hairs behind her neck stood up.

'How could I forget he's with us too?'

As they arrived to a church, Black Hat nearly gagged at the sound of church bells and doves singing. He even Stuart killed one with his laser visions and Dementia grabbed one near her and began to eat it. 5.0.5. was petting the ones that landed on his paws. Flug groaned and tried shooing them from his paper bag. (Y/n) helped scare them away from Flug. "So where do we enter?" Flug asked. "We make our own entrance." (Y/n) smirked, using her wisp like hands above the church. "I wish we could crash it." (Y/n) sighed, guiding the hand inside the church and grabbing several people from those who ran away. Dementia laughed at the people stuck inside. (Y/n) wiggled her fingers a bit to guide the hand out the doorway of the church. Several civilians made their way out and ran in terror. (Y/n) turned her heel and looked down at the city below. "Eat dirt!" She yelled as she pointed down to the city which her hand threw the people down at.

She turned back to the others in glee of her accomplishment until her eyes grew and dilated.

Black Hat could sense another presence near them and frowned. His eye watched (y/n)'s expression to the figure approaching them. She seemed to be in a trance. Shocked? Surprised? It couldn't be enamored. Could it?

He looked at the man who made his entrance. That damn red skinned man was surrounded by several other villains.

He wore a dark navy midnight blue suit with the top being an overlapping double breasted blazer jacket with a red interior based on his cuffed wrists with gold pins.

His toothy smile was bright, which captivated the (h/c) haired girl. His eyes stared back at (y/n) who stared back at him. Flug raised an eyebrow and glanced at the two while Dementia could sense Black Hat glaring at the man. 5.0.5. was excited about the food.

"I'm quite surprised you made it here at all. Come in!"

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now