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"Wasn't that the guy you twisted his neck around because he was apparently cheating on his wife by staring at some underaged girl?" (Y/n) asked as she spoke with Black Hat. "She already belong to someone much more powerful than his own corporation so it was bound to happen." Black Hat lifted a branch before it swung at him. (Y/n) was short enough to duck under it. "Just wondering, if you're evil and amoral, why do you care if he cheated on her or not?" (Y/n) asked. Black Hat glared at the girl beside him.

The man removed his ring behind his back and shoved it in his pocket as he was speaking to (y/n) and slightly flirting with the girl who felt quite uneasy by the man. Thankfully she felt Black Hat's eyes on her and left immediately, not caring what the two were once discussing about.

"Gross. He's so old and ugly and flirting with everyone in sight." (Y/n) remembered. "I never understood why people cheated on their significant others. I mean, if you're happy in your relationship then stay in it. But it's just so fucking toxic that people even tell you to leave but you're unable to then I guess it's understandable. Unless you're forced to by law." (Y/n) muttered. Black Hat could hear the change of her tone as she uttered out the few words. She lowered the flashlight down so the light wouldn't touch her face so her puffy eyes wouldn't be visible.
"How far down are we in this damn place anyways or are we going in circles?" She asked. Black Hat didn't say a word as he looked around. "Why did you drag me in here?" She asked with enough confidence before she shut herself up. She yelled as she was grabbed by the ankle and pulled upside down, flown to the sky. (Y/n) groaned as dropped her flashlight. Black Hat grabbed the flashlight and aimed where (y/n) was at. "You're an idiot. Watch your step next ti-" He was dragged in a net and growled and scratched at the net as (y/n) hung upside down by her ankle. "Well shit! Hopefully while I'm up here I might as well check if we're lost or not." (Y/n) reached for the flashlight from Black Hat and aimed it around her. "There's an exit right there. Just, hope I'll remember." She placed the small flashlight in her mouth as she grabbed the small knot on her ankle. "Perhaps you should hold onto something before you-"

(Y/n) screamed as she was falling down. She gasped as something stopped her fall by grabbing her shirt and bra strap. "Can't you use your powers? It's pathetic you need my help!" Black Hat shook the girl a bit. "I wish I could but I dropped the flashlight!" She yelled back. "Fine! I'll throw you somewhere and hold on to something." Black Hat groaned. "I can't see shit!" She yelled back.
"Don't! I think I have a flashlight somewhere."
"2..." He taunted the girl with a grin. "Wait Black Hat!" She hugged herself.
"3..." He tossed the girl with ease to the tree right before them. She screamed but luckily used her claws to grab onto the tree.
Black Hat snapped open the net and fell on his two feet on the ground. "I'm not jumping." She said as she sued her claws to slide down the tree and land beside him. "I lost the flashlight." She sighed as she couldn't find where it landed. "Who needs it." Black Hat scoffed as he walked ahead. "I do!" She chases after him.

The two made it near a ditch that slid down to an electric fence. "Seems pretty steep to climb down. Maybe there's somewhere else like steps." (Y/n) looked around until Black Hat grabbed her wrist tightly and stepped down. "What the fuck!" She screamed as the dirt was getting around her so he hugged into his arm to not blind herself a bit.

Black Hat turned to look at the girl holding onto him.

The moment at the park after her fight with Alessandro came to mind. Where she pressed her face into his chest and allowed her to cry on him. H found it pathetic but worth the salty tears on him.

(Y/n) tore the gate open with her claw and the two tripped and fell into a few bushes. "Ow! Fuck! Shit!" She repeated as they tumbled. She covered her head and neck but felt something warm against her that protected her from the fall. (Y/n) felt the fall stop and looked around to see darkness. 'Oh my god I'm dead!'

𝕌𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟. (BlackHatxReader)Where stories live. Discover now