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(Y/n) groaned as she sat up from the ground covered in glass and dirt with a tree that crashed in the large house. Knowing the house well enough, she ran ahead to find whoever was inside.

She ran up the stairs and heard an old man gasping. "Dear, what happened? What was that noise?" He asked. (Y/n) covered her mouth as she stared at the gun in her hand. She couldn't kill him. He trained her for so many years. He cared for her more than anyone else has in all her life. He's going to die anyways. All she had to do was find her mother.

(Y/n) frowned, walking through her house quietly. She passed her siblings bedrooms and went to hers. She opened the door and noticed a few things have gone missing. An amigurumi doll that had (h/c) crochet hair with (e/c) buttons with a (f/c) long shirt that looked like dress with black shorts underneath with a bright yellow pancho over her. (Y/n) also couldn't find the (f/a) stuffie on her bed. Or the family heirloom ring that could never fit her. She was supposed to give that to her husband.

"You just got there before we did!" Her mother's voice echoed. She ran to her voice, running down the halls and in front of the doors that wouldn't budge. "We actually found her!" Black Hat cackled. "Some pathetic heroes couldn't find one of their own is quite pathetic." He added.
"You killed her father! That's why he's in this state! You knew if she stayed any longer with that hero she would get even more powerful! You didn't want to fight her! He couldn't even kill her then! But why? Why did you have to cause great pain to my family to lie about her death?!" Her mother sobbed. (Y/n) had heard enough and wanted explanations.

She bursted through the library her father once sat at and read her the newspaper clippings of the several heroes.
She swing the doors open and gasped to see her mother battling Black Hat. "Mama!" She called out. Her mother glared at her. "Disgrace." She spat. (Y/n) didn't care about the insult but wanted answers. She pulled a gun on her mother. Her mother gasped. "(Y/n), out that down!" She yelled at her. The young girl didn't listen. "You met him before?" (Y/n) asked. "When your father was getting attacked, he was the man who-" "Shut up!" black Hat stuck at the woman again. "Kill her, (y/n)!" Black Hat screamed at the girl. (Y/n) needed answers from both but needed to hear from her mother before she'd kill her. (Y/n) ran to her mother and pushed her against the wall which activated a button into the safe room. "No!" Black Hat banged on the now shut steel doors.

(Y/n) sat her mother down as she bled. "Talk! I want to know everything! How did you meet Lord Black Hat? What happened to papa? Did you have anything to do with that hero?" She asked. Her mother stared at her daughter in fear, a look she was getting used to. "Answer me!" She struck the woman with her gun. As much as she was shaking, (y/n) kept her cold eyes on her.

"I only wanted to save you. You were so well known that, any man would want you for power. They only had to pay up. Your boyfriend meant the world to you I know that, but a hero came up to your father and begged for your hand but he was a fool and didn't take the money. We needed the money for his prescriptions and he was the only one who paid for it all. I agreed to it but he found out about your boyfriend. I haven't heard from you three since. I guess you got mar-" "I am still the single bitch I am, (m/n)." She scolded the woman. "You sold me off? How... how did dad react to this?" She held in her tears and shaking fingers as the banging outside didn't stop.
"He went out to search for you but he put on the news for the missing successor, Black Hat found out about you. He killed your father before he raided the house in search for you. I told him I sold you off to save you. She stole from us and separated us. They all knew and never forgave me." The mother sighed. "But I couldn't care less. Now my husband is alive and living well-" "He's chained time an oxygen tank! His hero days are over because of you!" (Y/n) yelled at the woman. She glared at her daughter.

"Why are you getting upset at me but not at your boss? He wanted you dead so you wouldn't fight against him. He killed your father to begin with. He's to blame for your hellish life!" Her mother twisted the tales around. "Dad's not dead. I saw him." (Y/n) held in so many tears in the past years that none of them came out. "Why did you want me back?" She whispered to her mother. She shrugged. "Guess I found out that you were with the villains when the police can't you with Black Hat violating the police. I knew being a villain wasn't fit for you. You downgraded in so many ways." Her mother sobbed. "I..." She couldn't process what had happened. All that flooded her ears were dark whispers of Black Hat cackling behind her, around her, in her head. She couldn't process what her mother said except her mission assigned on blood.

No words could come out of her mouth as she pulled the trigger.

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now